Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter One-Hundred and Eight: Cleaning Up.

The foundation that Drake had formed with his magic slowly crumbled under the pressure of his spell as he fell through the splitting cracks at the center, his Heretical Endowment faded leaving only his Water Endowment to recover his status.

Plummeting to the ground Drake made out that no one had moved from their positions prior to him leaping into the air after Joker. Even the man Drake had caught before the incident was somehow still there, his mouth gapped in bewilderment of the fight that had just ensued.

Drake landed safely, his status slowly recovering but still in a fragile state from his spells backlash. Thankfully the spell was not as crippling as the first time he had used it, the extra use of the potion having a big part in that before.

Looking around he again spotted his equipment right where he left them, next to a shivering and frightened man.

“W-what are you!?” the man shouted loudly as Drake walked towards him, his shout somehow bringing back time to the area as everyone in the surrounding began to let go of their held breaths.

Drake lifted an eyebrow unsure how to answer it.

“I’m still human, can be an asshole when it suits me though. And right now. At this very moment. Slightly chilly. Now let me put my clothes back on will you? Can cut diamonds with these fucking things,” Drake said looking down at his chest, with a snarky grin.

Drake reached down pulling up his trunks as he heard a shout from behind him, the familiar voice of the auburn twin-tailed hair archer coming in clearly through the area.

“What happened!? Megan! Are you ok?! Shot!? Why are you naked?! Put some clothes on you fucking weirdo!” she shouted as Drake turned to face her, her hand going up to block her eyes, but Drake didn’t fail to notice she was still looking through the cracks in her fingers.

Drake rolled his eyes putting on his shaul first, then placing the rest of his equipment into his inventory to put them on all at once through the inventory window.

“I was forced to strip. Thank you very much. And I have about 200 witnesses that can attest to that Judge Judy,” Drake quipped, “Thanks for your concern…”

Next shimmering into view out of the air was Theodore, his face showing concern as Harley and Claire ran from the front, finally catching up with Drake and the rest of his group. Sherry wobbled back and forth many steps behind them.

“W-what happened?” Claire asked out of breath as she leaned on her staff.

“Oh you know,” Drake said turning to give her a quick wave of his hand, “Differing opinions on story importance,” Drake said smiling.

Drake flitted his shaul, a red potion falling out of the air which he grabbed and downed in a single gulp.

“Uh, taste like rotten strawberries… What I wouldn’t do for one of Bear’s potions…”

You call fighting over imaginary characters a difference of opinions…?” Natto scoffed.

Hey, he’s like the OG. Not everyone can use that move. Especially some half-wit villain. The guy was my childhood hero! Drake countered, looking around at the still mostly stunned people.

A man who ate his body weight several times over every other episode, neglected his children until he needed them to ‘train’ and beat the shit out of them on a regular basis putting a six-year-old on a different planet to fight a super-powered alien. And lest we certainly forget, another alien was also a better father figure than he was to his own children. That childhood hero?” Natto asked.

Yep, that one. And don’t you forget it! And hey beating the shit out of your kids and putting them in near-death traumatizing experiences is standard for anime dads! Drake defended.

Drake was forced to put his back and forth on hold as he saw some of the people that had revealed themselves in black begin trying to chant spells and skills to escape.

Moving quickly to intercept them Drake snapped his hand replacing his missing arm with one made of ice. Leaping forward he began placing ice collars on each person and towing them to the next until he had well over twenty people in ice neck collars.

“Oh no, none of you are going anywhere, not after the risk I just took to get you all to show your true colors. All of you and I are going to become very close friends until we reach the Camp,” Drake said, his eyes flaring to each color, “Very close friends,” he smiled.

“What in the back alley tom cat hell was that explosion we just seen?” Hudson said, finally joining the group from the back of the caravan, several of his drones flying above him.

“Is everyone going to ask this same question? Bad guys show up, I went pew pew with magic, I win, bad guys die,” Drake said sarcastically, miming a gun with his left hand and firing off a few imaginary bullets.

“Oh… that right is it?” Hudson replied, taking a look around at the rubble in the middle of the ground, and Drake holding a line of people in ice shackles, “Must have been a big bullet then, pup.”

“Oh you know me, flashy when it suits me,” Drake chuckled, “Now do we have chains for these guys or do I really have to haul them around?” Drake asked, his playful mood fading as he looked around, “If I wasn’t such a bleeding heart for fairness, I’d just do it myself, but it’s only right that they’re tried by an objective third party…” Drake finished reluctantly.

They hardly deserve such rights. They have been a part of a group that has killed since the start of the tutorial,” Natto said, confronting Drake.

True. But this way, they will be put to trial in front of thousands of people instead of just hundreds. Showing the rest of the tutorial what happens to people who indiscriminately kill others for whatever reason. Drake amended.

I must take back my previous statement. You might be far more evil than I have given you credit for…” Natto conceded, a sliver of concern in her voice.

Call it what you will, but it’s a good deterrent for anyone thinking of doing the same just because they are a little stronger than others. I’m sure it won't be the last time where I will have to make an example of others… Drake thought, his face visibly dimming.

“Sire?” Theodore asked, moving from one of the people Drake had in custody that he was placing chains onto to get closer to Drake, “Are thou feeling adverse from thou’s spells?”

Drake shook his head, “No I’m just… A little disappointed in people that’s all.”

“What? For what bloody reason? Don’t try to level with me and say you think these cunts deserve anything than what’s coming to them?” Jacqueline said finally entering the conversation.

“Oh aren’t you just a peach Jacqueline, always know what to say in the moment,” Drake said sarcastically, melting his Ice spell from around the necks of the now chained prisoners.

“I do, don’t I? Bout bloody time yo- Wait you’re being sarcastic aren’t you?” she realized.

Drake scoffed then readdressed the group.

“Alright everyone, we’re going to take a moment to reorganize, anyone who is hurt beyond your regenerative abilities, please come forward to get what you need to heal. Then we're going to keep moving, we have a few more hours until the camp and we want to make it there before noon!” Drake shouted over the group, earning him some distant gazes.

Drake tilted his head, wondering what was going on.

Turning to Claire he asked.

“Is something wrong?”

She shrugged her shoulders unsure herself.

“Are we really not going to talk about it..?” Tom said, suddenly speaking up.

“Talk about what?” Drake asked.

“About how you basically flashe-” Tom tried to explain before Amir put his hand to his mouth.

“No, we will not speak of it. Please ignore Tom, Sir. He doesn’t know what he’s saying,” Amir said, cutting him off.

Drake caught most of what Tom had gotten at, and simply shrugged, but caught some glances coming from Chelsea and even more embarrassed and confused ones from Megan who had both seen him stark naked.

“Eh, doesn’t bother me. I’m sure I have a picture or two on the internet showing it off. In fact, I’d be surprised if I didn’t,” Drake said honestly unperturbed.

Trying to change the conversation, Drake turned to their guide Miss Braun.

“Miss Braun, once everyone is settled please lead us the rest of the way,” Drake said, giving her a knowing glare, his aura spreading out ever so slightly.

“Y-yes… of course!” she answered.

Drake?” asked Natto.

Oh, you didn’t know? She’s part of their group. You said it yourself, I don’t need a guide to get to the camp. But I did need someone to lead us astray or, you know, into a trap. Drake replied.

...Then what was that all about cohesion and participation?”

It’s still true, but killing a few birds with one very large oversized rock is also good.

“Do you not mean two birds, one stone?”

Nope, many many birds. Drake said, thumbing to the small group of perpetrators now being corralled to the back of the group with the rest of the criminals from his own outpost, one of Hudson’s Big Boys and Drones above escorting them.

I get to clean up our group somewhat, and for those that didn’t fight in the initial group with Joker, get to assume either I’m incompetent falling into their plan by following their guide. Or they think I'm a genius for foiling their plans. Or ya know, just think I’m a monster in human skin from how I trashed their leader naked. Drake mused, a smile cracking his even stare at Miss Braun, her brow beginning to sweat.

Then what will you do with this woman later?” Natto asked.

She will get tried like the rest, but we didn’t lose anyone in the attack thankfully. I was not expecting Megan to get held hostage though, she’s level 18 you would think she would be a little more attentive… He thought, turning around to the group.

Chelsea, Harley, Theodore, and Jacqueline were standing around a few people, a glow of white around them as they were being healed. Once the light dimmed, Drake caught Megan’s eyes, her face turning scarlet but she moved to him despite that.

Drake raised his brow, looking down at the blonde woman.

“A-are you hurt also..?” Megan asked not meeting his eyes.

“Oh, yeah I’m fine, my hand is slowly healing, no need for a healing spell, the potion I took will do just fine,” he told her.

She nodded and turned quickly.

“Th-thank you for saving me. Chelsea was right, you might be an asshole.. But you aren’t all bad…” she mumbled, running back to their small group, finding her way into the arms of Chelsea.

Drake scoffed.

“Gross, it’s making me itchy being thanked like that…” he sighed, feeling another person approaching him from the side.

Turning his head, he saw another woman he had tersely interacted with when he had saved Megan and the others.


“I’d like to also thank you, Sir. I didn’t feel comfortable disturbing you when you got back from fighting the Goblin King, so I’ve been waiting for a good time to say it… but it’s been one thing after another with this group. And seeing how you fought. It’s so much different than how you fought with Chris, can I ask what class you are?” Julia asked.

Drake chuckled lightly, “I thought you were thanking me, not interrogating me,” he grinned.

Julia winced.

“Sorry, my curiosity got the better of me.”

“It’s alright. I’m sure most people are trying to figure out my class just like you,” he said, waving his hand dismissively, “I can’t tell you unfortunately, at least not yet. And a thanks isn’t needed, I was simply helping a party member when all of that happened. But I do appreciate you helping the hostages with your barriers, it helped when saving them.”

Julia’s expression became confused.

“How did you know? That spell has no visual indication, and I wasn’t in range for you to hear me…” she wondered aloud.

Drake pointed to his eyes.

“I have a pretty good magic sensing skill, seeing that much mana shifting kind of gives it away. So no saying thanks, we’re even, and it makes me itchy…” Drake laughed.

Julia relaxed from Drake’s relaxed manner and nodded.

“Alright, that’s comforting to know,” she replied.

“What is?”

“Knowing you aren’t as big an asshole as Chelsea, Megan and Jacqueline make you out to be.”

Ha! I knew you had a special ability to piss off women!” Natto laughed inside his head.

Drake sighed.

“Can I ask one more thing though?” Julia asked, speaking up again.

“Sure, we have some time before we have to move. Shoot.”

“What’s with the pink ears and tail? I thought you said you were human?” she asked.

Drake cringed, completely forgetting that Natto had him wearing her squirrel ears and tail to help sow confusion.

“Ah.. Those… Let’s just say it's from one of my items. It doesn't help much, eats a lot of food, and tends to be very loud and annoying but every so often it gives a gem of advice,” Drake grinned wryly.

Fuck you idiot!” Natto shouted.

Guess I do have superpowers. Drake laughed internally.


 Thank you for reading as always.

Here are some more basic AI Renders for the characters.

Jacqueline.                                                                                   Theodore



Chelsea.                                                                                           Julia.




I did forget to post the others as well from last chapter here is Claire, and a basic one of Natto. It was hard to get Natto to look small with the AI Render I used, and also hard to find squirrel ears. But this is pretty close!



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A bigger thanks to my T2 Patrons: Fallacha, Gavin T. Mike, Sphinxes, Benji, Isaac H., M. R., Tyler, Nic, Blacklark57, Aksam, Benji, M.R., Braincase, Shakekiller, Regan B., Jonathan G. Jr., George M., Brother Grey, Jakub T., Nim, Talen D., James M., Liam B., DayWalker, Mark W.

And a massive thanks to my T3 Patrons: Jesse M.  C Alex G. Bum Bumbo, Paul F. Liam B., Eb, Richard M., Richard R., Pergamon, Gavin T, Carolyne, Thomas B W., Zachary G., Michael W., skeri123, Leon O. Alfredo S., Richard B., Sye, Coco-Jin, Zu'ul, eroth, Adrian D., Chris M., Jan T., Nathan V.M., Olivier M., Ugly Bastard Tag da Best, al, David E., Green S., Greenboy676, Mark T, Nathan V. M., Jame I., Firinen, Raymond N., UnknownS0n, Romain V., Daniel R., xerxes, Aran K., Mr. Book-Stash, Jetforce, Tanner, Swampfox, SupremeTempest, Bryan R-B, Josh, Mason G., Navarre C H., Connor B., Pratish S., Jacob F. Adam G., TheGreenKraken, SirDeP, deadmo, Happy Pixie, Jake T., James N., Jhon A., Curtis M., John A., Shadowpulse, Melanie S., Jessy P., Patrick W., skeri123, John A., Arterion, Jordan J., TheAverageNerd, Albert, Alexikon, Kenneth K., Col A., Alex, Malcolm W., Thortinshire., Bladesunder, Blaze, jason p., thethra, Maxwell J., Aditya V.K., Hartley, Chase

An extra ordinary extraordinary thanks to my Only T4 Patron: Cameron M.

And a special thanks to my very first two patreons:

Mark M., and Mr. Redd.


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