Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter One-hundred and Seven: Copy Cat Joker

Drake rushed in the direction of the scream, the man within his grip in tow.

What awaited him was more than he expected. More than ten people lined up each one holding a person hostage with blades of all shapes and sizes against their necks.

More people with high-level stealth skills. God, I hate stealth classes! Everyone picks them! Drake cursed.

In the hands of the familiar-looking people were members of the caravan, and more in particular, one that Drake recognized by name was the one in the middle.


Somehow she had been taken by the man in the middle who struck Drake as someone familiar but he couldn’t place it, his identification skill not able to glean any information as well.

The man in Drake’s grip continued to struggle in vain against Drake. His fingers burrowed deeper into the man’s flesh.

“Oi, jackass. Let my guy go unless you want to see pretty Miss here bite the dust in a very painful way,” the man said, a smirk on his face.

Out of the ten people lined up, he was the only one showing his face, but Drake couldn’t place why.

Drake took in the surroundings, Megan was the only one he personally knew that was taken hostage, the rest he didn’t know by name but they were under his protection all the same.

Drake began to relax but didn’t let go of his Endowment. The man seemed to not know that it was a spell that was active so he planned to use that to his advantage.

He did as the man asked, slowly releasing the man. Drake’s left hand was dotted in red from the puncture wounds he inflicted.

The man gave a scream and a yelp when he was dropped to the ground, but quickly scrambled to make his way over to the rest of the group.

“Dumbass. Don’t you know ya never negotiate?” the man sneered, slowly moving his knife to the side of Megan’s face as she gave a sharp internal scream that came out in a whine, “Now what are we ganna do with all of you? Went and gave us some nice stuff here on a silver platter huh?”

Drake stayed silent, biding his time. His experience with Stewart had told him it was better to just let the crazy ones talk, and look for an opening.

The man’s brow twitched, apparently not getting the reaction he wished for from Drake.

“I’m talking to you asshole! The fuck are you an NPC?! How did someone like this kill Stewart anyway?” he shouted in anger.

Drake’s body subtly stiffened at the mention of Stewart’s name.

He knows Stewart? Drake thought, keeping his eyes locked on the man now.

Is he perhaps another worker from your job Drake?” Natto asked slightly confused as well.

No, I've never met him, but he looks familiar. I can't place it… Is it from his Rank Up?

“Doesn’t matter, you’ve got quite a big bag of TP on ya don’t ya Shot, little buddy!” the man laughed, “But, seems like you’ve gained a few levels as well recently so you can’t all be show. Strip,” said the man deadpan.

Drake’s brows raised.

Is this guy a pervert?

“You heard me prick, strip. All that armor and gear, take it off,” the man said again, “That is unless you want us to kill everyone ahead of schedule?”

After the man spoke, more people began to walk out from the crowd, placing black masks over their faces and changing into gear Drake hadn’t seen in the camp before.

Little insects… Do not you dare do what he is asking,” Natto demanded, “You do not need to put yourself in the way of what is happening. Kill that man now before he simply demands more and more.”

No. It will be fine. I’ve looked at the leaderboards. Worst case he is level 22, Joker. But I don’t think anyone at that level can compete with me even without gear, my base stats are just too high. And he doesn't seem to know I can change my stats through my spells. I’ve said it before, but I won’t willingly accept loss of life. Drake thought firmly.

Drake questioned the man’s motives but didn’t protest, slowly taking his time removing one piece of equipment one item at a time.

“What the fuck is that?” the man muttered after Drake had begun removing his robe and shirt, revealing his bare chest full of scars and his earthen black arm attached at the shoulder.

Drake said nothing, continuing to remove his equipment until he was in his trunks.

“I said everything ya deaf moron! Ya undies too, can’t be too safe on what might be an item nowadays, come now don’t be shy,” sneered the man.

Drake frowned but assented.

Alright, maybe he’s taking it a bit too far.

Drake removed his last remaining piece of clothing, standing stark naked in front of hundreds of people. His body had changed since his rank up and outside of his scars and missing arm, not a blemish was on him. His body was lean and muscular, his face strong and stoic as he looked back at the man.

“Good,” the man pointed over to someone from the crowd, “You grab his shit,” then pointing back to Drake, “And you pretty boy, come closer so I can touch ya.”

Drake again furrowed his brows in confusion but took measured steps forward until he was within arm’s length of the man holding Megan. Her eyes averted from Drake.

Oh, that might be awkward later… Hope it doesn’t traumatize her. Drake thought mentally shrugging.

“Nice. Now just a little touch and we can have some good old fashion experience farming!” the man said with glee reaching his knife hand out to touch Drake’s cheek.

But this is what Drake was waiting for, the moment the man’s hand made contact with his flesh, he sprung into action.

Using his Martial Skill, he put power into his left arm, throwing it forward and past Megan’s head right for the man’s it shooting forward like a bullet nearly instantaneously connecting with the man’s face.

Rocketing backward Megan was left unharmed in the same position, but Drake couldn’t stop there.

Before the rest could react, he quickly dropped his Endowment and snapped his fingers to summon bolts of lightning allowing one to hold more mana than the others.

Heretical Endowment! Single!” Drake chanted as he snapped, the powerful bolt of lightning disappearing as he moved with the speed incomparable to before.

Moving through the ten hostages, he placed ten lightning bolts into the skulls of the ten people in masks, the small holes smoking from their heads as they fell to the ground instantly dead.


[You have killed Participant: Raymond Howley Level 16] [Experience Earned, and 46,255 TP Rewarded]

[You have killed Participant: Roberta Hernandez Level 14] [Experience Earned, and 39,255 TP Rewarded]

[You have killed Participant: Omar Abbar Level 16] [Experience Earned, and 86,255 TP Rewarded]

[You have killed Participant: William Lanken Level 12] [Experience Earned, and 26,465 TP Rewarded]





The notifications poured in as Drake moved to gather the people who were captured, making sure to handle them with care, using his Wind Magic to gently herd them back into the caravan of people.

“Thank you… but don’t touch me! You’re still naked!” Megan hollered her face turning a shade of red.

Drake scoffed, dropping his head a bit.

Really.. Can’t I just get a thank you once in a while? He thought feeling bittersweet, once again surprised that he felt nothing while killing the captors.

Drake’s eyes went to the man who gathered his equipment.

“Those are mine,” he said evenly, his aura flexing as the man fell backward, dropping the equipment.

“All yours bro! Just don’t kill me!” he shouted back looking at Drake like he was a monster.

“Depends on if you continue to be a dumbass,” he said reaching for his robe, his hand lowering to grab it, “That goes for the re-” but Drake was cut off by someone grabbing his wrist.

Looking up it was the man he had punched before, his hair a similar golden yellow. The same color as Drake’s.

“Oi, this shit is fire! No wonder you can move so fast!” the man laughed.

Drake looked at the man confused for only a second before the man tried to strike Drake, but with his increased Dexterity, Drake dodged the first blow, then the second and the third. The pair suddenly went into a furious exchange of fists as Drake tried to parse what was going on.

He was able to maintain pace with the man even without his equipment making him even more confused.

After a few seconds of exchange, Drake began casting spells, which the man began mirroring, laughing all the while.

Drake again furrowed his brows in surprise. The man was able to keep up with Drake as far as spell capacity but Drake’s spells were winning out handily, obviously more powerful, and soon he began to push the man back.

“Oh?! So that’s how you do it huh? This is just like that one game!!” the man laughed with glee, “More Mana more power huh?!”

The man barked a laugh again as he jumped backward, his hair cascading into a pure snow white as he summoned a large fireball of pure white.

Drake’s eyes widened in understanding.

He has all my skills? Punyeta, what is going on?! He didn’t steal them, did he copy them?! He shouted internally.

Drake quickly summoned ice to do the same, cursing that he couldn’t bring out his staff without his shaul. Clicking his tongue, he made a large Earthen wall covering himself and the people around him, having to make do.

The fireball collided with the jet-black wall, barely holding up as it drained Drake’s mana, eventually melting down the wall in a bombardment of white flames.

Through the center of the wall melting like liquid taffy, Drake saw the man grinning ear to ear.

“Guess you’re probably wondering what’s going on, are n'tcha? Ya dumb fucking mongrel!” the man shouted as he summoned another two fireballs into his hands.

“No… I’ve pretty much got it. You’re some kind of weak copycat version, right?” Drake said, his face showing how unimpressed he was.

The man’s face contorted in indignation, then bloomed to a shade of red-hot anger Drake had never seen before.

“W-weak?! Mother fucker I’m the Main Character of this fucking shit hole story! You aren’t going to stop me! I’m going to fucking kill everyone around you while you fucking watch! Then I’m going to kill you slowly as I savor your last breaths! That sweet TP pushing me straight to the top! I’m Joker! I’m Death, straight up! A better version of you than you could ever be!”

Drake scoffed, snapping his fingers as his Endowment and his right arm faded away like dust in the wind.

Drake glared daggers at the man, his aura coming to bear as he flexed it against him.

Marked,” Drake whispered, the man wincing under his gaze, but soon found his smile again.

“Two can play it, you stupid bastard! Marked!” the man repeated, mirroring Drake word for word.

The feeling of his own skill hit him but was not as impactful as Drake would have thought.

Does he not have the same proficiency as I do through his Class? My Indomibility didn’t go off so I guess this type of status effect isn’t counted as a debuff.

Drake began summoning all the elements at his disposal preparing for his spell. Then quickly began chanting all of his skills.

I am the shield, I am the rampart! Bulwark! I am the wall on which my enemies billow. Unbreakable! On blessed wings! Guardian’s Reprieve!” Drake shouted in succession, his naked body shimmering in three flashes of green.

Joker followed Drake’s chant word for word, his own body flashing in green light as he completed each skill.

Then Drake finished with his original skill.

Heretical Endowment! Septenarius!”

Drake’s body cascaded and shone in a kaleidoscope of colors as his hair and tattoo shifted back and forth finally finding equilibrium in the even shifting of the spell.

Joker smiled and followed suit, casting the same spell.

Heretical Endowment! Septenarius!” but the spell didn’t activate, the elements that Joker had conjured all continued to float around him as he looked on dumbfounded.

Until Drake moved to meet him face to face, in all his birthday suit glory.

“Thought so. You can wear my shoes, but you’ll never fill them,” Drake grinned as threw a quick jab, his fist connecting with the center of Joker’s face.

From the blow Joker lurched backward, blood and teeth spattering the surroundings.

Drake shook his hand for a moment, his own defensive skills used against him were a tough wall to break through, even with his Endowment.

But he didn’t stop there. Drake collected himself and moved quickly, stepping behind Joker, throwing an upward kick, sending Joker flying into the air with a thunderous boom, the spells Joker had conjured evaporating as they couldn’t keep up with the speed at which he was launched.

Drake bent down, sending a small pellet of earth to the floor below him. Using his earth magic he manipulated the ground, engulfing him downwards and then hurtling him upwards to follow Joker, leaving the forest floor in chaos.

He skyrocketed upwards eventually passing Joker’s body which was now bent into an upside-down ‘U’ as it fought against the momentum of the kick.

Now above Joker, Drake wound his fist backward, using his might to propel it into the flying man, his strength colliding with the rocketing body.

Under his power, Drake heard an audible crack from his own fist as he caught a glimpse of Joker’s hair shifting to brown.

Bastard’s still lucid enough to switch Endowments. But he's going to run out soon! Drake laughed internally.

Joker’s body now flew toward the ground, the blow from Drake now changing his trajectory downward at a speed unparalleled before.

Drake quickly used his Wind Magic in tandem with his Fire to shoot himself downward to follow.

Joker careened downward like a falling star and a moment before he hit the ground, he vanished.

Fuck. Never thought I’d be upset about having a movement skill. Drake cursed but quickly found where Joker had moved to with him Marked from earlier.

Drake's head snapped to the position above him as he used his own magic to steady himself killing his own momentum.

“Y-you fuhkin! Peece of shit! I told shew dis is my shtory!” Joker yelled through his broken jaw, his hands raised in a very familiar anime stance.

A lightbulb went up in Drake’s mind as he saw the glowing ball of white forming above Joker, illuminating his broken face enough for him to recognize the man.

“Wait, you’re the guy from the start of the tutorial?! You’re a weeb?!” Drake said, honestly surprised.

“I’m nauht a weeb! I’m a fuhking Otahku you fuhking prick!” Joker screamed in hysteria as the ball of white magic began expanding outward.

“I don’t care what you are, you’re disrespecting the source material! How dare you fucking use that move as a villain!” Drake shouted back, shaking his head exacerbated as he formed a platform of earth below him to stand on in the air.

Joker screeched in frustration as he looked down at Drake with bloodthirst in his eyes.

Sperit! B-” Joker tried to shout, but was interrupted by a deep voice that somehow reached him and reverberated in his chest breaking his concentration.

Ka-me-ha-me-” Drake began slowly saying, it growing into a roar, his eyes flashing in between the colors of his skills, a brilliant blue, green, and yellow.

In Drake’s left hand, a pure white ball of fire formed and condensed. Drake added a layer of lightning around the condensed ball, it crackling in anticipation to be released, as his hair continued to cascade in the color of his elements.

Drake turned his head up staring a laughing smile at Joker.

“Let’s see who the real protagonist is, you filthy villain side character!” Drake yelled almost in a cackle, “Haaaaaaaa!!!!!!”

Drake threw his only arm forward, the ball of fire and lightning extending forward like a beam of light hurtling toward Joker.

In a panic Joker threw his spell forward, not bothering to finish the incantation as the huge ball of white fire loomed over Drake.

Within moments the two spells collided, each one vying for ground against the other. Both Drake and Joker screamed as they poured their will and mana into the spells.

Drake slowly began to win out, his spell and Endowment’s helping him inch forward. Joker beginning to struggle as he apparently became more and more exhausted as the back and forth went on.

But Drake was not done. He knew his victory was certain but now of all times, he desired complete and total victory.

“And this! Is how you break through limits as the Main character you fucking Joke!” Drake shouted as he dumped his spare Free Points into his Intelligence pushing it over 700, a new bolt of lightning and gust of wind forming below him, “This is to go even further, beyond! Kaioken! Times Ten!” Drake roared as he used his new lightning and wind spell to form a lightning aura around himself, his hair blowing wildly from the upward gust.

Drake’s spell surged forward imploding Joker’s at the point of impact and traveling through it as it pierced through the man, his final words ringing out through the air, reaching Drake even through the cacophony of booms and explosions of spells.



[You have killed Participant: Joker - Richard Fuerle Level 22] [Experience Earned 4,573,425 TP awarded]


[Congratulations, you have increased to Elemental Miller level 20] [40 Free Points have been awarded]



 Thank you for reading as always.




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