
Chapter 11 – A New Trend

Up to chapter 20 available to first tier on Patreon.


Merla was restless. She kicked off the blanket, flipped over multiple times, and opened her eyes at the end. Both her mothers were asleep with Lyra on her back and Taen behind her. Normally her mothers would press her between them, and that is what she missed.

Merla slid to the edge of the bed and plopped down. Her clothes were not ready yet, so she was still in her simple long shirt, but the sheen of perspiration on her skin was obvious. She felt warm, but didn't know why.

Orcish children didn't suffer the heat, and neither did she. This was something else burning within her, and it drove her to walk unsteadily out of the bedroom.

"Ah ah ah." Merla panted as her natural magical talent surged within her, but she was not yet complete. As a human from Earth, she should not have a core within her body, but remade as an orc, her dual nature surged and fought within her.

On Earth, she was an adult woman, one who worked hard, played hard within her dreams, and tormented herself with lustful perversions within those dreams. That dual nature drove her to leave the house she now called home, and find a scent in the air that she desired.

She walked, and fell a few times, until she found the stall, and the scent she desired. The enclosed market stall was not a proper home, but Meena would be assigned a tree to grow her home in the near future.

Merla walked in through the door, saw the hundred and fifty year old orc, a fanged 'teen' by orcish standards, and growled.

She walked over to the bed, climbed up onto it, and growled again. She reached down and pulled the soft fabric robe out of the way. Merla opened her mouth, and laid her lips down.

"Mm." Meena moaned softly in the back of her throat as a dream invaded her mind.

Merla's eyes glowed with a white light as she panted and bit Meena's nipple. The dual nature she suffered, a lustful grown human female that wanted to submit, an orc with much stronger lusts that cried out to dominate, had chosen her mate.

Her teeth sank into Meena's areola.


* * *


Meena felt confusion ever since she met little Merla, like she knew her personally. When she laid down tonight, she felt a heaviness descend on her mind.

When she opened her eyes, she noticed that her home was swallowed by a mist. She looked around, but the heaviness continued, and wouldn't let her sit up.

A light approached her bed, at nearly the height of her belly button. The light became two lights as it got closer. She was shocked when the lights got to the side of her bed.

"Merla?" She whispered. The orcish child, the one she felt a familiarity with, climbed onto her bed, pulled her robe apart and growled. Her small mouth covered her nipple and bit into her flesh. Meena groaned as those teeth sank into her flesh, and felt something warm spread outward from the bite.

That small mouth opened, moved to her left breast, and sank into her skin again. More warmth spread outward from that bite. Meena moaned softly in her throat, and looked at little Merla as she lifted her mouth.

Those glowing white eyes looked into her own, and she felt a pull like nothing else she had ever felt before. The strength of the pull was a form of mental invasion, and soon, the barrier broke. A voice entered her mind.

'Meena belong Merla. Meena mine.'


* * *


Meena woke up in the morning with a bit of a headache. She groaned as though she had a hangover.

"Damn, what kind of a dream was that? Since when do I dream about children?" She sat up, but felt that something was wrong. She looked down at herself, and her eye twitched.

'Meena belong Merla. Meena mine.' On each of her nipples was a golden ring, and both were connected by a golden chain.


* * *


"That sounds like some dream, Meena." Lixiss said, and held out her hand. "Interesting." Meena knelt on the floor in front of the Mother Queen's throne, while Lady Lixiss stood in front of her.

"Baby, what is it?" Vanya asked, but reached out. "Too far." Lixiss blushed.

"Sorry, momma." She stepped back and allowed Vanya to touch her skin. Lately, her mother's possessiveness had increased, and she hated it when Lixiss stepped out of her reach. She had to be able to touch her at all times, or she would grow angry, or upset.

"It's a set of magical rings, made of highly compressed pure manna." Meena was surprised by the words of their High Priestess. "You have been marked, Meena. By someone of immense magical power." Meena blushed.

"It is like your collar, baby?" Vanya asked her. Lixiss shook her head.

"The holes in her nipples are under her areola, perfectly in alignment, and made by a small pair of sharp fangs." Lixiss sighed a bit. "This person was sent to us by Duality, so don't expect that she'll behave completely like a normal orc child."

"So what do I do? I've already asked to share space with them." Meena said miserably. "I wanted to be able to have a child of my own." Vanya grinned.

"I'm sure, since you're so young and have not witnessed it, that you know there is a tree at the back of your shop." Vanya said and reached up to grip the golden harness she wove into Lixiss's skin. "If you keep wandering further away, I'm going to weave a handle in this." She growled. Lixiss blushed.

"Sorry, momma. I was a bit distracted." Lixiss stepped into her mother's arms again, and was pulled onto her lap. After her mother sighed, and relaxed, Lixiss turned to Meena again.

"What Mother Queen means is that your tree was planted at your birth by your mothers. Your shop was built in front of it. All that was needed was the manna necessary to grow it properly." Lixiss said. She reached out for the stack of morning reports, and pulled one from the sheaf. She slid it towards the teen.

"My tree has grown?" She asked. She felt the brush of soft fingers along her mind, and her emotions. She felt a presence grow within her mind.

'Meena belong Merla.' The soft voice spoke within her mind during the dream, but now she felt the soft presence of someone who had some affection for her.

"There was a large amount of manna dumped into it last night." Vanya said. "Such a large amount that we had to send scouts to figure out what was going on. Your stall filled with manna fog, and blocked anyone from entering."

"It was so powerful?" She asked. Meena grew warm, which made Lixiss smile. Like herself, any display of power that was focused on themselves would make a fanged orc quite happy. It was their nature to submit to a powerful tusker, and the stronger the tusker, the happier they were to submit.

"We had to wait until this morning to see if you were okay. Once we were sure, the scouts retreated to give you the privacy needed. The tree is in a state of flux as the manna was sent into the tree after the fog fulfilled its use, but it lacks a plan for the future." Vanya said and held Lixiss to her belly. Her hands roamed relentlessly, and pressed all her daughter's buttons again.

"Momma, it's rude to not finish our talk with Meena." Lixiss said in a small voice. Vanya groaned, and restrained her lust.

"Fine. Meena, the plan must be finalized before your tree will grow. You have a month before the manna disperses, so I would get your mate to properly plan your home." Vanya said, and lifted Lixiss from her lap, and turned her around.

"Momma." Lixiss sighed. A Mother Queen was nearly impossible to sate, but Vanya was never unhappy with what her daughter was able to endure.

A hand went onto Lixiss's chest, while a pair of eyes glowed brightly with manna. It would be another long day as her Master Mate wove more fibers into her skin, and added another magical binding.

Meena left quietly, and missed the birth of a new trend in magical bindings. A golden chain that stretched from nipple to nipple.


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