
Chapter 12 – You Are So Grounded

Up to chapter 21 for first tier on patreon, and chapter 23 for second tier.

After February 5, due to finally getting employed again, and the financial difficulties incurred from not working for a few months, I may be without an internet connection for a few weeks.  After February 5th, all releases will shift to late Friday, early Saturday, or early Sunday, depending upon when I can get to a library to upload.


"Mm." Lyra looked down and saw that Merla was attached to her breast, contentedly draining them. She was still in her light tee, and rolled on the bed with the nipple clamped firmly between her teeth.

"Baby, be good. You have fangs now." Lyra said. Merla grinned and continued to drain her breasts, but slid up against her side. Her eyes cleared, and she looked a little worried. "What's wrong, baby?" Merla slowly lifted her lips.

"Not know." She scratched her head. "Feel worry." She looked up at her mother. "See Meena today?" She asked.

"Did you like Meena?" Lyra asked, which made Merla smile. She nodded.

"Meena warm." She frowned slightly. "Fam-mill-leear. Merla know Meena. Not know." She tapped her head. "Not understand." Lyra smiled gently.

"This is common for orcs, baby. We are all sisters. Each egg is grown within the Mother Queen, and all are sisters. Queen Vanya is over a thousand years old, and all living orcs have come from her body." Lyra said and watched Merla frown slightly.

"Different. Momma is momma. Meena is Meena. Know Meena." She tapped her chest. "Strong know." Lyra sighed.

"Then it might be a manna bond." Merla looked at her quickly. "A manna bond can be such a deep bond that it drills through time if it's strong enough. Lady Lixiss and Queen Vanya have such a bond, but Lixiss was unable to see it. It made our mother quite sad for a long time." Merla slowly nodded.

"See. Ghost chain." Lyra nodded. Merla looked up at Lyra. "Momma smart. See Meena?" Lyra smiled gently.

"Eat first, then we'll go visit, and see how your clothes are doing."


* * *


"Hi, Meena." Lyra said as she carried Merla up to the stall. Meena blushed a little as she looked into Merla's eyes. She could see Merla look at her, and feel her touch within her mind. The touch was more prominent now that she was close.

"Meena!" Merla said excitedly. "Momma, put Merla counter!" Lyra smiled, and set Merla down on the counter. On instinct, Meena moved in close so that Merla wouldn't roll backwards off the counter, and felt that small hand close on her robe. The portion she gripped also held the chain between her breasts.

"Meena, can you watch over Merla for a bit?" Lyra asked. "Mother asked Taen and I to go over." Meena blushed, and nodded.

"Sure. I will make sure no one gets near little Merla." Merla grinned.

"Meena warm, momma. She protect. Go see Big Momma." She said with a grin. Lyra sighed.

"Be good with Meena, baby. We'll be back in a while." Once they left, Merla turned towards Meena, and smiled. She pulled on the chain.

"Meena." She said softly. "Merla know Meena." Meena swallowed a lump in her throat.

"Merla, Mother Queen asked me to ask you for help. She said that my tree is ready to grow." Merla tilted her head. "It's where orcs live when they grow up. The tree is planted when they are a baby. When they grow up, their manna makes it grow into their house. Like your momma's house." Merla made an 'o' shape with her mouth.

"Merla understand. Help Meena." She gently pulled the chain, which compelled Meena to get closer. "Merla feel better. See Meena. Eyes not sad." Meena smiled shyly.

"Someone chose me as their mate." She said shyly, and blushed. Merla frowned.

"Mate? But Meena mine!" She said angrily. Her eyes started to glow with white light again, and the stall filled with fog. Her small hands parted the robe. "My chain." Her hands tugged the chain and pulled her closer still.

"Meena belong to Merla." She said in a hollow voice that vibrated with manna. She put her palm against Meena's chest in between her large breasts, which made Meena feel something begin to form.

Merla's hand rose a bit as something moved under Meena's skin, pierced out through her left breast, and the right breast, an inch from the chest wall. The new golden ring went through the middle link of the chain.

That faint intrusion into her consciousness grew stronger as those glowing eyes looked into hers.

'Meena belong to Merla. Meena mine.'


* * *


"Meena already knows." Lyra said. "What is going on, Taen? How is our Merla so powerful at such a young age?" Taen sighed.

"You remember what she said. No warmth. No mommas. She must have been among humans. Now, she's come home, but not naturally. She was dead. Duality must have done something. That is the only explanation." Taen said. "I have learned to not question Duality when they say something." The two of them came around the corner, and saw the stall covered with a manna fog.

"Merla!" Taen and Lyra rushed forward, only to be stopped by the guards.

"Mother Queen said no one is to interfere." She said firmly. "You can't get in even if you try. The fog forces everyone to stay....wait!" Lyra and Taen rushed towards the fog, and to the surprise of the guards, they went through it.

They tried again, but the fog felt like stone. They were not allowed through, but Taen and Lyra were.

"Send word to Mother Queen. Only those approved can get through."


* * *


"Meena belong Merla." She said firmly, her eyes lit up with manna like a sunbeam.

Her small mouth enveloped Meena's large nipple and sank in her teeth. Meena murmured as a soft warmth entered her body, and she heard Merla's voice.

'Meena mine! Mine!' She was quite upset, and angry. She moved her mouth to her other nipple and bit firmly into that one as well. The warmth spread from her breasts and entered her chest.

'Meena mine! Merla mate!' Meena rolled her eyes as she felt a lash grab hold of her consciousness.

'Merla never let go!'


* * *


"What happened?" Lyra asked. When they first came into the stall, the fog was still thick and hard to see through. Once they found Merla inside, they saw her eyes glowing, and her lips firmly held onto Meena's nipple.

"Last night, I had a dream." She said softly. "Merla made this chain in my dream, but when I woke up, the chain was still there."

"Just the chain?" Taen asked. Merla had already passed out, so when Lyra reached out, the ring within her mouth was released by her lips.

"The rings were made last night too. This middle one was just made in front of me. So were these pins." Meena gestured to her chest. Taen looked at them closely.

"The pin that goes in through the tip is screwed into the pin that goes through your nipples. They are side to side, while the rings are up and down, aligned to the chain." Taen said. Lyra pursed her lips.

"So she didn't want them to come out?" Lyra asked. Meena lowered her head.

"When I said I had a mate, Mother Queen said Merla made it because she claimed me. I had planned to wait the proper time, and stay dedicated to her, as these rings were made with manna." Meena looked down at herself. "She made a second claim. Stronger this time." Meena tapped her forehead.

"She's up there?" Lyra asked.

"Broke in last night gently. She wasn't gentle this time. She was angry. My consciousness is bound to her." Meena said, and blushed.

"Bound? How is that possible? Our consciousness is insubstantial!" Taen said. "It can be dispersed and reformed wherever we want within our minds!"

"My consciousness didn't have a clear form before, but now it's solid, and bound." Merla's eyes flickered as she spoke.

"So what are your thoughts on this?" Lyra asked. Meena sighed.

"My thoughts? I am bound to her with a binding that even Mother Queen can not break. I belong to Merla." She closed her eyes and groaned. Her consciousness now had a form, and it was restrained completely. When she said she belonged to Merla, a lash was sent out and it struck her.

"What's wrong?" Taen asked. Meena smiled a little.

"She just rewarded me." Meena blushed. "How am I going to live this down? The mate who chose me is a child!" She sighed, and murmured as another lash struck her consciousness.

"Please, remind my mate that she needs to help me design a home. It was her manna that started its growth, and its her manna that will mold it." Taen rolled her eyes.

"Merla, you are in big trouble." Taen said. "Binding a mate before your birthing ceremony has never been done before! You are so grounded!"


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