
Chapter 27 – You Dare?


It was chaos as the assassin ran forward. However, orcs were not easy to kill when they knew they were targeted. Human assassins might be able to do the job through subterfuge, but as the assassin closed half the distance, a dozen orc warriors stepped into the way.

The female assassin stopped and turned.

"If I can't take out the Queen, I might as well take out the next best thing!" She turned, and charged. Her target became obvious. Merla was in Lyra's arms, so she aimed for her.

Merla's eyes widened, but not in fear. She tapped her mother's wrist angrily.

"Aim at momma?" Her eye color faded into white, and a fog leaked out from her body. It quickly flooded out of her, but the assassin didn't know what this fog was. She could only see that Merla was a person who could become powerful in the future. Her people needed to take care of her now, even at the cost of her own life.

No one was able to move within the fog, so the assassin believed that they were too stunned to stop her. Until she collided with something as solid as a stone wall.

Her arm buckled, her nose flattened, and her neck moved in an unnatural way.

"BABY!" An orc shot forward to try and catch the falling assassin, but the fog immediately hardened into stone around her.

"You knew!" Merla ground out. "YOU KNEW!" The tree began to shake. Merla was incredibly angry as that orc had allowed a human assassin to get into their town, and target her mother.

Tazaa stepped forward, as she knew that if she didn't calm Merla down, something bad would happen to her. She would push her manna out and use it far too much.

Merla was still a child. If she did that, she would be out on her feet again, and no telling how long.

"Rebellious fool! You could have had a real child! Instead, you bring an enemy right into our homes? Cost the lives of untold fangers and tuskers, and now target not only the Mother Queen, but my granddaughter?" She walked forward, but stopped and shuddered.

Once again, she stepped forward, but this time, Tazaa's eyes turned black.

Merla knew who just appeared, while Tazaa's consciousness was gently pushed aside. A being with white wings gently cradled her, and protected her mind with her wings. She looked up in awe at the one who cradled her now solid consciousness against her large chest.

'Watch, little orc. We would never let her be in danger at her age. It is good that you acted though. Tell her to strengthen you more. You'll need more power in the future.' Fayeth said. 'Now watch as my sister protects her own.'

Tazaa's body walked forward, and black wings spread out from her back. Nobody saw Merla grin wide as Tazaa spoke and filled the hall with her vibrating voice.



* * *


The fanged orc was writhing in agony, for not only was every single bone within her body broken, but her manna veins and her core were crushed into dust. The assassin was dead. Tazaa's eyes were still black, and her wings unfurled.

"Check each of your sisters and children." Tazaa's voice said, but since it vibrated with energy, they knew it wasn't Tazaa. "Merla belongs to us." 'Tazaa' looked at the Mother Queen. "Do your duty, little orc. We are watching." Tazaa's eyes turned back to normal, the wings dissolved, and she shuddered.

"Tazaa!" Laenda rushed forward, and the fog that surrounded them disappeared into a mist that was sucked into the Mother Queen's tree.

Merla noticed it, but didn't have time to think about it. She tapped her mother's hand quickly.

"Grammie! Take to grammie!" She looked up at Lyra, who looked over at Taen. Taen frowned.

"What are you waiting for? Take her over!" Taen said angrily, which made Lyra flinch.

"I can't move. My body won't obey me." She said softly. Merla's mouth made an 'o' shape.

"Oops. Merla force momma stay still. Safe. Forgot." She tapped her hand again, and her body relaxed its rigid hold. "Sorry, momma. Merla not do again. Merla bad." Merla looked quite sad, so Lyra only sighed.

"Yes, that was a bad thing, Merla. Never take away my ability to react. I don't want harm to come to you, or our family." She carried Merla over and knelt down. Tazaa was breathless, and desperately tried to get air into her lungs. Everything within her felt like it was on fire.

"Grammie. Come close." Tazaa obeyed Merla's voice, and felt manna flood her body again. She murmured as it relaxed and soothed the muscle that she had strained due to the pressure of their goddess's control.

"Her manna is so pure, and warm." She whispered. Merla stepped unsteadily out of Lyra's arms, and climbed onto Tazaa's back. She pulled herself up, and sank her fangs into her neck. Tazaa groaned as her fangs sank slowly in, and made Merla look much like a vampire.

'Grammie belong Merla. Make strong later. Fix weak now.' Tazaa felt her manna run throughout her body, repairing her fresh injuries, and started her primal heat that she hadn't felt in a century at least.

'Naughty girl. Do you know how hard it will be to control myself until we get home? Your grandmother is going to be worn out.' She heard Merla's giggle inside her mind.

"Merla! Oh great. She's doing to her grandmother what I did to you!" Taen said angrily. Laenda blushed brightly.

"Not exactly, Taen." Laenda said softly. "Her manna is a lot stronger than yours. I am going to be sore in the morning." She shivered, and smiled a little. She saw Tazaa's eyes gleam as she watched her.

Yep. Really sore.


* * *


"Hours." Taen rolled her eyes. "She's gone at momma for hours." She sighed and picked Merla up from the couch. "Why did you bite her like that?" Merla giggled.

"Easy manna flow. Inside grammie. Touch force in. Bite easy in." Merla said with a grin. "Grammie love grammie. Always strong love." Merla stopped and looked concerned.

"What's wrong, baby?" Taen asked her.

"Why human here? Why no one know?" Merla asked with a frown. "Human not orc. Feel different. Orc not human. Flavor not same. Mother orc know not same. Why bring in?" She asked. Taen sighed.

"Some fanged orcs are strange. They live in isolated areas, and want babies. Because they don't have a tusker, they do other things. Like seek a human to act as their child." Taen explained carefully. Merla frowned.

"Human live short. Orc live long. Wrong eyes. Wrong flavor. Not orc baby. No one know?" Taen blinked, and quickly analyzed her daughter's words.

"Humans have a short life. Orcs live a long time. They will change fast, and have a different look, not only physically, but also behavior. An adult human will look like an orc child, while orc children are like human children. Innocent. A different flavor? Oh, manna!" Merla nodded. Taen groaned.

"We noticed! We just ignored it because we thought it was something strange about the child, and completely trusted the fanger!" Taen sat down and hugged Merla to her chest. Lyra growled, reached over and pulled Merla into her arms.

"I was too focused on Merla to notice, but you did?" She pulled her shirt up, and sighed as Merla giggled and bit down onto her nipple. Lyra murmured as her fangs sank into her flesh, and her overflowing manna surged into her body.

"I..." Taen stopped herself from the excuse she wanted to make, as this time, Lyra was not wrong about being angry. "Yes. I did notice." She closed her eyes, and groaned. "I'll talk to Mother Queen in the morning." She said in a low voice.

Merla wagged a finger at Lyra, which made her smile gently.

"Alright, baby. I won't be angry with her." She hugged her to her chest and shivered a bit. "My baby. Not afraid when Duality appeared, and used Tazaa to operate. They could have appeared in full form, but choose Tazaa." She pursed her lips. "I wonder why." Merla grinned around her nipple.

She knew the reason why. Merla chose Tazaa and strengthened her. With one sister protecting Tazaa's mind, and the other using her body, Tazaa was able to understand the depth of affection that her goddesses had for Merla. She was also able to communicate with the ones there, including the Mother Queen, and Lady Lixiss.

Her parents didn't yet understand, but Tazaa did.


* * *


Even while Tazaa fucked her wife with intensity, her mind made the calculations, and connected the details together.

"We'll have to be more careful from now on." Tazaa said and pulled out, only to forcefully push it within her mate's ass, after she turned her over onto her belly.

"Merla could see she wasn't an orc. Did we ignore it?" Laenda asked quietly. Tazaa growled, and bit her mate's shoulder. The excess manna pushed into Laenda, and sent her into a frenzied state. While she enjoyed her wife's more dominant behavior, once bitten, she became just as inflamed with raging lust as her wife.

"Harder! Damn it, Taz, harder!" Laenda cried out. Tazaa kept her tusks and teeth embedded within her shoulder, and fucked her harder.  Tazaa knew all her wife's trigger points for her lust, and the bite was one of them.  If she hadn't been in this state, she might not have done this, but she needed to share the manna.  Laenda would not only be sore, but feel like Tazaa was torturing her by the time she got it all out of her system.

She really loved her wife, and the rampant manna gave her a way to vent out her frustrations, but also pull her wife into the same feral lust.

Among the orcs, if there was no lust, there was no love.


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