
Chapter 28 – They Wanted Access, and Now They Have It.


"I've meant to ask a few times, but been distracted." Tazaa touched the top of Laenda's belly, and the slight line that appeared recently. Laenda blushed.

"The start of a pouch." She said softly. "Merla will sleep a lot this Winter, much like a bear. I..." Tazaa put her fingers over her wife's lips.

"I understand. Why do you think she made me bigger? To protect her, and everyone else she deems fit." Tazaa rolled her eyes. "She's not done yet either. Duality wants her to make me stronger." Laenda ran her fingers over her wife's muscular arms, lean belly, and thick muscled chest. Even though she was heavily muscled, she still had that feminine figure. Wider hips, narrow waist, large breasts, thicker upper thighs and bottom. She was now beefier than before, but it didn't override her overall shape.

Her wife remained in complete perfect proportion, and was quite attractive.

"We're becoming hers." Laenda said in a quiet voice. "Her belongings." Tazaa smiled gently.

"Does it feel like she treats us like a pair of boots? Or a blanket? Or does it feel like she's trusting us with her safety, and the ones she loves?" Tazaa asked her. Laenda lightly ran her finger over the line.

"She'll be in here. Inside me. Does it bother you?" she asked carefully. Her wife's opinion mattered a lot to her, as she had willingly followed her wife when she left the village. She didn't want Tazaa to beat Lyra to death, and supported her decision to remove herself from the situation.

"She's our granddaughter, and one who is watched over by Duality. She's blessed with power and abilities beyond our entire race, even the Mother Queen. She has chosen us." Tazaa smiled warmly. "She chose you to keep her warm while she sleeps. She chose me to protect her, her future mate, and her family." She sighed happily as she pulled her wife against her.

"Our goddesses have chosen our granddaughter, and she chose us. I am quite content."


* * *


Meena sighed softly as Merla crawled into her bed, and straddled her belly and hips.

"I knew you would come." Meena said softly. Merla grinned.

"Meena belong Merla. Always protect. Grammie protect Meena for Merla." She pulled open her robe and gently ran her hand along her dark flesh. "Meena beautiful." She said softly.

"Merla, you are so naughty. If your mommas find out, I'm going to get in trouble." She whispered, but moaned a bit as the manna within Merla pushed into her body. Merla smiled a little.

"Lots time till Merla grow up. Merla love Meena." she said quietly, and put her hand onto Meena's belly. "Long wait for Merla." She pouted a little. Her manna dipped down low within her abdomen, and wrapped around her internal organs.

She gently massaged her manna deeper until it dispersed into her body, and became a part of her essence. Meena couldn't help but moan as it wasn't painful, but soothing and warm.

Her thoughts made two goddesses grin as their plans for the future were now slightly deviated from their previous path. Their affection for Merla grew even though it was already quite extensive.

There had never been another orc who had the attention of their goddesses in real time. They could monitor their people quietly, and only intervened when the events could cause an enormous death toll, or affect the entire race negatively, such as an infectious disease.

Until now, no one could ever remember their twin goddesses interfering as it happened so rarely. In their race's long ancestry, they had never acted so often, and for only one person.

Merla had the innocence of an orc child, and the perverted nature of an adult human. She was the epitome of Duality, and prepared her 'mate' for the time when they would be taken back 'home'.

Meena wouldn't just give Merla babies. They were now a package deal.


* * *


"The other villages and towns have sent word, Momma." Lixiss said as she read through the reports. "The Mother Queens of the other towns have agreed with your assessment. They will retreat within their barrier, pull back their garrisons, and use the beasts as training tools."

"Did they search for spies among the lost ones?" Vanya said, and reached out to grip the handle on Lixiss' bindings.

"Each town found at least one assassin hidden among them. They were shocked to find that out. Since the humans believe we are stupid, they will soon experience the results of their actions." Lixiss said with a snarl.

"Have the demis made a move yet?" Vanya asked.

"The werewolves have. They have great anger at the humans for their unrestrained hunts. They wish to pass by our barrier to get to the closest human settlement." Lixiss said.

"Pass by, but they will not be able to enter. The barrier has been altered, and if they attempt it, the barrier will attack them." Vanya said. "They are free to do as they wish, as long as they respect our boundaries."

"Shall I let them know that a herd of elder boars passed by?" She asked quietly.

"I think they would appreciate knowing that a herd is without their elders now. They could use the herd as war provisions." Vanya grinned. "What about the vampires?"

"The brother and sister are already on the move. They have moved passed the boundary of the forest edge and infiltrated a large manor deep within human territory." Lixiss said. Vanya sighed.

"They wanted it, Lix. They wanted access, and now they have it. It's too bad they didn't realize that we were not their enemies." Vanya sighed. "We are now though. If any human comes within the forest boundary, they are to be immediately killed. Once the werewolves erase their closest villages and towns, we'll monitor the border, and send out cleansing squads to eradicate any further incursions." Lixiss nodded, and was pulled onto her mate's lap.

"Yep. They wanted to have access to the beast materials within the forest, and now they will. Instead of hunting in here, the materials will go straight to them."


* * *


"We've received a request for help from Staros village." The steward put a missive on the table. "And Ramos village. As well as Indus, and Yanus villages." The governor frowned.

"Those villages have always been safe. Why are they requesting help?" He unrolled a leather scroll, and frowned. "Werewolves? Why don't we just hunt them down?" The steward shook his head with a slight smirk, which irritated the governor. This steward had never been in favor of the incursions into the forest.

"That won't work, sir."

"And why not?" The governor snarled. "I have a werewolf hide on my bed! They aren't that hard to kill!"

"If they are alone, and you have a squad or two, that is true. However, they aren't hunting alone." The steward said. "Even though we've received these requests, they were sent a few days ago. They no longer exist."

"What? How is that possible?" The governor growled. "They only gather one or two at a time! Assemble a few squads and hunt them down like dogs!" The steward chuckled.

"Dogs? I guess they must appear to be dogs when there are only one or two." The governor noticed something off about the steward when he smiled.

"Steward Finn, when did you have such large canine teeth?"


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