
Chapter 30 – The Cost of Ignorance


"The soldiers leave, brother." Sorina said as she looked out a window. She wore a revealing black dress, and with her figure, it was easy to get in the door of this manor. She licked her fangs.

"The wolves are on the plains." Stelian said. "By morning, the populace will be so afraid, they will do anything we say." She grinned.

"Perfect!" she said and shivered. "A city full of cattle!" She looked down at the woman that now shivered at her feet.

"Don't worry. I made a promise. We will take good care of your children, and make sure they grow up properly, and even have children." Sorina reached down and pulled her to her feet. She looked into the maid's eyes.

"You've proven quite useful, human. We keep our word. They will live, and not become food until after they raise two children each." Sorina smiled and inhaled the woman's scent. "We have waited a long time, and won't break our word, even to food."

Before the woman could respond, Sorina lowered her lips and slowly sank her fangs into the maid's neck. The maid groaned, and moaned as Sorina's lips sucked at her neck. She had injected a small amount of venom into her veins, which acted as an aphrodisiac. This kept the woman aroused and conscious until she was too drained to stay alive. The brother watched his sister feed on the peasant woman, and nodded briefly.

"Yes, a city full of cattle. We shall herd them properly, and provide for them. There is no sense in slaughtering our livestock." He looked at the two young girls standing against the wall.

"Your mother sacrificed herself to protect you. We'll honor her request. You will be servants in the castle until you grow up." He didn't smile. Though in the children's eyes, he appeared to be handsome and regal, they could see the underlying hint of evil in his eyes.

He listened as his sister sucked on the woman's neck with deliberately exaggerated wet noises.

"You always get aroused, don't you?" He whispered. He watched as her shoulder blades sprouted small wings. "Hm, I thought I would be the one to evolve first. Oh well. Whether I'm the king, or you're the queen, it is still our city."

Sorina finished her meal, and held the now dead woman in her arms. She sighed happily, and looked into her eyes with a bit of fondness. It was the fondness a human might have for a steak, as in Sorina's eyes, she was delicious. She put her hand on the woman's chest, and felt the corpse stand in her arms.

"My first servant." Undead servants were important to vampires. They provided protection while their masters slept, and were free labor.

"Time to sleep, brother. We'll subdue the castle tomorrow." She pursed her lips slightly. "Do you think they still believe we hate the sun?" He snorted.

"Superstitions. We are just night hunters." He looked at the zombie. "Get her to take care of the children. We need to rest."


* * *


"Momma." The girl said as she tried to reach out to the one who was now dead. A hand quickly stopped her. She looked to her right in fear. Sorina smiled gently.

"Dear child, be careful. She was your mom, but gave her life to save you. Now, she's a zombie, and under our control, but that doesn't remove the danger she is to you." Sorina knelt down. "You don't understand, do you, child?" The girl shook her head. Soria sighed.

"You, go grab a woman secretly. Do not reveal yourself to anyone other than the person you grab and bring her here." Sorina said. The zombie left, and within a few minutes, she returned with someone. The woman was dragged by her hair.

"Child, watch, and remember." Sorina looked at the zombie. "You may eat your prey." The zombie ripped open the woman's clothes, and started to bite her on the belly. She covered the woman's mouth to stifle her screams, and continued to gorge herself. Both children were frightened.

"Maybe I should find another to care for you, so you won't mistake her for your mother again." Sorina tapped her lip. "It's been centuries since we've fed on humans, as we mostly ate the beasts of the forest." The children were scared to death as they watched their mother eat the woman without any problems.

"Do you understand yet, girls?" Sorina said firmly. They both nodded. "Good. If you try to leave, she'll eat you. You can live in this house, get fed, be kept warm, and even have children when you've grown up. Once you reach a certain age, we will feed on you, but it's not like that." She pointed to the older one. "Come here." The girl slowly came over.

"We don't go into a frenzy when we feed, so I will let you experience the edge of it." Sorina forced the girl's head away, and sank her fangs into her neck. The girl cried out as she was bitten, but moaned softly as she had her neck sucked on. Once Sorina lifted her mouth, the wound closed up.

"Do you understand now?" Sorina asked. The girl nodded weakly. "Do you realize that there are many ways to die? There are horrific ones, painful ones, and even evil ones, but we offer a pleasant one." The girl slowly nodded.

"Thank you, mistress." She bowed slightly. Sorina smiled gently. "Sister, you should come too. She will help you to understand." Sorina lifted an eyebrow, but even though the older sister just sold out her younger one, she realized the reason for it. After Sorina left and went to sleep, the sisters sighed.

"She could have killed us." The elder one said.

"I know, Corrie. Is that why?"

"Yeah." Corrie said. "Angie, if we obey, we'll have food, a warm place to sleep, and even grow up. They may even bite us from time to time, but it won't be like it was for mom. Or for her." She pointed to the one their mother was still eating.

"Okay. I will listen." Angie didn't hear Sorina leave the room, but Stelian waited for her.

"You've already trained them. Once a month?" He asked.

"That should be good. We'll need to get more. One per day for each of us." Sorina grinned. "She was delicious, brother." He slowly nodded.

"You know she's compatible." He said, but she growled.

"Why do you think I kept them instead of eating them?!" She snapped at him, and closed her eyes. She slowly calmed herself. "When they are older, they can be cocooned. Not until their body can handle it though." He paused and slowly nodded.

"Never thought we would find compatible ones so quickly. We must thank those orcs for letting us leave." He said, while she growled again. "Don't give me that. If one fanger decided to take us out, we'd be ashes. Remember that." She growled again.

"I do remember!" She bared her teeth. "Why do you think I'm so pissed! They didn't let us leave because we obey the laws of their goddess! They let us go because we are the ones that will punish their enemies!" Stelian snorted.

"If that bothers you, go back to the forest. Either we're useful tools right now, and free people later, or we're ashes on the ground, like our parents." He said firmly. "Duality can dispose of us as they see fit. The orcs are guardians, and will do their will in spite of our objections. Do you wish to anger them?" Sorina lowered her eyes.

"No. I'm just unhappy we had to wait so long." She sighed. "I guess I can't be too upset. We found a pair of them right in the first manor. Only one in a ten thousand chance. Maybe we won't go extinct after all."

"We won't." Stelian said firmly. "They preserved our species for a reason. We are children of Duality too." Sorina frowned slightly.

"Children of Duality?"

"All are her children, sister." He said without emotions. "Except for the humans, who were brought here. We each have dual natures, just like the goddesses. We hunt the living for food, just like every other being. Our natures are dark, but we impart pleasure." She slowly nodded.

"Dual. Just as our mating." She took a deep breath. "We have to wait a long time to have our family though. Those girls are far too young to handle our brood." He shrugged.

"What is a cycle or two to us? We'll secure our home, and the future of the livestock. Once everyone is properly trained, and we have our lifestyle in place, then the girls can take their place." Stelian said. Sorina shivered and grinned.

"I can not wait to make them pregnant!" She said with a wide grin. Stelian chuckled.

"You always were a pervert, dear sister."


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