
Chapter 31 – That Was Difficult


"The humans won't be able to bother us for a long time." Lixiss said as she read the report given to them by the scouts. "The werewolves have already punished them, and returned with a couple of dozen compatible mates."

"Hm. The vampires left, as did the Balask, and the Cananes. They will share the plains outside the forest in order to grow strong enough to take some territory." Vanya said as Lixiss gave her the report. Lixiss turned back to her.

"Will this work out in the long run, momma?" She asked.

"The demis have left, but the werewolves will move into their territory. We'll do training missions. Any word from the succubi?" She asked, her eyes narrowed.

"Those sneaky bitches left quietly. Word is they've already moved into a neighboring kingdom." She snorted. "They multiply like rabbits and will get attention on them quickly." Vanya nodded.

"Alright, let the vampires alone. They won't want to return after being free of restrictions, so they will need to watch out for themselves. The succubi are prohibited from returning." Vanya sighed. "The Queens are firm in their resolve. Only the werewolves were allowed to return as they had no intention of leaving."

"Understood. The young races need to grow up. We can't watch over them forever." Lixiss said. "Now, as to Merla, AND the problems associated." She rolled her eyes. Vanya chuckled.

"Her grandmothers are much stronger than before, but both have said that the process is like being broken, stretched, and reforged." Vanya grinned.

"Momma, I'm not talking about how mother Taz is bigger! I'm talking about mom's pouch!" She said, and leaned in to her mate's chest. Vanya grinned.

"That orc remade her grandmother into her bed. With Duality's permission. Apparently, she heard someone talking about how those old perverts capture a human girl to keep as a permanent child. Her imagination took over from there." Vanya grinned. "I can only imagine Taz's face when she realized where her granddaughter would sleep out the winter!" Vanya laughed, but Lixiss pouted.

"Momma Taz is devoted to Merla." She said softly. "When she found out what happened, she was actually happy. She would be able to keep an eye on Merla, and mom would be able to keep her safe." Lixiss blushed brightly. "I can't believe Merla did that to my mom." Vanya smiled and pulled her onto her lap. She lightly rubbed Lixiss's nipples.

"Are you unhappy because she did it, or unhappy because she didn't choose your belly?" Vanya asked. When Lixiss blushed brighter, Vanya chuckled. "Merla would never take your belly from me." Vanya said with a deep growl as she lifted her silver haired mate and lowered her onto her massive member. Lixiss groaned a bit.

"How could she? You never leave it empty for long."


* * *


"Grammie." Merla said, and snuggled against her chest. Laenda smiled gently, and hugged Merla to her much larger chest.

"You're bursting again, Merla. Are you going to work on us again today?" Tazaa said as she rolled up onto her side and poked her granddaughter. Merla opened her eyes and yawned.

"Painful, grammie. Little stretch. Bones strong. Hard pain." Merla said, and looked at her worriedly. "Start, not stop. All." She looked at Laenda. "Grammie same. Half done. Start, not stop. Hard pain." Both groaned a bit.

"Thanks to your strengthening me, I can live for another thousand years, and I won't get that same damage." Tazaa said, and smiled. "I don't mind that momentary pain." Laenda held her close.

"I shudder to think that you call it hard pain, but I want to live a long time with Taz too. That will be worth the pain." She said. Merla sighed.

"'Kay. Tree! Lift Grammie! Block door! No one stop!" Tazaa was surprised when Merla's eyes began to leak the white fog again.

"Oh, she's going to do it now." Tazaa said, and looked upward. Branches above her head reached down and lifted her from the bed, enveloping her, and lifting her upright. The door was blocked, and Merla slid off the bed. A branch slid beneath her feet and lifted her so that she was level with Tazaa's chest.

"Teeth." A branch slid in between Tazaa's teeth. "Bite, grammie." Merla's eyes reflected a bit of sadness. "Not changing grammie. Unlock true grammie. Full." Merla reached out and grasped her tusks.

Tazaa rolled her eyes. When Merla said it was hard pain, she wasn't kidding. All her bones felt like they had just been fractured in hundreds of places, and her manna burned into them with white hot flames.

The sensations she felt were close to what her body was experiencing. Her bones did fracture as Merla's manna enveloped her marrow. She infused her marrow with her manna, and crystallized her bones into a material harder than iron.

She grew another four inches, to the maximum of her potential growth that had been stunted by the circumstances of her life, and her muscles had been strengthened. Merla reinforced her core and manna veins, as well as laid additional veins to feed her muscles from her core manna veins.

That was an additional reinforcement, but also part of the orcs and their potential growth. Manna didn't have to be channeled into her muscles now. It was already there, and ready to be used directly for her powerful skills.

With the additional veins, that gave her additional capacity for manna storage. She reversed the damage of aging upon Tazaa's body, so she appeared tens of cycles younger too.

'Grammie. Merla done. Gift on hands.' Merla's manna slowly returned to her own body, while the agony of the changes faded. Tazaa groaned and slowly opened her eyes.

"Ah. That was difficult." Tazaa said and groaned. She slowly opened her eyes. The tree slowly put her down, while Laenda stood up.

"Taz, you're taller." Laenda said and ran her hands over her mate's body. "I don't believe it. Your manna is richer, thicker, and there is more of it." She looked up into Tazaa's eyes. "How do you feel?" Tazaa took a deep breath.

"Like a fresh orc, but also like one that's been run over by an elder boar." She lifted her hand and lifted an eyebrow. "Merla, what is this gift?" Merla grinned.

"Manna socket. When punch, block, manna cover hand. Glove, shield." She tapped her temple. "Think. Manna be." Tazaa frowned, and looked at her hand.

"Think and manna be?" Tazaa's frown cleared as a pool of blue manna seeped out of the back of her hand. "Oh. I see."

"Taz, what is going on? Why do I see that you're bleeding manna?!" Laenda said, now quite upset.

If an orc got damage to their manna veins, it could actually leak out of them like blood. Later, as the damage piled up, their veins would dry out, and degrade, just like Taen's had. Tazaa now had a strange smile on her lips.

"I'm not bleeding." The manna retreated and came out again, but this time, it covered her hand and turned solid. "It is a manna socket. I can cover my hands in manna, increase my fighting strength, and without risking my veins, or my hands. Merla, this is amazing!" Merla yawned.

"Orc strong. Train, grow strong, close grammie. Wrong stuff, bad food, damage no heal, grow bad. All orcs half grow." She shook her head. "Grammie pushed passed peak. Big momma lift peak." Tazaa's face twitched a little.

Tazaa knew what she meant about the Mother Queen. The Mother Queen was an enhanced orc dual hybrid. She was born a fanger, but when the Mother Queen of their tribe died, one specially chosen of the tribe would grow tusks, and become larger, stronger, and gain significant power. She would grow an egg depositor, and be able to have sex like a tusker. The Mother Queen wasn't the peak, but lifted above that peak.

"Son of a wild boar. Feed our little ones better, train them better, and their potential grows better?" Merla nodded. Tazaa rolled her eyes.

"Oh bloody beast shit!"


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