Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 803- Low tier Spirits

803 Chapter 803- Low tier Spirits

As someone who had been adventuring for good years of his life, he had seen quite a bit of formation, especially in intermediate dungeons. As such, he quickly realised it was a formation and how to destroy it.

"I guess it's pretty much clear to everyone as to who laid this formation. That woman might have laid it down; however, she shouldn't have too much time to go for a powerful and more complex formation. As such, we have three options"

"First, is to wait for the formation to go down on its own. The formation made hastily, cannot sustain itself for long, it would soon collapse even if we don't do anything. However, it's unknown how long it would take and if we all would be able to survive till then"

In short, the first option was to wait. Who in their sane mind would just for their death? As such, the first option was a no go.

"The second option is to go for the core and destroy it. A formation like this has a glaring weakness and it is none other than its core. The core should be outside where we can see it clearly. From my guess, it should be mixed amongst the horde of ghouls"

The second option although better than the first option had a huge problem. How in the hell were they supposed to find the core amidst the horde of ghouls? The second option was basically like fighting the whole horde, something that they were trying to avoid.

As such, it was a no go too. Then the only option remaining to them was the third one.

"The third option is to attack the caster who laid the formation. If we defeat her, the formation will go down on its own"

After Benny finished talking the group deliberated for a few seconds. The onrushing hordes of ghouls were right in front of them. Leading the charge were the three old ghosts whose legends were still sung by a few minstrels to this day.

They had to decide fast. The third option seemed the most plausible; however, it involved fighting that woman. A person who could turn an entire city into her pawns that did her bidding, there was no way she was going to be an easy opponent.

Perhaps, she would be even tougher than fighting all the three legendary old ghosts together. Nonetheless, this was the only option they had or rather, they were tired of dealing with the antics of the woman and no longer wanted to be played with.

"Let's fight her"

Lucas spoke, he planted his staff on the ground, showing his stance. The others nodded in agreement while Benny grinned. Since they had to fight no matter what, why not go down fighting the most powerful opponent?

"Hehe, I have been keeping this skill for times when I had no choice but to fight for my life. Now is that time… [Mana Armour], [Mana Flow], [Ability Overlay]- [Thunder Surge]… [Lightning Suit]"

He activated one skill after another. His muscles expanded, he grew taller and his overall frame became bigger. Not only that, thunder arched his body, mixing with the mana armour around him and slowly forming a suit of sorts.

From the other's point of view, it looked like he was wearing a lightning suit.


Annette who was observing the action of her prey, was a little surprised at the technique that was activated. This technique that made the user look like they were a lightning suit was by no means just for looks, it was practically invented for combat.

All that lightning rushing into the user's body not only dramatically increased the muscle's strength, response, speed and reflexes, it even dramatically increased their defences. Not only that, but it also supercharged the body, allowing for actions and movements that would otherwise be impossible.

In other words, it was like a short duration power enhancement type technique that helped one to jump over level and fight enemies stronger than them.

"Not bad" Annette commented. With Benny activating his full power, the others didn't hold back either. Each of them used their most powerful skills or abilities that they have been saving up until now.

"I'll prepare a powerful single target spell, but me some time" saying so Lucas too started chanting.

BZZTT… leaving the rumbling of thunder in his wake, Benny charged. In just a short moment, he was already a couple of meters away from Annette. He was fast; no fast would be an understatement, he was super fast.

His charging speed wasn't the only thing that improved after donning the lightning suit, so were his attacks. In the blink of an eye, he swung his sword utilising various skills in the process.

Numerous sword auras came attacking Annette, each one powerful enough to slash through a mountain. However, facing those attacks forget about dodging, she did not even glance at them.

A transparent barrier around her took all the attacks without any problem.

"Tsk" Seeing this Benny liked his tongue, he did not give up and attacked the battier repeatedly, searching for any weakness or trick. At this moment, attacks from the other five people also came in. However, just like his won, those attacks weren't able to do anything.

"Dammit, how high her level is for her magic shield to be able to absorb all that damage? You all stop attacking her randomly and match your attacks with mine" He glanced towards his teammates and spoke.

Everyone immediately coordinated their attacks to match Benny. As a high level individual in their own right, it wasn't difficult for them to coordinate with each other even if they hadn't done it before.

The attacks that rained in afterwards, had almost perfect coordination so much so that Annette finally had to move from her place as her magic shield gave in. Using that small window of opportunity, Benny and the others pressed in with their attacks.

All sorts of skills from sword auras to magic imbued attacks targeted Annette who swiftly countered back with her own magic. Dark clouds loomed over as bolts of lightning dropped from the heavens.

The humans quickly dodged the attacks or used their defensive skills to endure. Annette could win this battle easily if she only waited and dodged their attacks. If she delayed them only for a little while, the army of ghouls would do the job for her.

However, to make them experience true despair, she couldn't just allow her prey to hold onto the false hope that they could win if they could just take her down. As such, to accomplish her goal she had to crush their spirits and their na?ve thoughts that they can win if they attacked her together.

Lightning poured down from the sky with a loud rumble. Considering that the attacks only came from above in a straight line, it wasn't hard for these people to dodge them. All they had to do was predict the path and get out from its radius.

Bzzttt… Bzztt… "Hehe"… "hehe" but then again, the attack came from Annette how could it be so simple to dodge?

"?" the humans who dodged the lightning falling from the sky, were confused by the sudden laughing sounds that came out of nowhere. When they listened to it carefully, they realised that the noises sounded like a child's laugh.

However, how could that be? Why would a child be here? "Little mischievous lightning spirits, obey my command, bend the laws of this world and give life to this lightning"

At this moment, the voice of the woman who initiated the attack, sounded out. Small glitters of purple light surrounded her, like subjects surrounding their queen, giving her an otherworldly and imposing aura.

When she extended her hand, these glitter of lights would assemble atop her palm and listen to her murmurings.

"What is she doing? Is this some kind of new attack?"

The humans discussed in confusion. Even the most experienced adventurer among them, Benny Beckerman was no exception. He had no idea what this mysterious woman was doing all of a sudden.

At a glance it looked like she was talking to the glitters of light around her; however, that was just from the outside. Perhaps, she was trying to trick them by talking to some inanimate substance to lower their guard all the while preparing for a hidden attack?

Benny quickly discarded the thought. The woman was strong enough to fight them seven on one, an exceptionally strong being like her would never respond to using hidden attacks. This could only mean that, her current actions were preparations for what's going to come next.

That said, what could her actions entail? Looking at her talking to glitters of light that surrounded and moved around mischievously, an abrupt thought appeared inside his head. His eyes immediately went wide and he couldn't help but panic a little.

"Could it be that she is preparing that.? But how? No, it shouldn't be surprising, we should have expected it. At her level, that kind of attack should be normal" His incomprehensible mutterings attracted the attention of the others around.

"What do you mean? Do you recognise the attack she is preparing?".

Benny nodded his head "Mutation magic".

Although he only uttered two simple words, the impact of those two words reverberated like thunder inside their heads.

At their level and experience, how could they not understand what those words meant? Standing as the epitome of magical power, the mutation magic is a realm where the very fabric of the forces of nature can be bent at a fundamental level.

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