Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 804- Low Tier Spirits (2)

804 Chapter 804- Low Tier Spirits (2)

Unlike your conventional magic, that is your novice, intermediate and advance, that is only able to manipulate the forces of nature according to the caster's will, Mutation magic is all about unravelling the the very threads of magic that weave this ancient arcane tapestry.

People who have entered the realm of mutation magic, are akin to architects of existence, delving into intricate codes that built the very laws of the nature. Their spells are not mere manipulations of elements; they are fundamental alterations to the blueprints of nature, rewriting the rules that govern the essence of all things.

As people who have reached the tier of advanced magic and climbed the ceiling of their talent, they understood what it meant to master mutation magic.

To comprehend Mutation Magic is to ascend to the peak of magical mastery. Few can fathom its complexities, and even fewer can wield its power without being consumed by the chaotic forces they unleash.

It requires an innate understanding of the magical underpinnings of reality, a comprehension that transcends the knowledge of ordinary mages.

The difficulty in achieving the realm of Mutation magic can be understood by the fact that even Benny Beckerman a powerful man in his own right, was never able to step any further than advanced tier nor was he able to come close to comprehend its mysteries.

Nevertheless, he had heard about and come in contact with many people who can use mutation magic. When asked about how they were able to bend the laws and do something that surpassed the understanding of the ordinary, the answer he got from them was that the element spoke to them.

It is because of this reason that when he saw Annette talking to the glitters of light around her, the first thing that came to his mind was the mutation magic.

"Everyone be careful of her attacks, do not let them touch you"

Benny warned. The seven humans wore grim faces, Lucas who was preparing his own attacks had to spare his attention to create a huge magic shield around them.

One of the most daunting aspects of Mutation Magic is its unpredictable nature. The very essence of mutation is change, and this magic is a catalyst for unpredictable metamorphosis.

At the core, it is an ability to induce profound changes in the very nature of beings and elements. It involves reshaping life, matter, and even the metaphysical aspects of the world.

In the hands of a master, Mutation Magic is a force that can reshape landscapes, redefine life, rewrite the very laws that govern reality and cause unprecedented and often irreversible transformation.

Because of all of these reasons, the seven of them were so alarmed. There was no way of knowing what the woman was going to do next. Not betraying their expectation the next action by Annette transcended all their comprehension.

Lightning began to bend, the attacks which were only falling straight and had a fixed path started going haywire. It bent in every and all direction, came from skies as well as the land and even chased after them as if they had a mind of their own.

The attacks which were previously easy to dodge, became completely unpredictable at this moment making it extremely difficult for the human to approach Annette. However, that was not the true extent of the attack.

The real trouble came when the lightning started ricocheting and bouncing off everything.

BANG… BANG… BOOOM… the group of humans could only dodge so much. Soon, more and more lightning hit them, scorching their bodies and dealing ridiculous damage. The magic shield that was put up by Lucas was only able to shield them for a few seconds before getting brutally destroyed.

"Dammit, Lucas hurry up. We won't be able to stand on our feet if this goes on for long"

Wrapped in the lightning suit, Benny was fast enough to still be able to dodge a quite few attacks. However, the same cannot be said for the others. Even if they were some of the strongest people in the kingdom, being level 500+ and all, the attack came from a being who had reached the realm of mutation magic, someone who transcended the ordinary.

Needless to say, if they continued to suffer such damage, forget about the ghoul army, they would be done in by the magic itself.

"I know" Lucas shouted back. At this moment, his magic was finally completed.

A vast amount of mana coagulated around him as golden flames came to life. Like a giant golden blanket, the flames quickly spread around the surroundings, contending with the lighting and eating away at each other.

"Infernal Blaze" Lucas slammed his staff into the ground and continued to provide the magic with his mana.

Soon, his face became pale and his body shuddered like a leaf in a storm. Sustaining such a large area advance magic came with its toll; nevertheless, he did not cancel his connection with the magic and continued to hold on.

The scene of two powerful wide area magic fighting for supremacy was a truly hellish and spectacular scene. Massive amounts of energy was dispersed throughout the forest from the collision and created shockwaves that could be felt from dozens of kilometres away.

"Now, attack her" Using this opportunity when she was contending with Lucas, Benny and the others rushed forward with their attacks.

50 feet…40 feet... 25 feet… 15.. they quickly closed the distance. Yet even after they got so close to her the woman still showed no signs of dodging. Alarm bells rang inside Benny's head; however, ignoring all such notions and throwing caution to the air, he and the others kept charging.

They were so near, just a little more and their weapons would be able to reach her. It took all they had just to get this far, how could they just back down after all of this? This na?ve thought of theirs, would be something they would come to regret in the next second.

The reason why the woman did not dodge their attack was simple, it's because there was no need to in the first place. It was all a trap to lure them in. From the beginning, it was all just a show she put on to make them believe that she was locked in a magic showdown against Lucas.

In truth, the magic collision was all but a big farce.

"Little mischievous fire spirits, obey my commands. Bend the laws of this world and give life to these flames"

As if those words were some kind of incantation, the intense magical collision going between the two powerful magic, suddenly came to a standstill. Like someone pressed the pause button, all the lightning and flames stopped rolling around.

The next second, something inexplicable happened. The infernal flames stopped contending against the lightning and instead started coordinating with it. The flames which were supposed to keep mutated lightning in check, instead started attacking them.

"AAaaarrgghhh!!!" the ones who were hit by both flames and lightning squealed with the intensity of a dying pig.

The lighting was dreadful on its own, but now mixed with flames, the attack surpassed the threshold that even these battle hardered warriors could take on. Soon, one after another they started falling down on the ground, exhausted and defeated.

"Lucas what are you doing?!! Why are you attacking us?" Just before he fell, one of the warriors shouted, aggravated at the attack by his own ally.

"It's not me… the flames, my magic… the connection with my magic has been cut" Lucas explained his situation in panic. However, this was not the time nor anyone was willing to listen to him.

What kind of bullshit was that, they all thought the same thing. The flames attacked everyone but him, because of his magic, they lost the chance they managed to get hold of after much difficulty.

"Are you saying that I attacked you? What reason could I have to do such a thing?"…

"Obviously, it is to bait us so that you can run away on your own".

It didn't take time for the fragile trust between the group, to fall apart. They started blaming one another and finding faults for the shitty situation they found themselves in.

"Enough all of you, stop blaming each other. If we fight among ourselves at a time like this, we are practically doomed. It is what our opponent wants" Benny stepped in to mediate the situation.

"I have seen it with my own eyes, it was not Lucas' fault but a ploy used by that despicable woman to break us apart"

In that split second when the woman muttered those mysterious words, he had seen the flames behaving peculiarly. To put it more exactly, he saw pairs of eyes and mouths appearing inside the flames.

It sounded crazy but it is what he saw and he himself had difficulty believing. Which is why, he did not tell the others.

Mutation magic, the epitome of magical power. Benny and the others weren't wrong in recognising that Annette was about to unleash some kind of attack that would defy the norms of the ordinary and bend the laws of the nature.

However, what they misunderstood was that Annette was not using Mutated magic instead, she was using Spirit Magic, an exclusive ability of the race of spirits.

Being a superior spirit, of course Annette knew how to use spirit magic. In these many months ever since the first big battle they had inside the dungeon Annette and the other Valkyries worked very hard to refine their abilities, and hone their skills.

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