Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 806- Deeply Insulting

806 Chapter 806- Deeply Insulting

"Bastard, take me with you" Granfield shouted rushing towards Lucas. However, his path was blocked by Axe hand Adger who came attacking him with the giant axe he had for his right hand.

On the other hand, Annette who hadn't expected Lucas to be able to actually know a spatial skill was equally surprised. She extended her hand, intending to use a spirit skill, when Benny Beckerman blitzed towards her.

"Oh no, you don't" he spoke with an excited smile on his face. The speed that he just displayed, was much much faster than before. Not only that, but the colour and appearance of his Lightning Suit was also different.

Previously if it could be said that the lightning suit made him look elegant and was blue in colour, right now, it gave him more of a brutish atmosphere and the colour of the lightning was a deep red like that of blood.

"Hehe… [Crimosn Life Rupture]" Benny muttered grinning ear to ear.

In the face of his aggression, Annette simply snorted and continued casting her spell towards Lucas. Spirits of lightning and fire appeared before her, producing intense electrical surges and flames.

On her command, they moved in a helix and targeted the distant Lucas who was busy activating the spatial skill.

"I told you don't" Benny's words echoed with the rumbling of a thunder.

"[Thunder Bellow]" he moved his sword as three coiling crimson dragon thunder materialised around his sword and roared.

The two attacks collided, resulting in an intense shockwave. The powerful attack from Benny, shokingly cancelled the one from Annette causing the latter to be taken aback for a second.

Although she wasn't serious in that last attack of hers, but to be able to cancel it meant that it was at least as powerful or equal in power. She clearly remembered that this person wasn't powerful enough to dish out this level of attack before.

Which must mean that it was the result of a skill. To be able to raise one's power to such heights, it was a decent skill. However, she could also see that it had a serious drawback.

"How do you like it? This is like my last of the last resort skill that I haven't used it on anyone else before. You are the first one" Benny commented marvelling at his new look.

"Should I be honoured?" The man suddenly became chatty in his final hours. As he was the target of her revenge, she decided to humour him.

"Na, nothing of that sort, it's just that I have never activated this skill before which is why I didn't know how great it felt to be able to have this much power in one's grasp. Can you tell me one thing young lady? Is the level you are standing on, feel something like this?"

Cleaning his hands, Benny spoke excitedly. The rumbling of thunder from his new crimson suit was resounding.

"I do not know how you feel as I am standing at a much higher level than you are right now even at your current state. However, I can see that the skill you used has a very serious drawback. How long do you even have in that state"

Annette pointed out. Just like she had said, the skill that Benny used had a glaring problem and that was that it drained the user's lifeforce. As evident by his pale face and quickly shrivelling body that the lifeforce it drained was not normal, making it a one use skill before the ineitable death.

The power the skill bestowed to the user was really great; however, the fact that it took their life force in exchange made the skill less than decent in that aspect.

"Heh, you easily saw through my skill, I would expect no less from someone as strong as you. It is as you say, with the lifeforce I currently have, I do not have much time. Probably a couple of minutes before I croak. However, it is enough time for me to keep you busy. If burning up my life can help a young man with a bright future escape from this hell hole, then I say it's worth it"

Just like a flash of lightning, Benny executed numerous sword skills each accompanied by three coiling crimson thunder dragons. Now that he has executed his last resort skill, [crimson life rupture] which converted his lifeforce into strength, his speed as well as his attacks became much more powerful than before when he was simply using the Lightning Suit.

In this state, his level which was around 638 was displaying the strength of warriors around level 700.

"Buying time by talking are we? Hmph, it's useless no matter what you do, no one can escape from here?" Annette quickly saw through her opponent's ruse and activated her skill.

It was true that she didn't expect someone of Lucas' level to be able to know a spatial skill. Nevertheless, even if they knew a spatial skill, they were not getting out of here. The reason for that was because she possessed the bane of all the skills and magic, the [Disruption] skill.

Be it a skill or magic, one requires mana to activate it. The [Disruption] skill which sents all the mana into the surrounding into a frenzy thus interrupting all skills and magic was the ultimate counter.

The moment, Annette activated her disruption skill, it was as if the sky had changed colour, the entire area became a world of montone. All the mana in the surrounding was pushed away and the entire area for dozens of meters, became a mana void zone.

With all the mana gone, it was oimpossible to cast any magic or skill per se here. The spatial skill cast by Lucas' was naturally interrupted. The intense fluctuations of space around him suddenly became stagnant and the coordinates he set for his teleportation went all wrong and the skill was collapsing in front of his face.

"Not good!!" Seeing that the spatial gate he just formed might collapse at any moment, he made up his mind and did the unthinkable. Clenching his hands, he jumped into the unstable gate.

Usually, jumping into an unstable spatial gate with its coordinates all around the pale, was extremely dangerous and a foolish endeavour. No one in their sane mind would ever think of doing something like this. After all, the unstable spatial energy inside the spatial gate might very well tear the person apart into uncountable pieces if something goes wrong.

However, Lucas who was stuck between a rock and a hard place, had no other choice. He chose to believe in the faint chance of success and dived head first.

Luckily for him, the spatial gate didn't tear his body apart and he was able to successfully teleport. However, the bad news was that with the coordinates all around the place, the area he was teleported to, was not very far away from here.

In fact, he did not even leave the area of perception of that woman. Lucas could tell Annette locking into his presence instantly after he teleported here.

"Tsk, one of the pests got away. Never mind, nobody can get away with her being here." Back at the battlefield, Annette clicked her tongue in annoyance seeing that one of her targets of revenge got away.

"Hehe, so Lucas got away huh? That's good, now than I shall do my part too. This shall be the last battle of my life. Why don't we make it more exciting" Benny smiled, his eyes glowing with a fierce light.

After he lost his best pupil back inside the Forbidden Grounds and his guild was destroyed, he was always looking for a place to die. However, as an adventurer, committing suicide was unacceptable for him nor was dying in any other way.

His pride would only allow him to fall against an opponent who could best him in a duel. And finally today, he met an opponent like that. The woman who called herself Annette was the only opponent who could do him that honour.

Since the very moment he laid eyes on her, he realised the vast strength defiiference between them. Call it an adventurer's gut feeling or instinct but having gone through his fair share of adventures, he could vaguely predict how powerful one was based on just their presence and without even needing to rely on the [Analysis] skill.

It was for this reason that he knew none of them would survive the moment she appeared. That's right, he decided this place would be his deathbed and he would die here valiantly, killed by an opponent that he recognised.

However, reality didn't seem to play as he wished. From the corner of his eyes, he saw a couple of figures materialise from the shadows and go after Lucas at the orders of the woman.

Judging by their presence they were all… stronger than him!!

What was going on? Where did all these people come from? Where did Her Highness the princess find them? While he was in a state of daze at the shock of his life that he received today, Annette clapped her hands disrupting his thoughts.

"Now, now… I'm sure you are currently feeling full of yourself from all that boost in power. So I have decided to let the three of them be your opponent".

On Annette's indication, the three ghouls of the legendary criminals of the kingdom, stepped forward. One of them, namely axe hand Adger was even holding the beheaded head of the warrior named Granfield.

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