Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 807- Deeply Insulting (2)

807 Chapter 807- Deeply Insulting (2)

It appeared that at some unknown point in time when he was not paying attention, Granfield had died. Killed by the opponent renowned for being called the head cuter a long time ago.

The other two, bloody blade Orman and Zackary the Unkillable weren't your easy picks either. With the three of them as his opponent, even Benny who was under the effects of his skill won't be able to take it easy.

That said, although the legendary criminals that once shook the kingdom with their cruel actions, weren't bad to be his final opponents, this was still deeply insulting.

"What do you mean? Even after I activated [Crimson life ruture] you still won't fight me. Are you looking down on me?"

Benny hollered enraged at the fact that the opponent would not take him seriously even after he used his last resort to increase his power at the cost of his life.

"That's right, it does not matter to me what you had in mind or what you expected. You will die a dog's death here at the hands of these three. This is my way of exacting revenge on you for what you did to my master" Annette lost control of her emotions for a second there and blurted out a few things.

"You master?!!" Benny asked confused at the new information that he received "What do you mean? This was all a revenge for you?".

As hard as he thought, he couldn't figure out who the woman was talking about.

"Hmph, it's his matter and I'm sure he wouldn't want me to butt in. However, even then I cannot simply forgive you for what you did back then. I will just ask for master's forgiveness later" Saying so, she gestured with her finger and the three immediately jumped at Benny.

"Kihihi, I have been waiting to fight the strongest man in the kingdom. Benny Beckerman, I have heard all about your feats and achievements. Today let me experience for myself if all those tasks that I heard were all just baseless rumours or the truth" Zackary the unkillable spoke.

"Hey, who told you that you can have the headstart? Benny Beckerman is my opponent" Bloody Blade Orman added.

"Get aside you two, let me handle him" Axe hand Adger rushed past first. Seeing the three talk and converse like humans, Benny was taken aback for a moment. Nonetheless, he still perfectly parried the attack that came from Axe hand.

They can speak? But how? This was another one of the uncountable shocks that he received today.

"Heh, you blocked that huh? How about this then? [Bloody Fountain Chop]" The axe hand of Adger shone with a bloody red glow before spurting out a fountain of blood.

The speed at which the blood came out, was so fast that it easily sliced through the ground, boulder and anything around it. Benny was forced to swiftly dodge the attack. Thankfully because of his extreme speed, it was nothing too difficult for him.

"There is no mistaking it, they are actually speaking. But how can that be?"

The ghouls he had fought all this time, although some had the ability to think and use skills like humans, none of them had the ability to speak. If they did, a few of his teammates who turned into ghouls after getting bitten would have said something or recognised them.

However, when they turned into a ghoul, forget about seeing any human emotion, all that was reflected from their eyes was pure unsatiable hunger for human flesh. Benny noticed that the last point was common in all ghouls whether they be Greater Ghouls or lesser ghouls.

This was also the reason why he thought that when one turns into a ghoul they lose all their human self and turn into a being of sorts that was no different than a monster.

However, the three in front of them lacked any such desire or maybe they did but were able to perfectly handle it. Did that mean that they were special in a way being able to talk and retain their previous memory and all?

Think as much as he may, he would never be able to figure out the fact that the three he was fighting, were no mere ghoul but a Vampire Neonate. Vampires who are at the lowest ranks of the vampire hierarchy.

Be that may, even if the three of them were only the lowest ranking vampires, there was still a large difference in strength between them and a ghoul.

A ghoul was just a servant, one that could be mass produced and used as a meat shield by a vampire. They do not possess any of the powerful abilities that a vampire does nor can they regenerate their wounds.

Whereas, a vampire neonate is an actual vampire possessing all the dreadful skills that made their race such a menace. Being at the bottom rungs, the Vampire Neonates are the hands and feet of the other higher ranking vampires.

What's more, the three of them were already pretty strong. Now after becoming a vampire, it was only natural that they became even stronger.

If it was just one or at max two of them he was confident that he could handle it. However, with the three of them joining hands, even he was hard pressed to defeat them.

Although he was called the strongest man in the kingdom, it was only now. In their time, Adger, Zackary and Orman had all reached a level that wasn't too far away from him. Naturally, they could match him if they worked together even if he was under the effects of the skill that he could only use once in his life to increase his strength.

And then there was the ridiculous endurance they had. No matter how many times they took damage or how grave of a wound they suffered they quickly healed themselves and sprang up.

In front of his eyes, Benny saw Adger whose axe hand that he had chopped off, dig his fangs into a nearby ghoul and casually reattach his hand.

It was not only Adger, Zackary and Orman did the same every once in a while when they suffered grievous wounds.

[Thirst] an exclusive ability of the vampires and the other races associated with them. It gives them the power to constantly heal their wounds and regenerate from their injuries. On the other side, the downside of this skill is that while in possession of this ability, one would have an insatiable hunger and crave blood intensely.

Anyways, thanks to this unfair ability they could easily keep up with Benny. The latter despite knowing the fact that their ridiculous regeneration stemmed from the blood they drank could do nothing to stop them. After all, there was an army of ghouls around them.

How many times can he even stop them? At this moment, Benny finally realised he wouldn't even be able to get the kind of death he desired.

The fight between Benny and the three vampires although was a spectacle and feast for eyes, didn't last long. After a few minutes as soon as the duration of the skill ended, unable to support himself any longer, Benny fell down from the sky and lay on the ground back first.

With his bones sticking out of his skin, sunken eyes and body that looked like it had aged very much, he seemed to be at the death's door. All of his lifeforce had been drained, he would die even if nobody killed him.

Looking at that state of his, the cold callous eyes of Annette slowly smiled. She finally managed to exact the revenge on the person who made her master go through all that difficulty and made him experience despair in the truest of senses.

She saw his miserable and pathetic state and called the three vampires back. In his last moment, she didn't even offer him the luxury of his opponent finishing him.



Huff… huff…inside the Norther Outlaw Forest Lucas was running. His breath was ragged and his clothes dirty. As a mage, the stats that he focused on was mostly Magic and Endurance. As a result, he was lacking in other aspects and tasks such as running for a long period of time was an uphill battle for him.

If he was so bad at physical tasks, why was he running and not using his magic to teleport away?

The answer was that he was being hunted. Currently not too far behind, were a couple of shadows who were silently tailing him. From their appearance, it doesn't seem like they were ghouls; no, on the contrary, they appeared more like Demi humans.

Everything around him was so messed up that Lucas didn't even question how and what the demi humans were doing here. He was all too busy running for his life.

The demi humans might not be ghouls; however, they weren't allies either. Although from the situation it might seem like they were simply trailing him but make no mistake. The moment he tries to fly or use his spatial magic, he would be shot down by their attacks mercilessly.

Why were they stopping him from teleporting away? Lucas had an idea though it was too frightening that he didn't want to think about it. He didn't want to die, there were still a lot of things he wanted to achieve.

He was a genius and had the potential to rise much higher, 'that being' themself said so. He had to get out of here, he had to survive no matter what.

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