Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 810- Night Of The Raid (2)

Chapter 810- Night Of The Raid (2)

"Heh, it looks like duke montford's duchy is doing good. Well, considering the fact that they sent all the injured, destitute and the old towards the northwestern region, I guess it is to be expected"…

"I bet that prince is sitting in his Brobdingnagian chair inside his castle at this moment, enjoy the lofty services that common folks won't even dream of"…

"Aren't we here precisely for that, to light a fire under his ass? Let's bring that stupid prince who dreams about becoming a king, down"…

The adventurers smirked looking at the distant city, thriving and flourishing at the expense of other people and regions. Not long from now, they were going to raid it and plunge the city in despair.

"Your Highness, when should we commence our attack?" Blake and the others stood in front of their respective teams and asked.

Cynthia observed the thriving metropolis in the distance as if wanting to engrave it in her memories for the last time before closing her eyes. The next time she opened them, there was a resolute and ruthless light in those eyes.

Those eyes that made their resolution were not just any ordinary eyes, but the eyes of a ruler who had to be cruel and heartless to her own people for the sake of her own people.

"We will commence the attack at midnight today. You all have a few hours, rest all you want right now. After some time, you will have to fight people who are on your side. Even if they are soldiers who are just doing their job, civilians or your relatives, if they stand in your way, slay without any hesitation"

"Those who can't steel their heart to the cruel slaughter that is about to begin, might as well stay behind. I want only those people to follow me who can obey my order without any question"

Cynthia spoke in an assertive and sharp tone that left no room for any argument. From this point on, no disobedience will be allowed. The group of adventurers, even though they had no proper training, etiquette or manner, saluted towards the princess to the very best of their ability.

And so, on the orders of Her Royal Highness the Princess, the adventurers rested their travel worn bodies for the upcoming big battle. Since they were at the borders of the northern outlaw forest with plenty of greeneries and foliage, they were perfectly hidden from the sentries on the wall.

In fact, even if they were spotted, there would be no problem as the sentries were all turned into ghouls by Theodore's and Myabell's kindred. The entire northwestern part of the wall had been taken over by the enemies and the people of the city nor the nobles had any idea.

They were still living out their daily lives going on about their usual activities. They would only come to know about the intruders much later when the bell from the southern wall sounded the alert and a wall of fire, higher than the walls of the city itself encases an entire district.

Inside the castle, Alstin read a report from his subordinate and immediately crumpled the parchment of paper in his hand in anger.

"Dammit, so aside from the southern nobles, even the western nobles have thrown their lots with the enemy. Those contemptuous bastards, I will definitely behead them all".

BANG… he kicked away the chair he was sitting on.

"Why, why do these things only happen to me. On top of being surrounded by enemies from all sides, they are now marching towards here. Dammit, where are Lucas and Benny at a time like this?".

The subordinate hesitated before replying "I believe they took His Grace's Air Engine to go in search of the princess".

Alstin turned around, his eyes glaring at the subordinate "You think I don't know that? What I want to know is where are they now exactly and can we still not get in touch with them through the transmission conch?".

It has been more than a week since Lucas and the others left. Considering the fact that they were travelling with an Air Engine, even if their destination was to the far northwest, a week was enough time to make several trips back and forth.

So why were they not back yet? Worse, he couldn't even reach them through the transmission conch, which made their status uncertain.

"Could it be that they really found my sister? Were the reports really true? If so then the fact that they are not returning is because they betrayed me and joined my sister's side? It is Lucas we are talking about, I will not put it beyond him" Alstin paced around as several worst scenarios played out in his head.

"It could also very well be possible that they took the Air Engine and ran away, betraying me. Yes, yes… it might be the truth".

Away from him, kneeling on the ground and watching Alstin's demented behaviour, was the subordinate. A wicked grin played across their lips and their eyes glowed a strange red. However, before the prince could even notice, they quickly concealed it.

It could be said that ever since the invasion of blackthorn and the fall of the capital, things were starting to go gravely wrong for Alstin. The cynical side of his also kept on becoming worse day by day until he was completely grasped by paranoia.

The circumstances played a large part in Alstin's transformation; however, a large part of it was because of the subordinate's interference. A creepy greyish black energy slowly seeped into the room and quietly and coiled around the first prince's body and entered him.

"Your Highness, if Lucas and Benny have betrayed you, simply cut them off. The same goes for the incompetent sister of yours. Once you become the king, you can simply send them to the gallows and punish their insubordination. You are the only one worthy to rule this land, you can do anything you want, those who don't follow you are the traitors, your enemy. Simply cast them away…"

"That's right, I am the only one worthy, the ruler.."

Just as the subordinate was in the midst of brainwashing and coercing the first prince's mind, a soldier hurriedly knocked on the door.

"Your Highness, I have an urgent report".

Immediately, the effects of the brainwashing disappeared and the prince snapped out of his stupor. The greyish black energy also faded from around his body.

"What was I doing?" Alstin muttered under his breath. The subordinate was gone and he couldn't remember anything he was doing up until now.



On his command, the soldier entered in. Alstin immediately recognised the soldier as one of the men manning the wall.

What were they doing here? What's more, given how much the soldier was out of breath and sweating, he must have run all the way here. It had to be very urgent.

"What's wrong? Give your report?"..


As he had expected the report was extremely important and concerned him and the entire city.

"We are being attacked? Who is it? Is it the Army from Balckthorn? No that is impossible. It would take more than two months time to get here from the capital and that too by carriage at full speed. Could it be that they flew over here using the Air Engine? But if they did, I'm sure my spies would have sent some reports over"

Alstin bit his thumb as he pondered in panic.

"It's not Blackthorn's army who is besieging us, Your Highness" The soldier shook his head.

"Then could it be the nobles who have thrown their lots with the enemy? Of course, it's them, if anyone who can reach Castldor so soon, it's them"…

"It's not them either"…

"Hm? Then who could it be?"

If it's not the Blakcthron army which was occupying the capital nor the nobles who changed their alliance, then who would attack him at this hour.

"That is…" the soldier looked a little perplexed himself "From the flag the enemy is flying, we reckon that it's the insignia of the Serene Palace".

As soon as the soldier said those words, Alstin's pupils dilated to their limits.

"Did you just say that the enemy was flying the symbol of Serene Palace?" Wanting to make sure that he heard right, he asked again.

The soldier nodded. "Impossible, she should have died back inside the dungeon. How… how can she be here? No, I can't allow this, nobody can take my pale as the king. I am the only true ruler of this land"

While the prince was busy indulging in his paranoia, the soldier interjected "Your Highness what is your command?"..

"No matter if it's Aiden or Cynthia, those who stand in my way are my enemies. Hmm, first I need to ascertain the truth of the matter. Contact the northern garrison and ask them about the situation around the wall…"

"About that, we have lost all contact with the northern garrison. We believe that the enemy has already taken control of the northern side of the wall".

SILENCE~ As soon as the soldiers spoke those words, an unsettling silence descended onto the room. It stayed for a couple of seconds before being broken by Alstin who garbbed the soldier by their armour.

"What did you say?!!" His voice distorted by anger, he bellowed.

"It is as you heard Your Highness, we can't contact the northern garrison" the soldier repeated.

"Bastard, do I pay you all for no reason? You can't even do a single task. All you had to do was guard the wall and sound the alarm when you spot anything suspicious. Is it not why you are stationed there?"…


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