Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 811- Night Of The Raid (3)

Chapter 811- Night Of The Raid (3)

"Then why is that I heard no alarm? Why is it that you can't even do a single task that you are meant to do?"…

"Please forgive our incompetence, Your Highness" Seeing the first prince get so mad, the soldier could only bow his head in shame and apologise, even though it was not his fault.

"Well whatever, it is my fault in the first place to have expected anything of you incompetent bastards"

He threw the soldier on the floor and walked up to the window. There on the northern part of the wall, he could see multiple flashes of light which was probably from the activation of skills and magic, continuously going on.

"Tell me where is his grace the duke? In a situation like this, he is the only one I can turn to" Alstin questioned.

"About that, the Duke already took a few men and headed for the northern walls" the soldier reported.


Alstin bit his thumbnail and continued to stare towards the northern wall. Although he was gripped by paranoia and brainwashed little by little by one of his subordinates, he hadn't completely lost his rationality.

As such, he knew that going after the duke to the northern walls was nothing short of suicidal especially when knowing that he was their objective. No matter what, he had to stay alive first and foremost. He can leave the matters of the city to Duke Montford.

"Dammit, if only I had Lucas and Benny here with me" Alstin looked at the weak looking soldier and ordered.

"You there, this is my direct order. Go and tell this to the most powerful soldiers out there, they are to safeguard the castle and allow no one suspicious in. Also, bring a couple of them with you, they are to guard me by my side".

The soldier hurriedly left to carry out the orders. While Alstin was making preparations to turtle up inside the castle, atop the northern walls. Using grappling hooks, climbing cams or their own skills, the adventurers covertly climbed up the walls in the darkness of the night.

Since only those people who have reached level 500 can use Mana wings, almost all of the adventurers except for a certain few people had to climb the walls. Anyways, after successfully climbing the wall, they quickly disposed of the soldiers manning the wall and quickly took over it.

Everything went on so well and easily that it was concerning on the contrary.

"Does anyone else also feel that we managed to sneak in too easily? Why didn't the soldiers spot us even until we reached the foot of the wall" one of the adventurers raised his concern.

"Heh, you are thinking too much. Do you really think an average soldier of this city can match any one of us adventurers? In terms of skills and tactics, we are far superior to the likes of these jarheads. Besides, who do you think is leading the group of assassins while culling down the numbers of soldiers on the wall?"

With another adventurer emphasising it, that adventurer who raised the concern nodded his head in understanding. It was true that they could not assess the strength of the soldiers with their standards.

Unlike them who have lived their years, fighting monsters and dealing with one unfair situation after another all the while fighting for their life and polishing their skills and levels, the average soldier of the city hardly had anything to worry about.

The only thing they took care of was the law and order of the city, while occasionally breaking fights among the citizens of the city. How could such people even be their match?

Not to mention, even among the adventurers of the tower town, they were considered elites. It made sense that the soldiers were unable to spot them. Even if they did spot them, with Wyot and the other assassins assisting them from on top of the wall, it shouldn't come as a surprise.

Although the adventurers weren't wrong, what they didn't know was that the people they killed had already been turned into ghouls who had been ordered to just roam around the walls and not do anything.

Their task was only to keep the fa?ade and get eliminated by Cynthia's forces during the raid. As they were expendables that could be mass produced at whim by the vampires, it did not matter if they died or survived.

"Your Highness" Blake, Frida, Wyot and the others bowed their heads towards Cynthia who had used her strange skill to fly over. As usual, beside her followed Annette and Emma who were using Mana Wings to fly.

"How goes the infiltration?" Cynthia questioned looking down at the quiet city whose people have retired inside their homes after a bustling day.

"We have successfully taken over the northern side of the wall without causing any commotion. I'm sure the ruling class of the city still has no idea that we are here" Blake reported.

"Good, the first part of the plan has gone well. It's now time to carry out the next. Give the signal, let everyone inside especially that foolish brother of mine know that I am here" Cynthia declared with an even tone.

On her command, Blake took out an item that looked like some kind of flare used to guide Air Engine during the night and threw it up. With that as the signal, an Airship rose from the borders of the Northern Outlaw Forest.

When the Air Engine came into view, one could see that there was a long wide strip of cloth tied to the keel of the Air Engine. Engraved in the cloth in big gold colours that could be seen even at night, was a symbol depicting a palace sitting beside a lake.

The symbol was none other than the exclusive insignia of the princess of the Kingdom of Ellesmere, Her Highness Princess Cynthia. Also at the same time, the bell from the south side of the wall rang out alerting people of the intruders.

The city that was quietly sleeping was suddenly woken awake. Guards hurried over and soon a spectacle was created.

"Go!! Cull down anyone who dares to stand in your path. Do not show them any mercy" Seeing this Cynthia ordered. Although her words sounded cruel and heartless, she couldn't afford to show any sympathy to the people who were in the rival faction, even if they were her own people.

Alvara, Burg, and her other retainers unhesitantly unsheathed their weapon and so did the adventurers. Even if they weren't her retainers, she was the one who saved them and their families from peril.

She extended a helping hand to them when they needed it the most. The debt of gratitude that they owed her, cannot be repaid no matter what they did for her. Forget about just aiding her to reclaim her kingdom back, some of the fanatics who worshipped her like god and would resort to anything if she just so much as moved her mouth.

"How dare you invade the duke's castle? Don't think that you can get out of here alive" one of the soldiers who was in the midst of speaking, suddenly had his sentence got cut in half along with his throat.

Wyot and the other assassins materialised out of nowhere and started going on a killing frenzy. As they were much higher level than the average soldier, the battle ensued next was no battle, but an absolute massacre.

It was like watching a wolf who had snuck into a chicken pen. The adventurers were the wolves and the soldiers the chicken. The assassins weren't the only ones who went into a killing frenzy, warriors like Blake, Burg and the others and mages like Frida and Marba were unstoppable too.

In the case of the latter, whenever they cast a spell, soldiers would fall en masse.

"We… we are not their match. Only the captains or higher rank can handle" Realising the difference between their strengths the soldiers subconsciously retreated.

As they say, quality over quantity. Although Castledor had numbers, Cynthia had quality. Even if the number she brought along with her was low probably not even crossing fifty, each and every person she brought, was the elites of the tower town who had a rich battle experience and were used to fighting beings stronger than them.

Even the captains and Corporals who were of higher rank than the others were no match for the adventurers.

"Hm? It seems the enemy is getting smarter or maybe there is a competent strategist among them. Since they know our objective is to get to the castle, they have a barricade of sorts all around the road" Wyot scanned, standing on top of a building to get a clear view of things.

"How many barricades are there? What are they using?" Blake questioned.

If they were using simple means like barb wires and other things that usually worked on low level monsters then there was no need to worry.

"Damn, it's sickening to say. Although they are using barbed wires, they are also warming the normal citizens and using them as a meat wall. Behind them, much further down the road, they have also placed the magic cannon"

"I don't know which son of bitch came up with this strategy, but they are planning to use the citizens as a sacrifice to fire the magic cannon on us. Although it can't hurt warriors like you, assassins like us who have low defence will suffer some injuries if that hits us. Worse, if it hits a mage, they would suffer some grave injuries" Wyot replied scratching his ear.

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