Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 812- Night Of The Raid (4)

Chapter 812- Night Of The Raid (4)

"Should we ask the mages to construct a magic shield around all of us?".

Blake's expression was equally ugly. To use the citizens of their city that they meant to protect as bait, the very idea was revolting. However, that said, since the moment they planned to raid the city, they expected for anything to happen.

The plan did not change, Her Highness ordered them to mow through everything be it soldier or civilian, they had the orders to cull down anyone. Perhaps, she had already foreseen such a development which is why she gave such a cold command.

No wonder, her figure looked so forlorn and sad. Since Her Highness had made her mind, there was no place for him to hesitate. He thought for a while before giving out his orders.

"No need, if we do that it will only slow us down. Plus it would deplete the mana of the mages much faster. We will plough through everything in our path… let's use that".

Saying that, he pointed up.

Immediately understanding what he meant, Wyot grinned "Hehe, we are using that huh. In that case, leave it to me and the other assassins to guide it. I will make sure that none of those things misses".

"Yeah, I leave it to you".

Using the higher version of the [stealth] skill, [Meld] Wyot disappeared. Walking in the middle of the formation with several of her retainers and Annette protecting her, was Cynthia. As she marched forward while keeping a cold, unmoving face, she looked at the bloodbath that was ensuing all around her.

This bloodbath was something that was caused by her. Had she not given the order; no, perhaps if she didn't come to Castledor city, this wouldn't have happened. The soldiers of the city who were only doing their job, nor the citizens who were being forced to take up arms would have died.

However, if she didn't come here, if she left the kingdom to its fate, who knows what kind of future it would have or perhaps it wouldn't have any. Knowing Alstin, Cynthia was sure that he would bring the country that their father cherished to ruin.

To keep the promise to her father, to keep the kingdom from heading to its eventual end, she has to do it. If she doesn't then the casualties would be much higher than now. It was for the kingdom and its people's future.

Telling herself that or more like brainwashing herself with those words, she kept moving on. If she didn't force herself to believe those words, she might just collapse from all the guilt and remorse.

This was absolutely unacceptable to her, and as such the only way was forward. Perhaps there was another way that could bring her own and everyone's misery to a quick end and that was to take down Alstin as soon as possible.

"Where is he at this current moment?" Cynthia asked the woman beside him.

"He is hiding inside the castle. There is a hidden route underneath the castle that leads to an emergency shelter. This emergency shelter is filled with rations and all facilities, it was probably made so that the people of the city could take shelter inside the castle if the city ever fell or had to close its gates. The first prince is planning to hide inside the emergency shelter until all of it is over"

Annette answered, reporting the actions of the first prince. The high ranking vampires were monitoring him 24X7. As such, any action or movement he made, was immediately reported to Annette through Thedore and Maybell.

"He is planning to turtle inside the emergency shelter huh? How very like of him" Cynthia wasn't surprised on the contrary, she smirked in contempt as if already expecting him to do something like this.

"Any powerful individuals by his side?" knowing her brother she knew that he would keep some powerful individuals by his side to keep himself safe.

"No, although there are a couple of soldiers who are stronger than the ones over here, they are nothing that the adventurers on your side cannot handle. More importantly, our bigger problem would be…"

"Your Highness we have a problem"

Annette who was in the midst of telling Cynthia something was interrupted by Blake who hurried over to her side.

"What is it Blake? For you to abandon your position from the frontlines and come here?"…

"Please excuse me Your Highness, but I felt like I should tell you this myself" Blake bowed his head before continuing "Duke Montford is standing in our path and wishes to see you"…

"Duke Montford?!!" Hearing the name, Cynthia narrowed her eyes.

Duke Montford, a noble with many achievements to his name. Not only was he a descendant of a great war hero who achieved many great things for the kingdom, but the person himself was also second to none when it came to governing his fief and political strategies.

Other than that, he had also led many successful crusades against the bandits of the Black Town and most of all, he was the person who defeated one of the legendary criminals of the kingdom, Axe hand Adger and forced him into hiding all these years.

Duke Montford's existence was a guardian that safeguarded the northwestern corner of the kingdom. However, to Cynthia all those achievements and influence matter not as he was one of the main backers who supported her first brother, Alstin.

Other than that, he was also the person who pushed the matter of her marrying Lucas to the king and her brother many times during the royal court. That being said, his loyalty to the kingdom was unquestionable and he was always there whenever the kingdom ever needed his help.

In short, Cynthia's perspective of this person was very complicated. For him to ask to see her, what could it be about? Cynthia considered all the options in her head and replied— "Alright, lead me. I want to see what he is up to".

With that Blake led Cynthia to the forefront of their formation. Standing not too far away, surrounded by powerful looking warriors with full body armour, was the duke. His short black hair had parts of grey and was neatly combed to one side.

He was wearing his regal noble clothes and donned a red robe that had his crest engraved behind. His forehead had slight creases highlighting that he was not young anymore yet despite that his gait was straight like a sword and he realised an imposing and overwhelming aura simply by standing still.

Powerful, any experienced person who saw him would come up with that to describe him. The moment Cynthia laid her eyes on him, she couldn't help but feel that the man hadn't changed at all. The last time that she saw him, he looked the exact same.

"So you were alive Your Highness" The duke spoke. Just like how she was observing her, he too was marvelling at the growth she had shown. Despite being dealt a bad hand, all of her accomplishments snatched and almost forced to forfeit her life, she climbed her way back again.

Duke Montford was in awe of the princess whom he had seen grow into a fine woman from a little girl.

"You don't sound too pleased your grace. Could it be that me being alive somehow upset your plans?"…

"Haha" Facing her provocation the man simply smiled "It's not like that, this old man is very pleased to see the princess alive and doing well".

'Then why don't you say that to your face' Everyone on Cynthia's side, had the same thoughts within their minds.

With the two leaders of both sides now confronting each other in talks, the battle all around came to a strange standstill.

"Your Grace seems to be doing quite well himself. I heard that you got a new successor now?"

"It looks like I can't hide anything from the princess. It's as you say; however, let's stop the small talks here. I am sure we both are not here for that"…

"Oh?! then for what reason did the duke come out here personally?" Cynthia smiled.

"Don't play dumb. I am here to tell you to stop this madness. We are currently at a war with the kingdom of Blackthorn. Now that the capital has fallen and the remaining nobles have thrown their lots with the enemies, it is even more important that we unite and not fight each other. What Your Highness is currently doing is the height of folly"

Duke Montford stared straight at Cynthia and declared. His heavy and deep voice sounded all across the street clearly.

Hearing his words, Cynthia nodded "What his grace said is right. Right now, we ought to put our differences aside and fight the foreign invaders. Considering the enemy's numbers and our former allies who have defected to their side, we have an absolute numerical disadvantage. What's more, we are also surrounded by enemies now. At a time like this fighting among ourselves would only hasten our doom"…

"If you know so much then why…"

"Why am I doing this?" before the duke could continue, Cynthia interrupted him. Her gaze was no less intense than his.

"I won't let you say that. You know my intentions very well"…

"I know; however, Your Highness if you do this, there won't be no winner at all" The reason why Duke Montford came here was to stop Cynthia and her forces from killing any more soldiers.

He was afraid that if the royal siblings continued to go after each other's throats even when the enemy was right in front of them, the kingdom would be completely doomed.

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