Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 823- Relocation of the Harpy Race

Chapter 823- Relocation of the Harpy Race

Even if she excluded all the extraordinary and unbelievable things that were inside the dungeon, just the fact that it went through so many rank ups so quickly, was enough to tell Melinda; no, anyone that the dungeon was special.

'Would our race of harpies be able to also evolve like that if we follow him?' This thought couldn't help but inadvertently arrive in her mind.

Simon was observing the emotional changes that Melinda was going through when suddenly, his eyes made a sharp turn.

"Oh? Where do they think they are going?"

There, behind the hordes of Black Ogres and Terraquake Rhinos, were the two envoys who were currently trying to escape from the place. The black ogre leader was using [Mana Wings] to fly while the Terraquake Rhino leader was using the powerful strength of his race to leap from one peak to another.

Seeing them trying to make a break from here, Simon couldn't help but snort. Now that they knew the relationship between him and the harpies, there was no way he could let them get out of here alive. He had decided so, the moment he revealed himself.

"Revenant Crows, attack".

ZAAPPP… at that moment, out of nowhere a powerful beam of energy was fired towards the escaping Gish-Bagh and Drovos.

BANG… Drovos took the attack and crash landed onto a peak while Gish-Bagh narrowly dodged the attack.

"What the?! That stung, where did that come from?" Drovos complained pulling himself out of the debris. He suffered no damage thanks to the endogenous armour of his.

"I don't know, I couldn't sense the attacker too. Be careful, more attacks would follow next" While he said that, Gish-Bagh did not slow down his speed for even a second.

"Dammit" giving a deep grunt, Drovos followed behind. However… ZAAP…ZAAP… ZAAP!! More and more attacks came targeting them from all directions.

The two of them tried their best to block; nevertheless, the attacks were far too many in number and came from unexpected directions that it was impossible to completely block all of them out.

What was even more frustrating was the fact that they didn't have any clue where the attack was coming from. One of the deadliest aspects of the Revenant Crows Warmachine was its stealth ability.

Although they weren't equipped with as many high grade and powerful weapons as the Andromedas, their edge lay in the fact that they were the most suitable for covert and espionage operations.

As could be seen from the reactions of the two envoys who were completely baffled by the attacks that were coming from the Revenant Crows they couldn't perceive. And that was only from the lowest Edition V version, the higher version of Revenant Crows was stocked with even more powerful stealth system.

Gish-Bolg used his mana armour and powerful magical and physical attacks to retaliate. Nevertheless, he still got hit by a few. Although with his level and powerful stats, these kinds of damage were nothing, the attacks still managed to slow him down considerably.

Whoosh… multiple piercing noises of wind being split apart sounded out and the figures of harpies surrounded them from all directions.

"Hmph, it looks like your luck ends here. I will make you pay for the rudeness you showed against our queen" Leading the bunch, was Oro and the other direct subordinates of Melinda.

The latter was itching to teach them a lesson for a while. Now he could finally let loose without worrying about his queen snapping at him.

"Attack" Oro shouted leading the charge. The harpies although individually weaker than Gish-Bolg and Drovos, made it up with their extreme Agility and numbers.

The harpies weren't called the tyrant of the skies for nothing, their bodies and frames were developed in a way that made them extremely agile in the sky, making possible movements that were impossible for other creatures.

Coupled with their razor sharp reinforced feather and talons they were a force to be feared. What's more, this was their territory, as such they knew how to attack and retreat and use the terrain to their favour.

CLANG… Oro dived down from the skies, unfurling his wings at the crucial moment and using a screw dive move, he left a deep scar on the endogenous armour of Drovos.

Even among the other harpies, Oro and a few others were a cut above, being the direct subordinate of the queen of the harpies.

"Dammit" The terraquake rhino touched his armour in pain. He was still reeling in pain from the deep footprint left by that woman on his chest and now there was this scar made by the damn harpy.

If this went on, wouldn't this put the dignity of the Terraquake Rhinos and his lord the Ivory Terraquake Rhino into shame?

ROARRR… With a deep guttural roar that shook the very air, Drovos finally lost it. His eyes became crimson and was smeared with a trace of bloodlust as he charged towards his assailant.

He forgot his mission and was completely swept up by the moment, ignoring even the calls of Gish-Bolg. The harpies took advantage of this state of his to toy with and attack his openings, slowly wearing the terraquake rhino down.

"You damn fool, this is not the time for you to lose your mind. Tsk, don't pull me down with yourself"

Gish-bolg cursed. He activated a movement skill and quickly fled leaving Drovos behind. The harpies chased behind him.

Back on top of the peak, Simon observed the fleeing black ogre with a derisive smile. Whose territory did they think they were on? Did they really think that they could just escape from one of the seven king clans?

No matter how far he fled, he was still under range. Simon looked at Melinda and nodded his head. The very next second, the sky above the peak abruptly darkened as the queen of the harpies slowly opened her eyelids.

Four pupils in each eye, for a total of eight, were on full display. For the first time in a while, Melinda used her evil eyes. Those bizarre pupils that had extraordinary abilities, reflected the figure of the fleeing ogre.

Jolt… hundreds of meters away, Gish-Bolg who was running away with all of his might, suddenly shuddered and came to a stop after feeling some kind of ominous gaze lock onto him.

He couldn't tell what was the origin of this ominous feeling; nevertheless, he felt like a prey in front of a predator in front of this gaze.

"I don't have time for this" Shaking his head, he was just about to resume his flight, when suddenly a droplet of liquid fell down on his hand. Looking over, he saw that it was blood and not just any blood, but his own blood.

"What the…"

Just as he was about to question what was going on, more and more blood dripped down on his hand the next second. Not only that, his vision also started becoming blurry and he noticed that he was bleeding from all of his seven orifices.

"Evil… Eyes" Finally, Gish-Bolg understood what was going on. He fell prey to the evil eyes of the queen of the harpies. Although it was his first time being targeted with one, he had nevertheless heard from his king how dreadful this ability was. And today, he got to experience its full glory for himself.

"I can't die here, I must bring this report back to my lord" The indigo horn on his head shone brightly before he soon succumbed to the effects of the evil eyes.

The body of the envoy from the black ogre tribe fell down from the sky and was torn apart into numerous pieces in a matter of seconds by the harpies and the other aerial beasts living in the vicinity.

As for the envoy from the Terraquake Rhino, Drovos' fate was a miserable one. Due to the insane defensive power of his endogenous armour, he was repeatedly slashed and cut, causing him to die a slow and gruelling death.

Back on top of the peak, finished with her task, Melinda slowly closed her eyes.

"Good work" Simon praised, he then glanced towards Bea and spoke, "You can stop, that ogre is dead".

The Valkyrie heeding his words, stopped conjuring her spatial magic. It appeared that Bea would have taken action even if Melidna hadn't used her evil eyes. As a user of the spatial magic, this much distance was insignificant for her. She could have teleported there in the blink of an eye if she wanted to.

"Now then, it's time the farce over here finished too".

The battle between the forces brought by the two envoys and the Rimeblood Tribe was still going on. There were many injuries and casualties on both sides; nonetheless, it was the side of the Rimeblood tribe that suffered the most damage.

Fighting against two races together, was not an easy task. Yet even when faced with an unfavourable situation, they continued to fight with the same maddened fervour as the one before the fight.

The orcs would probably continue to fight till the last man or until he told them to stop. The reason why he brought them here was to assess their power and not to use them as a sacrificial pawn.

Simon had a good understanding of their strength now as such, he ordered the harpies to intervene in the battle and tip the scales.

With the involvement of the Harpies, the battle had turned and the flow was now in the favour of the Rimeblood Tribe.

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