Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 824- Relocation Of The Harpy Race (2)

Chapter 824- Relocation Of The Harpy Race (2)

The forces of the Terraquake Rhino and Black Ogre were already exhausted and low on morale after their two leaders abandoned them. Thus with the hapries joining the fray, they started losing.

Soon, all the Black ogres and terraquake rhinos lay on the ground, dead. As for the Rimeblood tribe, only a small number of them remained, Berisol was one of them.

 "You all did a good job" Simon praised passing them a few bottles of elixirs.

"Thank you supreme lord for giving us this opportunity to avenge our fallen brethren and also for making us stronger" Berisol kneeled on the ground and thanked. The others of its race also did the same.

"All I did was provide you with the opputunity. The result was brought by your own efforts and perseverance" Simon smiled pleased by the attitude of the orcs.

"No, it is thanks to the magnanimity of the supreme lord that the race of our orcs was able to survive that day and become this strong. This debt, we will never forget it. Please let us continue to serve you in the future too. No matter what battles you want us to fight, the Rimeblood tribe will always respond to your command and become your hands and feet".

Berisol words were sincere, one could see a light of resolve and extreme admiration for Simon in his eyes. It could even be said that the level of admiration he had for Simon, was even higher than Berigard, his king.

 "Un, I plan to put your race to good use. Continue to work hard" Saying that, Simon left for the first peak of the mountain with Bea and Melinda to discuss the matters about today and the plans for moving forward from this point on.

 Although they have killed the potential leak, the fact that the two envoys and many subordinates of two of the seven kings died here, would no doubt make them suspicious. Even if they are unaware of the realtion between him and the harpies, they would no doubt still be wary of the harpies.

The Seven Kings, especially Gil-garna and Yzerza might think that she was a thorn in their alliance and might even join together to take her out first. The events today left the clan of harpies exposed and in a quie a tight spot.

That being said, Simon already had a solution prepared. It all depended on Melinda whether she wanted to accept it or not.


 "Lord Simon, if there is still some space in your dungeon, I would like to bring the clan of harpies and relocate inside your dungeon"

 Just as he was about to open his mouth to recommend relocation of their clan, Melinda spoke first, bringing out the exact same topic he was about to speak of.



The place was a luxurious hall with a tall ceiling, numerous chandeliers hanging off from the ceiling illuminated the place bright. The hall was decked out with extravagant decors and luxurious furnishings, showcasing the taste of its master. '

The place was none other than inside the castle of Duke Montford. At this moment, in the head seat where the Duke of castledor used to sit, a woman with violet hair and exceptional beauty could be seen occupying the place.

Below her, sat numerous people, their chairs facing each other like a congress as they discussed something intensely.

The atmosphere inside the hall was tense with both sides glaring at each other.

"There is no option alternative. If the other nobles have thrown their lots into the mix with the enemy, then we need to consider them as our enemy too" one of the noblemen of the dukedom of Castledor, argued strongly.

"But if we do that, then it would be like fighting the whole kingdom. Our enemies would not only be Blackthorn alone and would become too large for us to handle. As I said before, we should think about it carefully and take a safe approach" Another nobleman countered.

"Are you still talking about persuading the northern and western nobles? I'm sure there might still be some who retain loyalty to the kingdom and were only forced to join the enemy's side because they had no choice. However, if forgive betrayal so easily, wouldn't it set a bad example for others?"…

 "That's right, we cannot forgive. No matter what their reason was for betraying, a crime like that cannot be forgiven, they are our enemies"…

"You all are not thinking straight. At a time like this when we are at a severe disadvantage, what does forgiving a few nobles amount to? What we should think about right now is how to increase our strength, even if we have to bring some nobles who have betrayed us to our side. That way, we would have a better odds when we eventually face Blackthorn's powerful knight legions. I'm sure Her Highness will also agree with that"

The noblemen turned to face the woman sitting at the head of the congress. Now with Alstin gone and no news of Aiden, there was only one candidate who could be addressed with that term.

Cynthia glanced at the senate of noblemen seated below her, with bored eyes. Now that she defeated the ruler of the city and took over the place, these noblemen were quick to change sides.

Like chameleons changing colours, the moment they saw the ruler of the city losing and the royal candidate they supported getting killed by her, they quickly defected to her side, bowing and bootlicking her just as it could be seen right now.

Cynthia looked bored as she looked at the two sides going on and on for a while without coming to an articulate decision.

One side wanted to cast off all the nobles who betrayed the kingdom and consider them the same as the enemy. While the others wanted to protect their interest and refused to wage war against the whole kingdom, even going to the lengths of wanting to persuade those nobles to join their side just so that they could stand a better chance against the forces of Blackthorn.

Seeing them unable to come to any resolution, Cynthia's eyes steeled as an icy light flashed in them.

"You are Baron Regor from the Raindell territory right?" She glanced at the nobleman who was asking her to consider joining hands with the northern and southern nobles.

"That's right, your highness. It is my privilege that you remember…" Just as Count Regor felt elated by the fact that the princess remembered his name, her next words almost caused his soul to leave his body.

"What will you do if your territory disappeared the next day?"…

 "I don't understand…"

With a cold voice, Cynthia ordered "Count Cormall, you are to take your army and immediately head for Raindell. I want this territory to disappear off the map the next day".

Count Comrall who was one of the few nobles still loyal to her father, nodded his head and moved to the exit the hall.

"Please wait, Your Highness you cannot do this.." Seeing that the pricness really intended to invade his territory, he hurriedly spoke up.

"What's wrong Baron Regor? Why do you look so distraught?" Cynthia questioned feigning ignorance.

 "Your Highness just now you ordered Count Cormall to invade my territory…"

 "Ah that's right I did, but since you are such a stern believer that one should work with their enemies, I am sure this is not a problem for you. I'm sure you can work this out with Count Cormall in the future and he will surely leave your territory alone after all the efforts he took to invade it"

Saying that, Cynthia spoke with Count Regor no more and stood up to address the senate.

"There will be no mercy for any and all who betrayed the kingdom, no matter who they are. I don't want the support of the nobles who wanting to protect their own interest, sided with the enemy. There is more honour in defeat than joining with them and besides, I don't need their aid to win this war. So Marquess Pound, I don't want to hear you raise this topic again"

The nobleman named Pound who was the first to raise the topic of working with the enemies, was immediately shut down.

"As for Count Moris, don't think that I don't know your intention. By fanning the flames you are deliberately trying to slow down the Senate from coming to a decision. However, know one thing, my decision won't change. We will march towards the capital city ten days from now, so start making preparation for it. I have no need for those who disobey or aren't willing to listen to my orders"

 She glanced or rather glared down at another witful nobleman before exiting the place. Once out, she finally released a deep breath of air she had been holding for a while.

"Good work, Your Highness…"…

 "Haha, thank you"

Alvara who had been waiting there for her, comforted her. "It looks like things were quite hectic inside"…

"Yeah, the more I recall their words, the more it infuriates me. No wonder Alstin was losing. With spineless nobles like them, who only think about how to protect their interest, there is not even a slim chance we can win against the forces of Blackthorn"

Cynthia sighed, the strong autocratic look that she put inside the senate, loosened a little in front of her childhood friend.

 "It must be tough for Your Highness"

As someone who had grown together with the princess, Alvara knew all about the troubles plaguing the latter. Now that she was the sole remaining royalty, all the pressure to rebuild the kingdom fell on those delicate shoulders of hers alone.

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