Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 840- Knight Captain (4)

Chapter 840- Knight Captain (4)

"But… But fighting him is very dangerous. I don't know what the Blackthorn did to him; however, his skills are still the same and haven't lost their edge" Alvara was concerned that her brother might hurt her comrades.

"Of course, how could fighting the strongest knight captain in the entire kingdom not be filled with dangers? I would expect no less from a man of his calibre. However, guard captain won't it be dangerous for you too? And as a big brother, do you think Sir Cyrus would want to see you hurt?"

At Burg's question, Alvara gently bit own her lips with nothing to retort.

 "We are coming too. We will make sure that you are able to send Sir Cyrus off. And besides, the knight captain might be strong; however, haven't we gone through our fair share of battles? We are no longer the people we used to be. We have become a lot stronger during this time".

Silence filled the place as Alvara looked at her teammates. The emotions flashing through their eyes were something that only people who had gone through life and death together would understand.

As Burg had said, if it was the previous them, then perhaps they would have stood no chance against the knight captain. However, they have changed significantly over the last year.

Not only have they crawled out of their way in certain death situations, they have fought numerous bloody battles that almost killed them. Their levels have increased significantly and their skill have sharpened. They were no longer the weak guards who couldn't even protect the princess.

"Aren't you all forgetting about something? You might be knights and mages employed by the royal family. However, after you came to my Serene Palace guild, you swore your allegiance to me. That is to say, you all are no longer royal knights but my personal guards. Isn't it natural that you ask for my opinion first before you go on deciding all that?"

From the side, Cynthia spoke. Her beautiful crescent eyebrows were arched in an arc at this moment. Immediately, the boisterous group turned silent and turned towards Cynthia, their eyes pleading.

Seeing them like this, the latter sighed. Her eyebrows relaxed and a beautiful helpless smile appeared on her face.

"It is as Burg said, Sir Cyrus is someone we all respect and have received guidance from. There is no way I will see the honour of the most bravest and strongest knight captain of the royal family to be desecrated by the enemies like that. Alvara, you will lead my personal guards and personal see to Sir Knight captain. He had served this kingdom enough, make it so that he is able to rest in peace"…


 Burg and the other roared. following which, they made their way towards the front of the army.

 At this moment, with the appearance of the general, the chaotic war had suddenly come to a standstill. However, this standstill didn't last long and was soon shattered when the General gave the signal.

Immediately, solid grey energy realised in droves out of the tainted commander as they roared and trebled intensely. Their roar sounded just like the roar of a feral beast who had been kept in captivity all this time, and was suddenly released.

The kind of aura they released, immediately terrorised most of the weak level soldiers. The next second, with a snap that cracked the ground, they shot towards the kingdom's army and started butchering like crazy.

They were just like hungry wolves who had snuck into a pen full of cattle. Of course, the wolves were the tainted commanders.

None of the soldiers could block a tainted commander. In a matter of few seconds, the tide had turned in the favour of the kingdom of Blackthorn. Thus the war began in the truest sense.




Standing high up in the sky, the general glanced at the situation on the battlefield. His eyes narrowed slightly when it brushed past the area where he saw a certain group of people stop the tainted commanders.

"Would you look at that, the Princess' army does have some skilled soldiers. Hmph, so that's where they were hiding".

The place he was looking at, happens to be the area where the pressure of the tainted commander was the slightest as a large of people had stepped forward to stop them. It was the adventurers from the tower town.

"Haha, these Tainted soldiers are not bad, not bad at all. They are a good target for levelling up"

On one corner of the battlefield, a vice guildmaster raised his sword and spoke. His blade was drenched red and numerous bodies lay in front of him and his teammates.

"Haha, you are right, they are good targets for levelling. Listen up everyone! For now, kill as many as you can, this is our chance"

It was not only that vice guild master, but other vice heads and bosses of their guilds, who were going on a killing spree also shouted the same.

Not far away, looking at them Blake couldn't help but shake his head. Those fools, they really didn't know how to read the mood. He sighed, turned towards his teammates and said with a smile.

 "If everyone's ready, let's join in the fun".

 Right afterwards, he and his team also charge towards the enemy. They fought with the many tainted commanders and stopped them in their tracks. Individually, all of the adventurers here were at least all above level 400.

Plus with their excellent coordination with their team that had been forged after fighting numerous monsters and life and death battles, they were easily able to stop the Tainted commanders.

Although the number of the tainted commanders was slightly higher than them, they who were already used to fighting in a disadvantageous situation, did not back down.

Looking at the situation from the sky, the general snorted. Just when he was about to take action, his eyes were involuntarily drawn towards another part of the battlefield where he saw a group of people valiantly stop the Tainted commanders.

Although this group was far less in number than the adventurers of the tower town, they were nonetheless still able to hold their own.

"Hmm? Isn't that one of the perfected tainted commander whose body was able to easily handle the erosion? To think that even a perfect tainted commander would be stopped, things have really started going awry"

The General's expression fluctuated as he looked at the scene below. His eyes contained surprise that wasn't there even when he glanced at the adventurers stopping the tainted commanders on the other side of the battlefield.

The reason for that was because this side had one factor that the other side didn't, namely the Perfect Tainted commanders.

Perfect tainted commander— there might just be a single difference in the name; however, this single difference represented a vast gulf. The difference between a Perfect Tainted Commander and a regular one was like night and day, and the general knew it all too well.

While both shared the same title, the distinction lay in the depths of their power and the resilience of their bodies. Truth be told, a normal tainted commander cannot be considered a perfect product.

A Perfect Tainted Commander was a rarity, an anomaly even among the tainted knights. Unlike their counterparts, their bodies had undergone a transformation so profound that it defied the limitations of conventional tainted knights.

During the tainted baptism, where most soldiers would experience a weakening of their physical form as their bodies struggled to integrate the external powers, only a body that remained unyielding and did not reject the external power, can be said to be the perfect product.

This body that had been fortified by the taint, imbued them with strength and vitality beyond compare. Every fibre of their being resonated with the evil energies coursing through their veins, granting them unique prowess on the battlefield.

But it wasn't just their physical attributes that set them apart; it was their sheer mastery over their previous skills. While other tainted commanders struggled to control their powers, often succumbing to the chaotic influence of the taint, the Perfect Tainted Commander wielded their abilities with precision and finesse.

 Not only do their levels do not deteriorate, but they still retain the skills they mastered over their life. Needless to say, a warrior who became a perfect tainted commander was a force to reckon with.

In the eyes of the general, the presence of a Perfect Tainted Commander on the battlefield changed the equation entirely. Its power that left nought but destruction in its wake should be able to overwhelm the army of the kingdom.

No matter what unconventional tactics or schemes the princess used, in front of the brute force that the perfect tainted commander represented, all their struggle would be rendered moot.

Yet seeing that seemingly rare and perfected Tainted commander being stopped in its tracks, the general was naturally surprised. He knew who this person who was turned into a tainted commander was.

Not long after the army of the kingdom of Ellesmere fell, this man along with a small group of knights, stood behind to defend the capital. Naturally, that valiant figure who managed to cull down a significant number of their forces and even caused him and Marshall Cavalier to interfere at the end.

It was only then that this knight was put down. There was no way the general would forget about this figure whose body was so compatible with the tainted energy that the other tainted commanders could not even hold a candle against him. 

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