Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 841- Knight Captain (5)

Chapter 841- Knight Captain (5)

"If I'm not mistaken he should be the former Knight captain of this kingdom" the general recalled "Interesting, to be able to stop a perfect tainted commander, this group is not ordinary. However, if you all think that you can stop the second army of Blakcthorn with just this, then you are mistaken".

A cold light flashed in his eyes after which he commanded with a thundering voice "Cavalier, if you have rested enough, join the battle on the northern front. Show those people the might of the second army"…

"Yes. I shall rectify my own mistakes" Saying so, Marshall Cavalier charged over while releasing droves of berserk mana that even affected the environment around him.

Looking at his back figure, the general smile. With Marshal Cavalier, a powerful level 589 warrior joining the fray, no matter how adept and powerful the adventurers were, they would be hard pressed to defend against his attacks.

Additionally, together with the tainted commanders and tainted knights, they should be able to take down the adventurers relatively easily.

As for the group who was engaging with the perfect tainted commander, he was going to see to them himself. Just as he was about to make his move, his body turned around abruptly and dodged a highly compressed mana armament that was thrown at him.

Right afterwards, he saw a white figure rush towards him. A purple white light like mist, radiated out of her body and covered her entire self. Her beautiful waterfall like purple hair was now dyed completely white and was standing upright as if defying gravity.

Violet glow overlapped her already violet eyes making it seem like two beautiful gems. At the centre of these eyes were two vertical pupils that gave off an extremely wild and domineering aura.

Whiskers appeared on her face and numerous ancient markings dotted her body giving her a fierce appearance.

"You are that princess?" The general glanced at his assailant and spoke. Doubt obvious in his words. At this moment, she looked so different that even he couldn't recognise her.

 "I can't allow you to mess with their battle. As such, I shall be your opponent" the princess who had activated her beast inheritance spoke. She extended her hands and flashed her mighty and sharp claws.

What's more, these claws were enveloped in a purple white glow causing their destructiveness to increase up a notch. Even with his level, the general felt a sense of danger from the princess who was currently enveloped in a purple white glow and looked vastly different than before.

He didn't know what kind of skill she had activated; however, he did have some vague inkling. Unlike the Marshall, he did not dare to underestimate the princess and he released his own powers.

BANG… vast flood like mana, that was able to drown a portion of the Sky of the capital poured out of the general before forming into an impressive greyish black armour, shield and sword.

These mana armamenet that was formed contained a destructive ripple and faintly gave of the same miasma as the weapons that was carried by the tainted knights.

"Grim Armour" The general spoke. Evidently, with the appearance of the Grim armour around him, his aura also rose a notch.

"Let's see what you can do to me now that I am using [Grim Armour], little girl" It was not only his aura that bolstered with the appearance of the grim armour, but so did his arrogance.

Snort… facing his derision, Cynthia simply snorted and used numerous highly condensed elemental attacks to blast him.

With a swipe of her claws, five orbs each containing the five basic elements rose in the air. They pulsed with a threatening intensity and rushed towards the general.

The latter roused the greyish balck energy within him and held his shield with one hand. The next second after all the energy rushed into the shield, it quickly expanded in size and defended against the orbs that came shooting at him.

BOOM… BOOOM… BOOM… the sky was instantly lit up and a huge shockwave that was powerful enough to even lift the ground up, spread all around the capital disturbing numerous battles.

Immediately many eyes focused towards the sky where that powerful blast came from and they all saw the princess clashing with the General. Having witnessed her power before too when she defeated the duke, the soldier of the army immediately rejoiced.

After which, the ferocity of their attacks increased as the tussled with the Tainted Knight, Hellfire Artillery Unit, Grim Reaper's Brigade and all the other divisions of the second army.

On another front of the battlefield, Marshall Cavalier saw this scene and sneered.

"Did this lass think that the general is like that duke she defeated? Hmph, she is surely overestimating herself. Well, this is good too. Once she is defeated by the General in front of the numerous eyes, this farce of war will be over too".

Saying so, he shifted his attention towards the adventurers whom even the unit of the Yainted Commanders were having a tough time against. The General's orders were for him to break the deadlock here and allow the Tainted commanders to regain the flow of the battle.

However, Marshall Cavalier had some other thoughts. Now that things have developed this far wherein they themselves had to fight with the enemy, he wanted to resolve the mistake with his own hands.

As such, he looked for the team who was the key behind the adventurer's assault. The core which once toppled would lead the others to fall down too.

As his eyes scanned the battlefield, he quickly spotted the team that was like the core of their team.

"Hehe, found you" Immediately, Marshall Cavalier stomped on the ground and rushed forward. His speed was so fast that it defied his obese appearance. In just a matter of seconds, he was already upon that adventurer team.

Blake who was clashing against two tainted commanders at once, suddenly narrowed his eyes. His sharp senses honed over countless life and death battles, suddenly flared alarm bells inside him.

Knowing better than to ignore such warnings, he quickly activated his defensive skills and disengaged with the enemy. Immediately after he pulled back, a black figure like a cannonball crashed into the area he was just standing on moments ago and created a large crater in the process.

 "So you dodged that huh?! Skilled indeed" A voice came from within the dust filled crater and a figure swiftly emerged from it.

Seeing who the figure was, a trace of graveness emerged in Blake's eyes. As a veteran warrior, he could feel intense pressure coming off from the person in front of him. Surrounded by numerous Tainted Commanders and Tainted Knights while on top of also facing the Marshall, Balke hurriedly assessed his situation.

 Promptly, he signalled his teammates who quickly understood his calls and moved away. They formed a semi circle formation of sorts with him in the middle, stopping any enemy from attacking him while also providing enough space for Blake to fight the Marshall.

 "Not a bad teamwork" Cavalier smirked, seeing through the tactics of the group "However, you have missed one thing. I'm not like those tainted soldiers you have been fighting before".

The tactic was all good and all, it covered the blind side of everyone and one could immediately rush to the other party's aid after finishing their battle. However, the crux of this tactic lay in the fact that one of the adventurers had to face him alone and hold him down for long enough for other adventurers to arrive.

"Do you think that you alone can stop me?" Cavalier spat, his expression gloomy.

Blake did not bother to chit chat and simply raised his sword and shield.

Hmph… seeing this, Marshall Cavalier snorted. He stepped forward and his obese figure immediately disappeared. When he appeared next, he was already in front of the other party.

"Crimson Evil Fist" Cavalier extended his hand and threw a punch with all of his might. The mana around him boiled, surging towards his fist it formed a vague sinister looking devilish face that opened its mouth and bit down on his opponent.

Blake widened his eyes and hurriedly roused his aura just before the fist collided against him.

BANG… Like a rumbling noise of a cannon being fired from close range, the sound when the fist connected with him was so deafening that it could be heard from miles away.

A visible depression appeared in the air and Blake was immediately blown back. However, before his back could touch the ground in a sorry state, powerful orange lights burst out of his body before transforming him into a hulking fellow of over twelve meters.

"Solar Blaze Protector" Blake muttered under his breath as he flipped his body and landed on his feet. Currently, he looked just like an orange giant, fierce and valiant as he held the sword and shield in his hand.

Evidently, facing the Marshall he had immediately activated one of his trump cards.

BANG… another deafening noise sounded across the battlefield followed by furious blasts of air that spread across the surrounding. Marshall Cavalier appeared in front of Blake and punched again.

His short frame when compared to the towering orange figure that was Blake, looked extremely comical. Nevertheless, the threatening amount of power contained within his punch was not.

His Crimson Evil Fist blasted Blake away. However this time, the result was slightly different than before. Under the effects of the [Solar Blaze Protector], Blake's defence had reached a new height.

His figure which was now twelve meters tall, was only pushed back by a couple of meters. 

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