Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 149: Mercenary (2)

It took about 10 hours of travel to reach the boss room, during that time Yunan was better accepted by the party as a legend, mainly for his immunity to seduction, followed closely by the fact that this guy had cleared the 25 floor solo.

Yunan had a bit of a rumour about him that was circling around because he had a dragon, fought off whole parties and saved a few maidens. Yunan was by no means a weakling, with his power level alone letting him fight on the level of 40th floor, yet still taking time to challenge himself in every way was something you do not run into at all in the modern dungeon, maybe in the olden times there were brave men who cleared their way solo in Tartarus.

After dealing with the boss rat, Yunan did not allow rest and headed for the gargoyle room with Yunan finally showing some tension, they thought he was tired or low on mana, if they knew how much mana Yunan had in storage, it would make them shed tears of frustration demanding he would get punched in the face at least once. Yunan kept chatting with the party talking about strategies to deal with the previous floors. The discrepancy between one man tactics and small team tactics and the large party tactics was immense.

Yunan could easily make a strategy for one man fights and small elite team fights, but when it came to organising more than 10 he was hopeless, so the chat was very beneficial to both sided. Yunan's take on small number strategy was almost artistic, and the expectations were too high for a random party, and his one man tactics were borderline insane according to the leader and his strategists.

Yunan had a bad feeling about facing the gargoyle with such big numbers especially with them showing signs of slowing down and getting tired. Yunan racked his brain for a moment before ordering a rest around a kilometer away from the boss room just in case of stupidity. And his worries just got worse when Ophelia told him to come by the lab to get something related to the gargoyle fight.

The restless mood of Yunan did not go unnoticed by the party prompting the leader to come by and ask what is going on. "I am getting nervous because i don't want to you guys to be close to the gargoyle in the fight, this is my first mercenary mission and i don't want to lose any of the team i am leading, and i also need to meet my healer, and i feel restless about leaving you behind because shit happens no matter what". That promoted laughter by the party, some even felt grateful for Yunan to think that way.

"We honestly have expected to lose at least half of out numbers before reaching this point, even the time frame it took to get here is beyond imagination, 4 floors in less than 3 days is a miracle, and to reach here without a scratch is beyond comprehension if we were to mention it to others, as for if you need to leave and you fear for us then take us with you, originally we planned for 5 months of travelling, we are too early, so a detour is not a bad thing."

"Fine, i'll take you with me, get your stuff and let's move" after he said that Yunan waited for the party to pack up and when everyone was ready he walked to the nearest wall and put down the portable home, it looked to them like a door in the wall of the dungeon. "before you get inside i need to tell you the rules, do not touch, do not oggle too much and do not ask questions, this is for the safety of everyone, now get inside, you will understand inside" Yunan opened the door to a decontamination room as the party passed by and assembled inside the strange room.

After Yunan got in he told the genie to shrink the door on the wall to the size of a pebble and camouflage it to look like part of the floor, he then activated the decontamination room and steam rose, cleansing everyone inside. The decontamination room was built by the genie on the requirements of Ophelia, who thought having such a room would protect the portable home and all within from possible threats because this was Tartarus and it was always good to be prepared. The room had the same principle as medical facilities in the technological era of the world its job was to prevent the possibility of poisons and diseases to spread inside the portable home.

After the steam dissipated Yunan led the now scared party to enter the guest living area, it was a big spaced hallway connected to 5 rooms, and an open kitchen and many tables that looked like a diner floor. "Feel free to use the rooms and the kitchen, i will go see my healer, we are staying here until you guys are in top shape so relax and enjoy". With that Yunan left them to their own devices and headed for the lab, he was followed by the leader and the curious cat, they stayed close to Yunan, one was curious the other was feeling like he was lured into a murder house because Yunan was no longer as stressed.

"So this is your base in the dungeon?" Asked the visibly shaken leader. "No, this is my private home, actually, it's an artifact, i live here with my healer and two maids, i occasionally have friends come by on weekends, they are not permanent residents yet". The curious cat was looking with fascination at the extravagant décors and the big hallway that looked like one from a palace. " Must have cost you a fortune" said the cat, Yunan smiled to himself debating if he should tell her or not " you won't believe me even if i told you", Yunan could feel the curious cat staring daggers at his back so he kept going " it cost me an imp and pool, made by Hephaestus himself". Both the cat and the leader laughed as if Yunan just told the worst joke in history.

However Yunan just ignored them and pushed open the door to the infirmary, inside there was a huge table with a dead gargoyle being dissected on it, beside the table was a pretty girl operating a spell formation and mulling over it.

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