Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 150: Not a healer

Ophelia took a glance at Yunan and the two who came with him and then returned to what she was doing. Yunan approached the girl and ruffled her head then kissed her cheek. "At your command miss, is there anything you require?" Yunan jokingly took the posture of a kneeling knight making Ophelia giggle at him.

"How is work? Lose any so far?" Ophelia asked trying to keep from laughing too hard and making a mistake in her examination. "All good, i brought them here so they don't go dying when i am not looking. How goes the autopsy? Are there enough gargoyles in the guild?" Yunan did not shy away from talking honestly around his two guests, there was no need to fear harm with his current set of skills.

" I confirmed all i needed two gargoyles ago, i am looking into something else at the moment, it was like you said, this thing makes his sound projectiles have some kind of force to bypass vacuum, and they are reinforced with mana. However it is single target, all the bodies i got ,died from being attacked by a group, so i found you a solution" she pointed at a book on her desktop.

Yunan used telekinesis to bring the book to him it was titled "create golem" so he learned it immediately and turned his attention back to Ophelia and asked her what was she looking for now. "I am trying to locate the organ that keeps its own body from being affected by the the sound attacks, no luck so far". Yunan thought for a moment before picking up a pair of rubber gloves and getting closer to the table, he pointed at the intact skull of the gargoyle "did you try the brain?".

"Why? The brain is very fragile and should not be able to handle the pressure from such an organ it would be more logical to find it near the heart or near the rest of the organs". Yunan used a metallic saw and opened the top of the skull while he explained his point of view " this is a creature that can use mana to make sound waves pass through vacuum, logic can be ignored sometimes. But think of it this way, all the bosses are on higher evolutionary level than the monsters in the same floor, and the bats in that floor have echolocation, that organ sits near the hearing center of their brain, it is very sensitive to sound, my point is, with mana, a sound sensitive organ is the best for negating the effects of sound".

Yunan lifted the brain and on its bottom was a red and swollen ball that had the feeling of being overused. Yunan than took out a freshly killed bat and did the same, both brains had that lump, but the one on the gargoyle covered much more space in the brain then the one in the bat, it was much more prominent too. Ophelia felt like a deflated balloon " why are you better at my job than me? I'll stop telling you my trade secrets"

"Well, two brains think better than one, anyway, don't play around in here all the time go relax a little, as for what you are thinking about, lets do that later, it's a very good idea" Yunan patted the girl her head and took his leave with his two guests tailing him. The leader was first to speak "that is a butcher not a healer! You were cheated, how can a healer open up a corpse and look inside it as if he was touching sand, something is terribly wrong here".

Yunan was feeling that he should punch the man but refrained from doing it, not now, he told himself instead he replied like talking to an ignorant man "it's part of healing from the era before mana, where the physical body was investigated to eliminate the sickness, it's not magic but it could heal a great many things rather well". Yunan returned to the guest living area and found the party all gathered talking about something "if no one is tired maybe we should keep going?".

The party surrounded Yunan and the other two trying to discern if they were still the same, Yunan did not even humour them as he teleported leaving behind only his voice "get some rest, we have a big day later, i'm going to sleep". Yunan teleported to the bath where he found Nina and Lina ready to care for him, so he just left himself for them and fallen into deep sleep.

After a good rest Yunanade breakfast for the girls filling his bed and had some quality time chatting happily before he went to the guest living area, he saw that everyone was packed and ready so he opened a door to the outside and let everyone through to the 24th floor, and then led the way to the boss room, once inside he made 4 golems and told them to attack the gargoyle. With the gargoyle targeting the golems with his attacks, Yunan killed it easily with big fat ice spears to the brain, heart and limbs, effectively nailing it to the wall.

Yunan stored the corpse and the items in the chest and led the way to the 25th floor. Once inside, the assault of cuteness made the party forget they were in the dungeon for a moment. Yunan walked to the leader and said to him "work with the other parties on clearing a perimeter, make sure to destroy all hives as soon as they appear and do not underestimate the hornets, you could end up wiped out. Now that my mission is over, put in a good word for me in the guild" with that Yunan took his leave and left the party, returning back to the 20th floor.

Yunan went to the guild to look for a new assignment, he was told when he went to confirm completion of his mission that the guild would send someone to investigate, in case of fraud, and he was allowed to take another assignment for the meantime. The next mission Yunan chose was an escort mission he needed to bring someone to reach their party that is camping on the 29th floor. There was no specific reward, and only said that rewards were depending on performance.

There were two days left before this mission started so Yunan contacted Debauchery through their rings about large party tactics and the rules of escorting someone to their party, he was almost stunned when he heard the response, army tactics are easy, choose who to sacrifice, as for the escort, if it's a man feel free to act like you always do, if its a girl feel free to use her body as you please. Yunan knew that Debauchery would not lie about such a thing so he talked to a mercenary consultant in the guild about escort missions, and to his dismay was told that as the one escorting ,one or many, any females in the group would not reject him no matter what he asked for, however it was taken as accepting the reward ahead of time.

Yunan left the guild feeling like this was a stupid world, he went to the villa to rest and maybe meet his friends before leaving for the next mission.

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