Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 244: Hubby's favourite

Back to 5 years ago, the harem party has just been established, with Sapphira as the mascot, kitty as the rogue, Reina and Sarah as range damage dealers, with Reina taking on the extra role of providing support magic, Lili as the front liner and Ophelia as the dedicated healer, everyone had their extra jobs, for Example Reina could take the shield bearer role when things get too difficult or Kitty acting as scout between fights.

The peculiar thing about this party 2as the constant bickering they get themselves into any time and anywhere, mid-fight, during rest or food, other than the dinner meal they enjoyed with Yunan, the girls were taking turns cooking and cleaning between each other.

This is a story of when a party had met them while they were dealing with a boss in the 40, the scythed weasel to be accurate. The girls were beating the boss to kingdom come while they were engaged in a heated discussion.

What the party came to see was the big boss weasel was drooling under some illusion magic and firing its wind scythes at some point in the air, the moths that were hovering over it were uselessness itself as there were no wounds to heal and the boss was aiming sometimes at the moths as they healed it. This particular scene was rather possible and not too strange, the strange part was the girls clad in white pearly armours, the girls were arguing about something and there was a cat that seemed rather uninterested in the whole thing as it watched the boss with hungry eyes.

When the party got closer to the girls in accordance with the rules of the guild to ask permission to join or deal with the boss while the girls were indisposed. As they got closer and closer they could hear the argument between the girls clearly "what do you mean you are number one because you can choose your status?" Said a rather feisty unarmed girl, who for all intents and purposes looked and felt like a berserker nun, she had a human girl by the shoulders and was shaking her like she was a water balloon.

Besides them a feline beast girl had her claws out ready to shred someone "take that back, he will never give us numbers, we all know our roles and we stick to them and that includes you!". Holding the feline was kitsune who seemed like the mother of the party "now-now, Kitty, Hubby will not like it if you scratch his belongings, even if he does not say it, hubby hates headaches, that is why there are no favourites, well except that lucky goddess, she is the real enemy".

"Can we kill the boss first and ask Hubby to assign numbers during dinner", said the last girl who seemed like the healer and her answer was a resounding "no!", She immediately retorted "then shut up about this subject and kill the damnable boss, we have to get ready for dinner". Then she took the cat with her and walked angrily towards the boss and took out a sword that looked sharper than anything in the world, and pointed it at the boss and started sending mana slashes at it.

"See, you got her angry, now who is going to heal, I told you before this talk about who is best in the eyes of Hubby is useless, if you still have things to say then say them while fighting", the kitsune dragged the feline who was hissing at her target, the berserker nun let go of the girl in her hands and said "that way of thinking will make Hubby very cross with you, we are all his and that is all, now get to work, we need to eat that thing for dinner tonight".

The party had unconsciously stopped walking while hearing the girls talk amongst themselves, and now they watched as the girls humiliated a boss on the 40s and took their anger issues on it. The berserker nun and the feline made sure to pummel the boss out of its knees and tendons, the angry healer had stopped sending her mana slashed that trimmed its fur in all the weak spots, and was buffing and healing here and there, the kitsune had a crossbow shooting arrows faster than thought at the shaved patches, as for the last girl she just bombarded the boss with spell after spell, she was the weakest link mainly because she was chanting her magic while the rest were not, but then suddenly the argument started again with berserker nun pummeling the boss in the face.

"We all know the goddess was his first, even if she has not shown her face lately she still gets number one if we had to make an order of superiority in the harem, I would say the wife is number one, the cat is number two, doctor is number three, I take number 4 and princess gets last". The princess as named by the nun retorted "why are you before me? you are just a virgin nun, who has been studying with him, if he had any feeling for you-you would not still be a virgin, on the other hand, I have served Hubby so many times, if he really cared for you he would have taken you a long time ago" after those words the bosses face made a very ugly "thud" sound as a fist dug into its cheekbones.

"That's the stupid talking, you have been with Hubby for 4 years and still don't get him, there are no virgins in the harem, it's just that you pass out too early to know who Hubby does when he is in the mood, besides, out of all of us here, you rank last because you have not told hubby what you are to him" the kitsune was rather harsh on her words but nonetheless they still felt like a mother's scoldings.

"Hubby is not the kind you read about in the stories and fairy tales, he has only two settings when it comes to loves, he either treasures you or not, and that is why all of us here willingly give our lives to him, as for you, he has accepted you, but if you keep thinking like this, he might just let you go, to him we are precious all of us, including you, the one he told to choose what is she to him, if you still want to be Hubby's favourite you can only compete with Sapphira, Drogon and mom"

While the girls were talking the boss finally breathed its last under the boots of the nun and just like a mirage it disappeared with the pearly girls and their silver cat.

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