Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 245: Girls are complicated

Yunan might have known how his girls thought about their standing in his eyes but he chose not to interfere with them, he was sure of one thing, none of them was insecure enough to actually drag him into the argument.

Women always appear weak and vulnerable when the men they love are around, however, only weak-willed women would drag their insecurity into the relationship with their man, some women discuss their fears and insecurities but never include the husband in the solving of such things.

Women like Leader Mary and Fae can solve their problems on their own, as for being insecure, well they have enough self-confidence they do not need to compete or validation of any other, something that rubbed on Lili and Reina, Kitty just has one thing in mind and that is Yunan, Ophelia was never part of anything and competitiveness was never part of her personality, leaving behind only the princess Sarah who was raised into a competitive household and even had to fight in the dungeon for her family, thus her standing was always a sore spot for her.

Whenever an argument about standing occurred, Sarah was trying to claim a spot for herself, Lili was outraged at the thought of Yunan taking favourites, Kitty was just angry that Sarah thought so little of Yunan, Ophelia hated them arguing and took it all on the target they were fighting, as for Reina she just wanted to keep them from going too far in their argument and played the reassurance role and placated everyone.

Contrary to what Reina just said there are three places that Yunan has for those around him, treasured, accepted and the rest, those treasured were those he would die for, those accepted are those he cares for to a certain degree and the rest depends on their action, the helpful are rewarded and the enemies are destroyed. Reina did not mention that third bracket because it would make Sarah even more insecure and that would just weaken the party and might even cause problems for Yunan in the future, if Sarah was happier that way, well by the time she discovers that third bracket she would have gotten used to the way their family works.

The girls had a few encounters in the dungeon that solidified their teamwork, especially when the foe was adventurers, those greedy always get the wrong idea seeing the delicate flowers bickering among themselves, one such encounter ended with a party of 40 getting their hides handed to them when they thought it was a good idea to play hooky with these flowers.

The main reason for the beating was that the offenders tried to poach some girls from the party, especially Ophelia who hated the fighting, they surrounded her and tried to entice her with a harmonious environment as well as some good treatment, however when she kept declining the offers, someone had to call her just another bitch in another harem. Well, that guy was kindly reminded by the fists of Lili to respect ladies and act gentlemanly in the dungeon, everyone could kill him.

Herd mentality is an idea that has seeped far in the human sociological behaviour, meaning that standing out is discouraged and going with the flow was encouraged, the herd mentality breeds the occasional leader in each generation but never is too outstanding, it focuses on surviving as a group; strong and weak included, but the downside is the generation it breeds always believe in "safety in numbers" therefore the bigger the herd the least likely you are to fall prey. The party that intruded on the girls were like this, they act in the comfort of many but when singled out they were nothing but weaklings.

As for the girls, Lili and Reina were raised by Debauchery who had a pack mentality, the strongest can feed and the weakest gets the leftovers, when in danger the pack fights as one, they fight off the aggressor and leave taking care of the next generation to the weaklings, in a pack you either hunt or babysit, there was no middle ground, and as part of their babysitting duty of the weak sacrifice themselves while the strongest lead the kids away to safety, as for the time of leisure, there is a natural selection that forces the weak to either get stronger or die to create a strong pack that can dominate both individual and in a group.

Kitty was basically feral and in her mind she had two options when it came to strength, either fight or die, Ophelia was raised by her eccentric master, therefore she was just as eccentric, she could hold her own anywhere yet did not show off or use her strength unless it was needed, a for Sarah, her competitive nature, even if she looked docile and understanding on the outside had her get on the level of the rest of the girls in mere months of fighting.

The disparity between a party of 5 and a party of 40 on the same floor was massive. The 5 have to deal with more than ten times the pressure with each fight, while the 40 rely on others to cover up for themselves, an effective strategy, but only when backed with the right soldiers. Thus when the guy was taken down a peg by Lili, his party felt offended and attacked for revenge, the most surprising to them was the healer they have been trying to seduce, because she was raised alone she had some combat skills to keep her safe, she made her move the moment she saw Lili under attack and blew away those around her.

Kitty was like a tornado throwing adventurers like they were made of straw while Reina was using the best moves taught by Balin in the art of dismantling one's opponents, Sarah too was hurling spells like it was the end of the world. meanwhile, Lili took her time beating the living daylights out of anyone that came within reach of her arms. The girls might have been bickering and shouting at each other but they were still on the same side, threatening any of them was enough to get you beaten while they keep bickering and shouting at each other and taking their feelings on your hide.

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