Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 246: Godly bureaucracy

During the long period of 5 years, Yunan had been king in the twilight pearl kingdom, he had made very few appearances and was contacted a few times to solve some issues that came with the kingdom standing up to the pirates and the merchant empires trying to get a piece of paradise.

During these 5 years Yunan had initiated an army, a navy and an adventurer organisation, those who are in the army and the navy were all natives that were boosted by Yunan's money to the 20th floor, after they left the adventurer organisation would start training the youth and slowly with each generation try to get into higher floors, the current limit is the 20th floor, but it will soon be able to have adventurers clearing the 30s soon enough, with the abundance of money Yunan provided through the guild, the kingdom has been able to prosper even more.

Yunan was now the only supplier the guild has for many rare metals, most of them come from the aquarium and the abundance of clams he has in there, the guild also bought pearls from Yunan because they were an easy way to add enchantments to low-level armament as well as help train the newest batch of smiths faster. Where else could you find pure metals without needing to process the metal for impurities, and the visually pleasing pearls that double as enchanting materials, therefore, with regular intervals, Yunan would clean up his aquarium and sell it to the guild, but there were some things that were instead fed to the portable dimension because selling such pearls was asking to be turned into a farm by the guild.

During these 5 years, Debauchery successfully found their way to the 83rd floor, reaching the end of the territory officially chartered by the guild, after this floor only the strongest and the best could step beyond, there were 7 more floors to go to reach the actual limit of the guild, because beyond this point, the 89th floor lies the floors that have only been reached by the strongest adventurers in history.

Black Fate has been dormant during the 5 years, Yunan did not need it much and therefore it didn't even bother to relay to him the features he had unlocked, it deemed Yunan was getting stronger in an acceptable rate and therefore it did not interfere, it would only awaken when Yunan was asking about a certain skill or a spell, or if Yunan felt like knowing his own status. Yunan was only depending on it to save his life, therefore, he kept it supplied with mana.

As for Yunan and his own skills, what he grew into was mostly a new understanding of magic and application of skill mastery into more than combat, his current focus was to get his mastery of his skills and spells into something that is beyond the level of masters and grandmasters, although he was currently nearing the level of instinctive combat, he wanted something even more, a level where fighting is no longer just combat and application of skills, strategy and spells, he had no idea what kind of level is that or if even it was possible, but his still aimed for it.

Free time was a rarity for dungeon explorers especially those who reached the lower floors, except for those who sought to no longer advance or take their time advancing after getting a trauma from the difficulty spike, and Yunan was something of a rarity, he was taking free time like he was not interested in climbing down Tartarus, most of his free time would be spent with the girls who recently found a passion for having him teach them his fighting style, among other things.

This free time was truly free, although he had to teach his girls this and that, it was done playfully and lovingly thus it was more of a good pass time than the typical combat studies.

Romantically, Yunan have been feeling the distance between him and Fortuna who has been very busy preparing for something, even the easy-going Hephaestus has been looking rather gloomy and declined a few dinner invitations, even the ones he attended he partied rather harder than usual, as for the girls, during the past 5 years, well, they got better at understanding each other and subsequently made some sort of agreement around their love life that Yunan could not figure out and it was kept a secret from him.

Fortuna has come to visit a few times during this period and was rather happy to see that her beloved has not forgotten about her, what she appreciated most was that he did not ask questions or blame her for being away for too long. She was a goddess and had things to do, even if us mortals could not fathom them, and Yunan was not the guy to even care about things like that, as long as their feelings were in synch there was no need for thinking too much about anything.

Gods were like paper pushers, their jobs can only be called paper pushing, caring about a few hundred billion people and their luck; accidents and whatever else was in Fortuna's jurisdictions, was not easy, it can be mostly left on automatic, and there are things that can require attention like when things got into the territory of many gods at once, therefore it happens that sometimes things need sorting out even after the event was over and done with.

Like all bureaucratic agencies, of there was no cooperation things would go badly and chaos would reign, and like all bureaucratic agencies, some hate each other and make life hard for each other, therefore it happens that a moment of time where someone was lucky enough to win the lottery, find love and gain some insight into this or that, can lead to a few years of paperwork between a number of gods, and things can go as far as a war in extreme cases, therefore a happy go lucky god like Fortuna would get stuck in paperwork more often than not if ever there was a hitch in the working of the continent of Burkan.

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