Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 262: Interested Lucian

Then one by one, each of the captive was given a taste of a torture technique mastered by a member of Debauchery, the gruesome sight invoked by Balin's displacement was by far the easiest on the eyes, while the rest of Debauchery were by no means slouches when it came to hurting people. And after a fashion, Yunan also started shaping his own method of dealing pain and torture.

Dustan had the most intrusive methods, for example he got the leader of the captives, a werebear, and started by peeling the skin in his forearms, then he would use his own hands to tears the muscle fibres one pinch at the time, when he came across a nerve he would handle it as roughly as possible, first ripping it from the were it connected then channeling lighting mana into it, he would kneed it, pinch it or even clip its ends, he would stop now and then to break some bones or use his fingernails to scrap the soft cartilage at the joints, the werebear was frothing from shock and could not even let out a sound beyond heavy breathing, but Dustan seemed to not notice and kept working.

He would make the ribs pierce the skin by the sides of the chest, open the throat from the outside carefully and the paralyzed some vocal cords but not others, he would open the gut and feed the man what was still being digested inside his own bowels, he would cut pieces from different organs and make the man eat himself to near death. Dustan did not stop and call for a healer until he made an anatomically correct doll of the werebear, one that showed anything from the guts to the muscle and bone structure.

Bai has is own witchcraft like method where he would use a spell that keeps the body linked even after amputation, he then would cut the part he wanted to torture off before making the captive see with his own eyes what is happening to him, the unfortunate one was the archer, he watched as Bai opened his chest and took out the beating heart then proceeded to pee on it, stomp on it and then toss it away, Bai started by removing the head and letting the victim watch how their own body was toyed with endlessly.

when Dustan was working through the making of his anatomically correct doll, Yunan was the guy who had to place back what was taken out, repair what was broken, although the werebear knew Yunan was part of the torture he could not help but be grateful for the relief brought back by the healing moments Yunan gave him. As for the rest of the audience, they either thought Yunan was a saint because he took it upon himself to provide relief to the tortured or thought of him as the greatest actor of his time. Even Fae had stars in her eyes as she dreamed about his stage performance and flooded the telepathic link with her daydreams prompting giggles from the weak-willed ones.

The subject to Lucian's torture was the one chosen as the most virtuous one, she looked at Yunan with reproachful eyes as she took her chair and strapped herself for Lucian to work on her, even as a bandit the woman seemed much more likely there to stop any deaths from happening, after all the gild would not be so desperate to find a group of bandits if the victims lost nothing more than worldly possessions, and kept their lives or even got healed by the bandits in case of accidents.

Lucian was a kind man, he was not the type to enjoy inflicting pain, and was the most unlikely person to be kind and thoughtful in Debauchery, he was loyal to a fault and his quiet temperament and silent stand in all occasions made him look like the deadliest type, thus when he watched the healer make her way and obediently strap herself in he just stood there and watched her silently, what he did next was use a blindfold to cover her eyes and cast a hyper sense spell, this overpowered version of the heightened senses spell made even the tiniest bit of airflow as painful as a hammer strike.

And so Lucian chose to showcase his speciality in torture this way, Lucian was a master in the perception side of torture, he could make a pinch feel like a stab and a paper cut like an amputation, when he looked at the obedient healer doing her best to accept her fate he chose to not harm her and just make her think he did, with her eyes blindfolded her natural senses were already on overdrive thus the hyper sense made her so sensitive to the most minute of stimuli, and to his credit Lucian only walked around her and moved to make the air turbulent around her, he used small mana orbs and various minor spells to stimulate her even more, the woman did not cry much, she breathed hard and and tightened her body to resist the incoming painful attacks.

In reality Lucian did nothing harmful, warm fire orbs, made the woman feel in hell being roasted from every direction, a cold orb sent her to the freezing wasteland of ice at the poles, an electrical spark made her feel like in the heart of a lightning shower, a grain of sand made her feel entombed alive, even the wind blades that made contact made her feel like being cut with a thousand knives at once, the woman was strong, however, other than heavy panting and taught muscles clenched all over her body she showed no signs of pain or hurt until she passed out.

"If you get the chance bring her home, I like her" Lucian talked as if he had no concerns about the ridicule he would receive from both captive and Debauchery, who in her right mind would agree to join the faction that tortured her into passing out. Yunan understood the feeling Lucian had, being interested in someone had nothing to do with what happened between the two and as someone who had a harem of interesting characters he knew very well what it means to be interested.

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