Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 263: Extracting information

Yunan cared for the healer and brought her back to her friends making room for Leader to demonstrate her speciality, and hers was the most disturbing by far, it worked around decay and desecration, simply put, under the torture of Leader one would literally wither and die, each part she touched or acted on became desecrated flesh, meaning that she could touch a finger and the whole body would enter into a rejection state that would end with the finger falling off. In other words, when touched by Leader the part gets old in a matter of seconds and die turning to ashes or it would be rejected from the body like it was any other intrusive object.

The catch with this method of torture is that any loss is permanent, any parts that wither or are desecrated can never be regrown again, not even transplantation can attach a similar part to the one lost, and Yunan attributed this to the nature of faith power. As a healer accelerating the process of growth and regeneration is the most basic thing all healers learn, but if this acceleration was focused on consuming life instead of stopping when the subject is healed then the subject will age and wither eventually.

As for the desecration it relates to the nature of holiness that the healers have innately, making any healer of faith able to declare a body part unholy, thus after desecration, the desecrated part becomes an unnatural existence that is to be rejected By the laws of nature itself. It is terrifying to know this kind of power is available and unidentifiable, a sinister character can make use of these powers to do so much harm, luckily faith was exclusive to the church and it takes a great deal of power and talent to reach such a high realm in either power.

After the torture lessons, Yunan was told to extract information from the captives using the torture he had just learned, and since he was not very keen on doing it he chose to go with the leader of the captive bandits as he was the most despicable by vote of the majority and probably had most of the information anyway. And so Yunan used his own style for the first time.

The man was rather unlucky because Yunan was still not sure on what to do and was not proficient in his style yet so Yunan was a bit rough with him, he asked his questions while twisting bones out of place, breaking the skin to manually explore what is beneath, flay and strip skin, use the heightened senses to make the torture even more impactful, he even went as far as feeding the man his own intestines because he refused to answer who was the one that gave him the information or who was the mind behind it. It took almost two days before the leader broke.

Yunan was so bloody he looked like he was another butcher in the abattoir, he got the man to finally talk by opening his cranial cavity and started talking about slicing some of the inactive parts of the brain that did not contain information and feeding them to the man, the leader broke down the moment Yunan poked his scalpel into the frontal lobe. Brains were not like any other organs, lost pieces of a brain were lost for good, because the way the brain works and how neurons behave to form information pathways and memory lanes any lost neurons would be replaced by a completely new one, that would not be bad in the case of muscle or nerves because both of these to are not as essential and are easier to retrain than lost brain cells.

Facing the possibility of losing more than just memories or personality traits the man caved and started talking, the bandits received their intelligence from the guild itself, there was someone who thought about taking over the production facilities or at the bare minimum gain the knowledge and methods to recreate the same products, unfortunately for the guild the information about Yunan was mostly confidential and the snippets found in the paper trail were extremely faulty, Yunan, for example, was registered as a level 20 explorer, his age was registered as undetermined, belongings to no factions and having no visible back up, he was literally just another adventurer that did not even gain formal education.

It is worth mentioning that when Yunan dealt with the guild he would usually make deals with the employee at his floor, for example when in the 40s he dealt with the clerk in that particular branch at the 40th floor and did the same all the time, when someone with the identity of Yunan, being a rich newcomer who works solo and is known to have better firepower than a legion of adventurers of the same level, the paperwork would be altered, especially when it came to things like his top grade jewellery and untold number of corpses, as well as the other things he thought to sell or buy, someone who was basically dealing with so much money, was protected by these types of empty forms and if anyone dug too deep and found contradictory paperwork, they would attribute it to different people, the dungeon had billions of adventurers inside it and having 30 or 40 with the same name was not something to fuss about.

It was supposed to be an easy robbery, get in touch using the guild contact and then force the boy to lead them to the production facilities, however it turned bad because the paper trail was false, many guild employees do not hesitate to cover for anyone who can make the guild money, and many of them do not care about this rule either, although the guild has a rule to protect its contractors, it is left to the discretion of the clerk making the deal, whoever looked into Yunan, would only find that the proceeds were to be channelled to a certain kingdom and would immediately think the guy is just a worker because the true boss does not care enough to do the business himself.

With all this speculation and very empty paperwork, it is easy to think that the clerk decided to protect the real boss by leaving things like age empty, as for the level being false, well there is no reason for that since the boss should be much stronger than Yunan, therefore, there was no gain in targeting anyone but the middleman, in this case, Yunan.

Yunan had no idea about the handy work of the guild clerks until it was explained partially by the man under torture, he thought he should appreciate their action more in the future if he ever was in the hands of such a decent clerk, it is still worrying that there was someone in the guild coveting his wealth, so he made the man spill out the name, how they made contact and when and where they planned to meet, making a record out of this confession and passing it to Martin to deal with, even if Martin was not going to act himself, it was out of Yunan's jurisdiction to fight a corruption war with guild employees.

While wrapping up the captives and preparing them for transportation, Yunan offered a job for the healer and she accepted very easily, the job was to work as a sister in a certain orphanage to keep the sisters there safe and sound, her name was Moddy and she like many others working on a job she disliked because the pay was much needed, therefore when presented with an alternative she took it immediately, Yunan sent her to the orphanage after letting her spend a day with Lucian, the two seemed to have a good synergy between them but that was all there was to it, if that healer took any more time from Lucian, Leader might get jealous and that would be a great ordeal for all involved.

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