Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 347: High priority VIP arrived

The first signs of labor were getting closer and closer, according to the multitude of midwives under the employment of the family, it was a bit too much for that many midwives to be on call, but since the family was generous in payment they did not act out of order or try to hog the work, they focused on the cat in labour and bringing the baby out as safely as possible. The midwives were magically able and could extract the baby artificially through caesarean section if natural birth became a risk to both lives.

Through the soul link Yunan could feel the pain that Kitty went through as the labor started going in earnest, thankfully, he could share with her his pain tolerance, and help her tide the through the worst of it. You were expecting a through explanation of child birth? Unfortunately i am a man and have no idea what childbirth feels like, obviously, well, how about I show off the scientific knowledge i have and accumulated about the subject after a week of research, no, no, i am a man, not the best to talk about childbirth, so i am not going to even try something like that, the sjws will hang me if i do.

So the baby came healthy and with a very good vocal box and was fitted with some very powerful lungs, the baby was a girl she had blood scarlet hair and two cute cat ears on top of her hair, there was also some other fine scarlet hairs here and there on her body, she had aqua blue eyes and looked as adorable as a kitten, her name was immediately decided to be something with Cat in it, so after little deliberation "Catelyn" was the name she was dubbed with.

Yunan was a bit disappointed that she did not gain any of his extra bloodlines, he would have loved to share both of them with her, but maybe it was not meant to be, Catelyn was the first child and her gifts were all things beyond the imagination of ordinary people, she was given more love than she could handle and even more treasures to play with, even the deities came to pay their well wishes, from her mothers, she got some rather quaint little pieces of jewellery, mainly a necklace, an anklet, a bracelet and a pair of earrings.

From her daddy she got a crystal ball to hand on her necklace, it was embedded with all the luck Yunan had when she was born, it was designed to be absorbed into her body giving her some godly luck to grow with, from her Luna she got a crest imbued with powerful divine power that would divert away all harm that would she might encounter, Yunan estimated that she would be safe even in the 50s of Tartarus. The gift Catelyn received from Hephaestus was something that Yunan was unable to identify, Hephaestus said that she would know what it was when the time came, even death brought her a flower that according to him would take all injury and illness instead of her, as for the two elders they each gave her a blessing, they kept it to themselves, it would be bad if they had the kids compare with each other.

After the kid arrived Yunan starting to spend his nights back at home again, the feeling Yunan got as a father whenever he picked up his daughter or held her to sleep was beyond imagination, there were no words to explain such a feeling, it did not help that the little kid knew her father and would always act up and react to him, making him even feel that the time he was spending fighting was a waste, time was precious with his daughter arriving in this world, after the first month he decided to spend the day time with his family and the night in the dungeon fighting like a maniac with all his power.

The kid was a star at home, it was as if the entire universe rotated around her, Balin and Dustan had turned into her most obedient slaves, Fae and Mary were so excited to see her after each long day in the dungeon, they cited her as the primary reason they were able to return on time everyday, Lucian would literally turning yo her guardian angel, it didn't help that Catelyn was taken by him as well, Bai on the other hand just watched from afar and took all the safety measures known to him when she was around.

She is just a kid you might say, well, yeah, of course she is just an ordinary kitten, except that she is the first actual life to be born in the great Debauchery family, making her the focus of everyone for the time being, you might argue that kids were everywhere, still, a kid you witnessed being born and grown from a belly bump is not the same as an already grown up kid you get to meet, one would melt your heart and the other would just be cute and a novelty for some time.

Cat was definitely the type to melt your heart and stamp her own image on it, just in case you were not in love with her from the first glance, Yunan did not even remember the time he spent dealing with the Yetis on the 64th floor from how much bliss he felt upon returning home to the smiling face of his daughter, just then he felt like he knew what it felt like to be a father, all his suffering and pains would be disintegrated into nothing with a simple smile from his daughter.

When the little girl had just turn 6 months old, Fortuna came in with a pretty great news, the lord of light has given her a few admission tokens so that Yunan, Catelyn and Kitty could get inside the realm of heaven and get to spend half a day with mother Theresa. Catelyn would be able to disregard Death as she grows up, how good it would have been if we too grew up in a world where you get to see your dead grandparents after submitting a request to a god.

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