Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army


Mother Theresa was a good person when she was alive, when she came to heaven, she barely enjoyed her new found life of luxury while awaiting for reincarnation, she spent most of her time on watching the daily lives of her family, sharing their laughter and joy, she was extremely happy to know that the way they grieved for her was exactly how she imagined it would happen, it was deep inside their hearts, the only difference about them was a few times where liquor was the main drink of choice but those passed away fast as well, even Death was now a regular visitor. Time flew fast since then.

As a soul, she couldn't express as much emotions as ordinary people, heaven was a temporary residence that offered every possible thing one might have missed on in life, contrary to that, hell is a realm of endless agony and perdition, even the staunchest believers in the devil were subjected to the same things, simply because what the demons and devils promised wasn't theirs to give, the sole and absolute ruler of the nine hells was Satan and he never promised not to give someone endless torture down those fiery pits.

Theresa was happy about her first grandchild being born, she also had a few choice words for Yunan about the name he chose, unfortunately, she was unable to make contact and could only watch from where she was, according to some of the residents who were watching their own home, there was a way to get into contact after death but that was only for the most pious and the highest achieving worshippers. Theresa knew better than anyone that her son would find a way to come find her sooner or later, he was after all acquainted with enough powerful gods and was almost a god himself, so she was not overly concerned about it.

One day, she was contacted by some angels to "heed the summons of the lord", she snickered to herself thinking that maybe the uptight god should spend a day watching Debauchery have fun, at worst he will loosen up, at best he might become a cool god, still, she followed behind the rigid angels to the hall of her god, after she got inside, she was left only with her lord and his assistant, she didn't bow nor look smug, she just waved at them both "hello! Is there something that you need from me, your worship".

The aid was already frothing at the mouth and about to say something when the lord of light just waved him off "there will be some people coming to visit you, they are waiting for the summons at the moment, i want you to answer me one question, why should i allow them to come here?". Theresa smiled gently "because my son will force his way here someday to see me before i reincarnate, that would be bad for only one of you, and it's not going to be him taking losses, however, my son would never forget the favour if you took the initiative to invite him, he might not be a believer, but he sure is raised to have a code and a moral standard, so, unless you send me to reincarnation as soon as possible, i will get to see my son, your will wouldn't matter then"

This time the assistant was frozen with his jaw unhinged and dangling, although there was threats and blasphemy against his god in the words Theresa spoke there was nothing suggesting it was anything but truths, the lord of light was even more certain because he was the subject of worship, he could read Theresa's inner thoughts and tell if she lied or not. By the time both of the assistant and his lord got their minds back to work, Theresa was looking around with disinterest at the magnificent hall.

"Seriously, how troublesome can that brat be, in any case, this maybe the only time something like this will happen so enjoy it as much as you can, you have half a day, here they come" then in a bright pillar of light she saw her son, daughter and granddaughter materialise into being. The first thing she asked as her son and daughter moved in for a hug was "did you die? If you killed my granddaughter before she even started her life, even reincarnation will not save you!"

"Relax mom" said Yunan as he gave his mother a good hug "no need to worry, we got tickets and invitations to get here, no death was involved, even if something happened like that we can just make Death help out, forget about how we got here, don't you want to see your granddaughter?" Yunan took a kiss to the forehead and gave up Catelyn to her grandmother, he watched as the overflowing love he was used to just got a power up and turned to something almost tangible.

Theresa took her time singing blessings of motherhood to the little girl, she knew that no one would teach the parents how to do something like that. She learned those prayers from her mother, and people like the Debauchery family had no older generation to tell them the customs of old, so she took it upon herself to provide that information for them, two hours of intense dos and don'ts about everything she could remember about child care.

The rest of the time she discarded Yunan and Kitty and just played with the baby in her hands, she only surrendered the kitten back to her mother only for feeding or diapers changing, otherwise she showed her kids by example how to play with the baby correctly, both Yunan and kitty took notes, although the visit was coming to an end, mother had abandon both of them because the baby was the cutest thing ever and neither of the parents could compare no matter how you look at it, still it was a good visit full of joy and good feelings, before she hugged everyone goodbye, she told Yunan to "take it easy on the lord of light, he was not a bad god, he was just too uptight and dull, but since she had nothing to gift her granddaughter, she took the chance to see her as a gift from the god". Yunan did not act out of place, but deep down he knew this invitation was extorted and not a gift.

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