Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 349: reforged

After returning from heaven, literally, Yunan took a week off before he went off to finish the 64th floor and advance to the 65th, the Yeti tribe or the snowmen were magically talented and brutish looking, they were most gifted in creation magic which suited their ice affinity just nicely. Creation magic is the type of magic that one would use to create or shape something, it was not creating something from nothing, it was more like taking an element and using it to do your bidding.

Other than that, the ape like beings were blessed with high agility and dexterity, they always attacked in packs and always had at least 3 active magicians at any time, Yunan thought depletion of mana would make the fight easier but he was wrong, without mana, all the Yetis coordinated to attack, since magic was no longer on the table they started using other methods, if Yunan was swarmed by too many of them and there was no space, some would break the ice and use the shrapnel for ranged attacks, they didn't just rely solely on melee and magic.

The boss of the Yetis had an army under him, killing it wasn't possible unless one killed most of the army, even ranged attacks would be taken by the minions, feeling a bit rushed, Yunan used his own ice magic to create endless finger sized needles and send them flying to hit the ears and eyes of the Yeti and then subsequently reach inside their brains and detonate for a fast paced killing, thankfully the boss was more concerned about ordering its troops to charge and overwhelm that it didn't mind about the fallen ones, it didn't take long before the boss was naked and trying to recruit even more soldiers, Yunan ended the cowering king in a storm of lighting.

From the boss he got a chest full of materials and no books this time around, so he decided to return home to work on upgrading his Dragonification, he prepared all the things he needed and went inside the forge with Drogon in tow, Drogon melted the armour with his flames and Yunan started adding all kinds of rare and valuable items to the armour, it took about a week for the armour to stabilize, then Yunan added as many of his enchanted pearls as possible, the enchantments being added each left a small mark on a greater magical circle, the magical circle engulfed the melted armor and that took almost a month for all those to take effect, lastly Yunan added some cores, some mana clusters and a piece of spiritual stone from the spiritual cave.

That was not all, now Yunan had to manipulate all of it to shape up as an armour, then make sure the basic weapons were part of it, adding a few more enchantments by his own hands, pouring some luck into the mix and then make it so that this entire thing can fit in a medallion without losing its storage space and other functions. Once the armour was completed, Yunan added a mana link so that the armour would respond only to himself and a spiritual link so he may activate it from distance.

After the armour was done, Yunan went ahead to test it and found that the armour had grown so much, he could; without any effort from himself, wreak havoc in the 64th floor, all his automated skills were boosted by at least two fold, for example his maximum detection range used to be at 1000 km sustainably and about 30000 km in a big burst, now he was able to reach the 1500 km range without even spendings half the usual mana and could reach a complete 100000 km in a big burst. The effective range of all his battle abilities like mana syphon was increased to 200 km.

Not only that, the armour was also able to enhance his shapeshift abilities, his tentacles and feelers could now reach further, act faster as well as be more accurate and precise, his wings could now be armored too, the isolation effect from the world was now selective and responded to the user about what to let in and what to keep out, this armour was now overpowered and terrifyingly so.

After spending his time in the forge for too long, Yunan got out in time to see his daughter take her first step, he played with his daughter for some time, this blissful time was like a cleansing process for him, Yunan would never have thought a rigid and inflexible person like him would get to enjoy the peace and the clarity of mind he experienced with his daughter, in fact he felt that this has started long ago with the establishment of his little family.

After getting enough happiness in him to face the next hurdle Yunan descended to the 65th floor, he found himself standing on a floating island, with nothing but cold and what he assumed was snow clouds everywhere, there was no land in sight, any one who stepped into this place without knowing flight or levitation was stranded, the nearest cloud was about 500 meters away, and the clouds were near-enough solid that one could step on them with enough agility but standing or resting on one was impossible.

Inside the clouds Yunan picked up life forces that belonged to unborn and underdeveloped creatures, however, there was no difference between the surroundings and the rest of the clouds, upon approach he was ambushed by the monsters of this floor, Stormbirds, a falcon-like avian with a body made completely from condensed vapour, literally a cloud taken form, each had a core that was embedded in its forehead, the core held the cloud in shape with arcs of lighting flashing occasionally.

These avians were able to use lighting and ice magic and had the purest form of lightning Yunan had come across, after dealing with the ambush, Yunan had to calibrate his detection to find those flashes of lighting each Stormbird had, after looking closely in the clouds he could find nests and eggs, the eggs had a shell of ice and was suspended in a light web of ice threads that seemed to originate from the cloud itself.

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