Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 381: annoyed into oblivion

"Let's make a festival!" was what Yunan having anxiety about at the current moment, the boy has yet to dry up from his own amniotic fluid and things were already getting out of hand, Reina was in another world and did not seem to care much about the predicament Yunan was facing.

Newly instated emperor Hoshi was rivalling Lady Mito in tear shedding as they crowded Reina, Kitty was pulling at the two by the nape trying to force them to leave the room, they snuck in almost as soon as the midwives left, Yunan was standing by the door, beside him were certain people who had such big puppy eyes, they were begging for some grand festival.

After pulling the grandparents away, Reina was taken by Ophelia and Kitty to the infirmary so that she would rest and recover better, Luna was on Catelyn care duty, as for the rest, they were arguing as best as they could, throwing argument after argument at Yunan who still has not gotten permission to hold his son.

Looking lost and hurt at being forbidden from getting close to the infirmary, Yunan listened to the beggars surrounding him with all their ambitions leaking out, he looked around for help but only a Catelyn seemed to be not enjoying his distress, even the gods were giving him the "just submit already" kind of look.

"We did not make a fuss when Cat was born, but this is the first male, the heir to your kingdom and your legacy, and as the offspring of an imperial princess, he must be at least announced to the world" Fae was looking like a lawyer giving Yunan some advice.

"Kid, this is your first boy, besides, you just upgraded from king to god-king, so it's a good reason to make double celebrations, not to mention having missed out on Cat, we need to make it know that you have an heir, we must make his reception to the world outstanding" Lucian was trying to translate what Mary was whispering in his ear as best as he could.

"We need to make it a grand festival, nothing less, we can also use it as an opportunity to show off a bit of wealth and play around too, it has been too long, too long I tell you". It went on like that until Yunan could not help but run to Reina in the infirmary.

The two leaned on each other as Yunan enjoyed the rush of fatherly emotions, Kaeser was sleeping peacefully in his arms, Reina seemed too exhausted and was dozing off as well, however, since Yunan came running to her, she resisted sleep and held on to her man to give him some comfort.

After Reina dozed off and woke up an hour later, the two chatted as she fed the little boy his first drops of mothers milk. "They want a grand festival, as grand and showy as possible, they said since he would be the heir and what not he must be publically acknowledged, and as the god-king, he is to be brought out to the world in memorable fashion"

"They just want to have fun, let them play around a little bit, it is not as if any harm will come from it, as for the heir thing we all know it won't matter which kid is it, so why not let them have at it, besides some joy after the whole crusade story is going to do good for the kingdom ".

"I know that. I just hate the way they make it seem like I am the biggest boos and the fun police in this family, you know I don't believe in publicizing matters that concern only the family, this is really going to be a headache, since we are doing it, what do you like to see?".

"There is only one thing to require on my side, we bring the Oracle from the Sun islands and let her baptise Kaeser, that is all, it has to happen sooner or later, otherwise he would not be recognized as a bearer of the blood"

"As long as she does not try to prophesize anything or make some kind of revelation, there is no harm in it, anything else?" Yunan was looking at the red furred little baby, he already had two tails out and they were swaying merrily, his gaze was as gentle as could be, he has lived a long life, he has been loved enough to finally understand what love meant, he was no longer just stuck at care as his definition of love.

He could now appreciate love, more and more by the moment, it was a feeling like his own heart did not belong to him, he would smile unconsciously when he thought about his family, the simple joy flooding from inside him at their mere existence in his life was beyond description, he had been loving for a long time, he just now understood how those emotions and acts related together, it was almost illogical, yet made the most sense to him at this moment.

"Just hand the helm to them and go to work, there is one more person here who will need your strength, just make sure to return by the day of the festival, or there will be punishment waiting". The coquettish way Reina spoke made Yunan feel once more he did not deserve her, he had to thank his lucky stars one more time today, noticing he had been thinking those unknown lucky stars a lot lately.

After handing the mother and child to the care of Ophelia, Yunan went to the baths to find the rest of his band of misfits, they were already making plans, seemingly they were eavesdropping on him, he made his way to Leader who was yet again sitting alone, it seemed that every time they needed to talk, they would find themselves a private space.

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