Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 382: behold

"Look at the enthusiasm, the eagerness is overflowing" said Leader as Yunan sat beside her, lovelier than ever and as warm as the sun rays, she somehow made Yunan feel at ease, "they make me feel like a villain every time, it is getting to the point where they need my approval to have fun".

Complaining to Leader was not the best thing to do, but where else would he find the chance to gain advice from the holy mother of Debauchery, knowing that, he decidedly started complaining about his family.

"Its because you are the hardest working one in this bunch, they subconsciously think that they should not have fun unless you allow it, it is likely that" Leader smiled as she stretched her arms. "Working hard all the time made you the guy to look out for, just a small push from me and you will be the de facto leader of this family, you should be happy, they look up to you".

Yunan did not know what face to make, Leader always knew how to dump more things on him, now he had to actually start thinking as a leader himself, "I give up, just make sure there is still a home for me when all is done, I am going back to Tartarus, see you in a week" he kissed Leader on the forehead before phasing to the 70th floor.

He put on his armour and waded waist deep into fighting the Wyrms, the nearest ones to the entrance were focused on the fire element, each mountain had a boss, each mountain range was dedicated to one element, so far, Yunan had cleared only two mountain ranges since he returned to the 70th floor.

For a long week, Yunan battled and consumed more and more Wyrms, these winged snakes were violent and fearless, forgoing all defence and only retreating when oppressed, unfortunate for the Wyrms, Yunan was not the type to let a kill run away because it wanted too, especially one as beneficial as this one.

Once the week was over Yunan returned home to find the festive mood taking over the portable home, even the artificial intelligence and genie were taken away from managing the trade outpost, he found a set of ceremonial robes made especially for him, the style was designed by Fae to look as majestic as possible.

Putting on the robes, he stepped out to the Bright palace where he found servants waiting to lead him to the main event outside, as soon as he left the palace he was almost stunned by the amount of hubbub out there, the servant seemed to be rather adept at going through the crowd as he threaded his way to a giant pavilion, a large tent with a peak and crenellated decorations, surrounded by many smaller tents and stalls where a plethora of activities was taking place.

Gambling, games, food, contests, plays and performers, and many more activities he did not even know existed, today was actually the third day of this open festival, everyone was invited. ever since the crusades failed and the situation stabilised in the pearl kingdom, there had been a sense of pressure that was greatly alleviated, all thanks to the festival.

The festival was grand, taking up enough space for a large town, the crowds shuttled slowly from attraction to attraction, ate and drank, participated in games, bought, sold, auctioned and traded openly, leaving behind them a great mass of joy that was visible to Yunan's eyes, he didn't even need to focus to see such waves of pleasure and glee among the many guests.

Most of these guests were tourists, numbering enough to cause the family to build a number of hotels and accommodations to support the overflooded capitol city, not to mention the tons of food and drink directly supplied from the portable home, from a glance, one could see different casts of people rubbing shoulders, even though he noticed the few arrogant bunches trying to make their way by proclaiming themselves, very few were even heeding such people.

Security was not an issue, ever since the nation wide smite spell, few have been brazen enough to cause a commotion or commit a crime, petty thievery included, as Yunan got closer to the largest pavilion in the heart of the festival he could feel much more anticipation and excitement from the crowds packed outside the pavilion. His way was not blocked as he expected, instead the crowd parted with hushed whispers, some bowed and some kneeled, some nodded and some clasped their hands in prayer.

Walking to the pavilion, he found his family waiting for him to begin the main event, he saw many familiar faces among those inside the pavilion, ministers and diplomats as well as the family friends, the numbers were not enough to make the huge tent feel cramped or stuffy.

Taking his place on the throne, he gave nods and greetings to those who were deemed of high enough status. After he sat down, the billowing voice of Dustan rumbled as the wives made their way to stand behind Yunan, Balin and Dustan took to the stage; a raised platform that was still lower than the throne.

"Welcome one and all" said Dustan "today, in this fine evening, under the light of the stars, we gather here to show the world, the first born son of our god-king, Kaeser, today under the witness of heaven, earth and man, this boy shall receive the blessings of gods, oracles and family" Balin waited for a moment before ushering to Reina and her child to come closer and announcing "behold, the offspring of the god-king, may the world grovel under his feet, and the heavens tremble in his palms" Reina then hoisted the boy up high for all to see the red furry ears and swaying tails.

The boy looked at the crowds with curious glances, uncomfortably shifting in the awkward hold of his mother, as for the crowd, there were hushed sighs and exclamations, but the noise was subdued as if by magic, it would not be good if Kaeser got frightened by a sudden wave of cheers.

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