Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 383: hurry

Yunan felt distaste for things like this, blessing and gifting a child is; according to his own logic, to be done in a private manner, making an entertainment out of it left a sour taste in his mouth, he knew that this is the way royalty does things, he didn't like it and that was that. Still, he couldn't find it in himself to be the kill-joy and simply tried to show some satisfaction on his face.

"Let the father bless his son" called Dustan as Balin took the child away from Reina and gently placed him in crystal crib, with woven pearls to act as the bedding and covers. Yunan stood up and floated to the little podium holding the crib. As soon as he touched the boy the crib lit up dazzlingly to hide whatever Yunan said or did.

"Boy, just grow up happy, that is all that I require from you, put your heart into everything you do and never expect anyone to do for you what you want, gather around you some good friends and family, live the life you choose, be strong and be kind, find love and always pay back the debts" after saying that he put a small kiss on the forehead of the kid and left behind a necklace with protection enchantments and resistances, similar to the one he gave to Catelyn, made by himself from the best materials at hand.

After Yunan returned to his throne many names were called by the Duo, "let the mother bless the child" ... "let the oracle bless the child" ... "let fortune bless the child" ... "let the Dungeon bless the child" etc …

One by one the closest family and friends made their way to the little podium to offer a blessing and a gift, each in their own capacity, since the gifts were mostly symbolic they were left for all to see, as for the really valuable stuff, it was hidden back home in the little boy's private room.

After the family and friends it was a free for all, unlike what was expected, Dustan and Balin didn't name a single person after they themselves gave their blessings but only said "let the world offer their blessings" and stood guard at the podium, beneath them appeared Bai, Fae who had put on a uniform and sat on a table, each, the two accepted the offerings and put them in two storage rooms, useless or useful, they would not allow anything unchecked by the genie of the dimension to even get close to the boy.

After giving their offerings, most people took the time to kneel before Yunan and praise him, requesting or demanding, some were there just to worship and pay their respects, Yunan dismissed them according to their status and his own feelings, giving genuine smiles to those who came to only worship or pay respect, and he gave the standard political smile for the rest of them, especially those who came to request or demand something or the other, thinking that like all other kings, Yunan would grant wishes when showing off his child.

Since there were too many people who wanted to offer blessings, Reina took the child about an hour later and left the four present to take care of the rest, Yunan didn't leave immediately and spent some time to meet and greet those of the lower castes in society and only left a bit before dawn.

The festival continued for three more days, and the number of visitors continues to rise, the attractions were seemingly too attractive, especially with the prizes offered by the family.

Back at home, Yunan was now teaching Catelyn how to care for her little brother, she was nearly 5 years old already and spent most of her time hovering over Reina and Kaeser wanting to play with the little guy as much as she could, the week old baby spent his time sleeping as Yunan and Cat giggled away while doing this or that, meanwhile the self-proclaimed treasurers were going through the gains from the festival, every now and then one could hear "we're rich, look at these piles of money" coming from them as they counted each golden coin in the treasury.

At the edge of the universe, a young man was floating in the void, watching as faith gathered into a rift to hasten the maturity of a rather large planet, almost twice as big as a minor star, one could see this planet growing even bigger at a visible rate, flora and fauna were born, lived and died in mere moments, the continents shifted, converged then diverged, then converged again, the oceans changed colour from red to black to green to blue, cycles of ice and green and yellow covered the surface without stop.

The world looked like it was in a haste to mature into a life-bearing planet, it usually took aeons for any world to mature enough to support intelligent life, so far, in all the Hosana universe, there are no more than two score planets with inhabitants that have an intellectual level capable of faith, Burkan itself was one of the youngest with less than a million years since the first civilization.

The young man looked towards Burkan with a glint in his eyes, then between his fingers, the river of fate manifested itself showing the history of the planet. It was the most intriguing of all the planets, with the number of avatars and ascended there almost twice as any other planet, he could see the council floating with their table discussing their schemes and biding their time, and finally after all was done, it showed him a live vision of a man cradling a newborn in one arm and brushing the hair of a child who lay snoozing on his knee.

"Hurry", said the young man, " you don't want to miss the next part of the show" then with a wave of his hand, the river of fate dissipated and the young man turned his attention back to the newborn planet.

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