Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 384: won't it be interesting

Sometime after, when Yunan returned from his climb to check on his family, he found the gods waiting for him, they have been turning up often lately, having their hushed discussions and enjoying the exclusive delicacies, they were welcomed at all times, they were part of the family after all.

"Hubby, I think it is about time you starting to pay attention to the world of the ascended, you are not even checking out the public communications, therefore, we decided to tell you all you need to know because the situation is getting weirder by the moment". Upon hearing this, Yunan sat upright and focused his attention on the four people sharing his table.

"First of all, the creator is back and is planning something, as you already know, he was away on a stroll, and he returned recently with a rift and a planet, he has been syphoning faith to help it mature faster, we really have no idea what will happen next, he is currently focused on the new planet, however, we don't know what happened to cause this, he had a mild nature before, something must have happened for him to return with something unexpected".

"Second, you need to know about avatars, we are links to the primordials and through us they look at the universe, although we are not supposed to share this information, the unexpected ways this particular universe and this particular planet has given us a bit of a leeway, I am an avatar of fate, born in this planet with incomparable luck, the primordial of fate chose to abandon his previous avatar and took me instead, I am probably the oldest native god to this universe." After Fortuna introduced herself, the rest took turns to introduce themselves.

"Avatar of null, Death, not a native to this universe. I was sent here to keep an eye on a bunch of unsavoury schemers". "Avatar of all, chaos, native to this universe, taken as an avatar after my own ascension". "Avatar of creation, smithing, native and chosen as an avatar after completing Tartarus". Yunan nodded his head, it was not strange for these talents to be chosen as Avatars, and it made sense for the primordials to send their own avatars and chose suitable ones to accumulate faith for them.

Bear in mind that Yunan has no knowledge about how the primordials grow in strength and the world culling they perform repeatedly, for him, he only knows about entities that have such great control over a domain they become said domain.

"Here comes the heavy stuff, so I will let Death talk about it since he experienced it and we did not". With a nod from the other four Death started to speak.

"Basically there are many universes, all of them fall under the might of a primordial or another, these universes can be divided into mature and immature universes, the immature ones; like this one, are left alone until they mature, as for the mature ones, they go through a culling, and only one single universe survives, the surviving universes are exempt from any further culling, they offer tribute of a certain amount of Faith to the primordials in exchange for being allowed to grow and develop. The losing universes are directly consumed by the primordials".

"My task here was to keep an eye on those unsavoury bunch of schemers, they are gods who were almost ready to become primordials, they were in the midst of consuming the juvenile fate of their own universe when it was chosen for a culling, instead of fighting for their survival, they chose to consume the fate, midway through, their universe was crushed and the fate dissipated, leaving them hanging at the level of over gods ". Death sighed, taking a gulp of the poisoned wine before he continued.

"When they were about to be consumed they struck a deal, if they prove that they can join the ranks of primordials by consuming juvenile fate, they would be spared and given their original universe, there were some terms between them and the creator, the most important thing is that they wish to devour fate and the creator has to nurture it. most the ascended think the over-gods are just older gods and have no idea they are foreign."

"Lastly there are two things you need to know, first, fate has been acting strangely ever since the creator returned, second, you are for some reason outside the scope of fate, no one can see your future, no one can tell what your next move is, that have already put you as a target for the avatars and the over-gods, we are certain that they have something planned or already done something"

"The most important thing as of this moment is your relationship with the creator, you inherited the divinity of his old friend, you exist outside of fate, and currently, you are friends with 4 avatars who can be considered enemies to both the council and the creator, this tangled mess, may drive someone to act, so we need you to be careful and take care of yourself"

Yunan listened intently as the four gave him this crucial information, even if he knew all this information, it had nothing to do with him so he simply pushed it back for later use, but focused on something they said. The four gods waited patiently for Yunan to take in the information and give them his opinion.

Yunan suddenly smiled mischievously and an evil glint long gone reappeared in his eyes, the four gods took a deep breath from the intense glare. Yunan looked at all of them, then slowly and deliberately said "you said that the over-gods and the other avatars have the intention of taking action against me, and they also are not on the best of terms with the creator, who we may have a good relationship with, meaning we are losing the game, and in chess when the game is lost, the only viable move is to smash the board, contact the creator for me, tell him , I have the grave of his dreams, won't it be interesting?"

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