Dungeons and Dalliances

3.08 – ❤ Hole

It was unlikely there’d be another vein of ore in the cavern, even large as the room was, but Natalie scoured the perimeter regardless. Her teammates were occupied with their own investigations. Beyond the natural resources available—which Jordan picked through to find poisoning herbs—there were other rewards scattered through most ‘big rooms’, the charmingly simple term used for encounters such as the one Natalie’s team had found themselves in. After needing to carve through six difficult encounters, of course they’d been rewarded accordingly. Big rooms offered all sorts of treasures.

Though, not freely. It took some digging around to discover everything. As a general golden rule, the dungeon encouraged elbow grease above most other things.

Except, picking through the stretching stone wall perimeter, Natalie found something she hadn’t expected.

Something she really hadn’t expected.

Though maybe she should have.

Considering her class.

It was a hole in the wall. Except, so much cruder than that description would suggest. A hole of a different sort. Pulsating, dark pink, and situated at exactly waist level, it sat in a secluded section of the cavern. Far away from her teammates, who were, conveniently, on the opposite side of her.

How hadn’t they seen it? They’d passed by it earlier, while Natalie had spent the past twenty minutes mining and collecting ore. Had the dungeon hidden it until she’d been the one to approach? Hardly impossible.

What the hell.

A dungeon pussy. That was, essentially, what Natalie was looking at. Incredulous, Natalie reached forward and ran a finger against the object. Warm, slick, and tight, it was—while not exactly a pussy—an approximation. It lacked appropriate details, but its obvious purpose couldn’t be argued.

No, really. What the hell.

After the brutal, action-packed past several hours, she’d almost forgotten what her class was. Paladin of Lust. Of course she’d run into something like this. The puzzle room had been a reminder, but not in such a visceral way.

She was supposed to fuck it.

She looked around, the thought thrilling through her with surprising intensity. Her teammates were all occupied, a fair distance away. Maybe she didn’t have total privacy, but that could be solved.

She was an illusionist.

Masking herself at Tenet wasn’t a reliable option because of how many people were more advanced in their classes than her. They’d see through her in an instant. And though Liz and Ana were notably better mages, Natalie’s skill in spellcasting seemed to scale on how perverted her intentions were.

And fucking a random hole in the wall?

Well. Perverted, by anyone’s standards.

Her breath came faster, even as she felt disgusted with herself. She was considering this? Was excited by the idea? What was wrong with her?

The lewd hole sat there, pink and wet, pulsing in a rhythmic, oddly entrancing fashion. She shouldn’t be excited at such a strange sight—at a pocket-pussy indented into a stone wall—but she was.

No denying it, then. She was a pervert.

Because she needed to fuck it.

In several meanings of ‘need’. Her desire, but also, because why else would it be there? Maybe she could interpret it as a trap, something to entice her into using it and shortly punishing her for her lust, but Natalie knew, somehow, that wasn’t right. Rather, she needed to satisfy the hole. Fill it up, and earn a reward through doing so. Or if not that specifically, she was supposed to interact with it. It wasn’t a trap.

Though, could she trust that instinct? Traps were intended, by their nature, to be deceptive.

She forced herself to focus, ignoring the arousal that had stirred in her. Maybe she was a pervert, but she was also a delver, first and foremost. She would evaluate danger with a clear head … however hard doing so was.

She weighed the likelihood of the two options. Trap, or reward encounter. Not an easy thing to decide on. Instinct told her one thing, a delver’s wariness another.

Eventually, she decided. Hopefully it wasn’t wishful thinking. Her instincts, filtered painfully past her arousal, insisted she was right. Not a trap. An encounter.

Her mouth parted as she started to pant. She shot one more worried glance over her shoulder, accounting for each of her teammates, before shuffling forward. Easier than ever, she sprung up an illusion, creating an image of herself with arms crossed, studying the section of the wall. Her teammates would assume she’d found something of minor note, but not be particularly interested, seeing how they were attending to their own searches.

In the restrictive armor she was wearing, shuffling down her pants wasn’t the easiest task. Though, at least it wasn’t as unwieldy as plate armor. That was what she’d be equipped in eventually, as the team’s tank.

Eight inches of rigid girl cock—upgraded from six—stood proudly at attention, freed from their confines. The wall-pussy pulsed eagerly, as if sensing her exposure.

She was doing this, then. Fucking some strange, fleshy hole in the middle of a dungeon wall. Degenerate. That was the word that popped into mind. For some reason, that only excited her further. Yes. She was a pervert.

Her cock head pressed into the soft material, velvety heat wrapping her length, and the contact electrified her. She looked around, making sure nobody was watching. All clear. Her illusion held strong. Surprisingly so. Facilitating this encounter.

Her hips pushed forward, burying herself inch by inch. A groan escaped her lips, despite her attempts to be quiet. Nobody looked over. Even if they had, Natalie had an illusion in place.

She turned back forward, then closed the last few inches, shuffling forward so she could impact her hips into the wall. The hole accommodated her length. Slick, slippery, hot pressure caressed her shaft. Though the experience wasn’t, she suspected, remotely the same as having a willing partner moaning beneath her, the sensation, at least, was true to life. Or something close. Her cock, squeezed by a tight pussy.


She couldn’t help herself. Her hips took control, pushing back and forth, working her length inside and out of the welcoming warmth. A second moan left her, louder, and after realizing what had happened, she looked around, panicked. Still safe.

She was doing this, out in the open? Even with an illusion, her blood thrilled. She was humping her dick—which only Jordan knew about—into a toy-pussy the dungeon had provided her. Why did the knowledge she was surrounded by friends make it more exciting?

A pervert. She was a pervert.

She thrust faster, desperation tinting her movements. Nothing else mattered besides the tight, squeezing warmth of the toy-pussy she was fucking. She needed to empty herself. To fill up the hot pussy caressing her cock. The only thing that mattered in the entire world. Her cock, being squeezed and massaged. Her head grew fuzzy with pleasure as her hips worked faster and faster, hitting stone as she buried her cock all the way in, then out.

Illusions could only do so much. Her moaning would give her away, Natalie knew. But she didn’t care. The noises grew louder. She fucked the dungeon’s toy with heavier and heavier impacts.

Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, she was saved from her shameful fate of being caught.

Because as Natalie worked into a frantic rhythm, climax starting to build, some enormous mechanism groaned inside the wall. Quicker than she could register something was happening, she had lost her footing—

—and was falling.

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