Dungeons and Dalliances

3.09 – ❤ Vines I

She bounced off springy material, then flailed as she soared through the air. After a few more bounces, and some tumbling, she scrambled to her feet.

Had it been a trap then, despite her instincts telling her otherwise?

No. She was unharmed. Thrown into a new room, activated by her use of the wall-pussy above, but safe.

Still, she fumed at the situation, despite finding no imminent danger. She’d been close to finishing. Her cock twitched in dissatisfaction. Her entire body coursed with heat, with the need to rut into a tight, hot pussy like she had been a moment prior. Why had the dungeon cut her off?

Though … slowly … her better senses arrived.

Her teammates. Jordan, Sofia, Liz, Ana. They’d heard her fall. Probably, they’d assumed she’d activated a trap, and were frantically looking for a way to help.

Which was mortifying. Natalie wasn’t that stupid. She wouldn’t be caught in a floor-one, near-the-entrance trap, as simple and obvious as they tended to be.

Then again, maybe she had. She hadn’t appraised the room she’d arrived to, so she didn’t know her circumstances. Only intuition told her she’d merely been moved around, not endangered.

So. Time to make sure.

The room was a solid mass of plant life. Floors, walls, and ceiling, thick masses of green rope writhed in a slow and steady rhythm. Natalie stood there, her pants still around her ankles, her cock wet and throbbing from the annoyance of her pleasure being cut off. She stared incredulously.

What had her dick gotten her into, this time?

There were two objects of note. With no visible way in or out, not even from the section of roof she’d fallen through, she had a sneaking suspicion she’d have to figure out what they did—what they wanted from her—to escape. She sensed nor saw no immediate danger from this bizarre encounter, but she couldn’t stroll out and return to her friends whenever she wanted, either.

The first item of interest sat at the center of the room. Chest tall, the enormous flower bud swayed with the same steady rhythm as the rest of the room. Alive. But it hadn’t flowered yet; it stayed tightly bunched up. Was something inside it? The bud bulged at the middle, and she briefly wondered whether she needed to force the flower open.

The other object of note was more intimidating. Attached to the far wall, the thick mass of vines wasn’t a flat grid of interlocking plantlife, like what made up the floor, walls, and ceiling. Rather, the vines protruded outward, long, grasping ropes waving around, as if seeking out targets. Some of the vines were … strange. Bulbous at the end, as if made for a specific purpose.

Considering how she had ended up here, and her class, she could make a few guesses.

Her cock throbbed in excitement, and despite herself, she blushed at the reaction. Maybe she wasn’t a prude, but throwing herself into a wiggling mass of vines to be violated was something even she found dubious.

Then again, she’d only a few seconds ago been fucking a hole in the wall, so she was past the point of letting shame win.

Swallowing, and her breath picking up, she scooped her pants from around her ankles so they didn’t catch, then approached the flower bud. A closer inspection revealed nothing more, so she neared the protruding vines, next.

They sensed her coming. The slow, waving ropes swiveled toward her, then honed on her, aligning in direction. She stayed a safe distance away. They didn’t snap out to scoop her up—and she was too far if they tried—but their intent was clear. They wanted to get their hands on her. Her assumption had been, while not literally proved, strongly reinforced.

So, what? She was supposed to let herself be violated by vines? Then it would free her, somehow? Return her to her friends, who were undoubtedly panicking over how she’d gone missing?

A thicker vine caught Natalie’s eye, cutting off her thoughts. The others looked, while thicker at the ends than most vines, meant for thrusting, not—well, what this one seemed purpose-built for. It had an opening at the front. Inside, fleshy green walls pulsed, and the vine strained toward her waist, as if trying desperately to latch to her cock. It was longer than the rest; it almost reached her.

Natalie’s cock stiffened, having briefly settled down. Eight thick inches of girl cock swelled to full attention, still wet from the earlier event.

Embarrassingly, she stepped forward, her feet carrying her more than an active decision did. The vine closed the gap. It latched to her cock, swallowing her member with tight, hot, bumpy walls. The feeling was even more incredible than the hole above. Tighter, slipperier, and with a mind of its own, it thrust along her length, sending shivers of pleasure up her spine.

The vine withdrew, cutting off the amazing sensation. It swayed a few feet back, as if beckoning her to come closer.

To where the rest of the vines strained for her.

Which was, to say the least, highly suspicious. She could infer with total confidence, at this point, that if she stepped forward, she would be grabbed by dozens of vines and shortly be violated. Maybe she would have done so happily, even, but being tempted into it? The vine-pussy having pleasured her, then pulled back and swayed in place, as if trying to draw her in? Dubious. Extremely so.

Then again, what else was she supposed to do? There didn’t seem to be any exits. The flower bud was firmly closed, and she didn’t think forcing it open was smart. In fact, if she had to guess, ‘fulfilling’ this encounter would be how she advanced the next stage of whatever this puzzle room was. Because that was what it was, right? A puzzle room? Or maybe not so much a puzzle, just an encounter of sorts. Of a lewd variety. Fitting to her class.

So she had a logical reason to do this. Her friends were undoubtedly worried what had happened to her, so she should get this over with as quickly as possible.

That was the excuse she used.

The real reasoning, which she didn’t admit to herself, was of course her pounding heart, and the anticipation of what dozens of writhing vines would feel like squirming across her, a vine-pussy pleasuring her with eager thrusts.

She took several steps forward, putting herself within the plantlife’s grasp. The vine pussy latched to her cock, returning to its eager pleasuring of her cock, and its friends joined the assault. In less than a second, she’d been grabbed in half a dozen places, by arms, legs, and waist, then lifted into the air.

She hoped they were gentle.

Or maybe she didn’t.

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