Dungeons and Dalliances

4.35 – Swapped IV

The dungeon turned out to be considerate of their situation. The first reward Natalie pulled out was two vials of red liquid. Health potions.

Seeing how the two of them didn't have a healer on standby, and the challenge had taken their consumables, the alchemical concoction would be their only way to patch themselves up. They'd both taken nicks and bites from the scurrying crystal spiders, though nothing serious. Natalie took a small sip, then handed the rest of the first potion to Ana. Cuts and scrapes cleared away on both of them.

The second vial, she would have to carry around. Another detriment to adventuring naked—no belts and pouches.

Next out was a bit more surprising. Not because it was an uncommon drop in the dungeon, but the disproportionate quantity of the item. Natalie hefted up a decently sized canvas pouch weighed down by a mass of clinking coins. Her eyes widened, seeing it. Even if the coins were made from a less valuable metal, it would be worth several times a normal loot chest's haul—more than they would earn in a boss fight, even.

"I think the dungeon's tempting us to continue," Ana said, a hint of amusement in her voice. "That weak of an encounter, for that many coins?"

Natalie undid the string holding the bag closed and peeked inside. Her surprise grew. "There's even some silver mixed in." She'd half expected it to be all bronze.

Ana leaned forward to peek inside, and her sudden proximity reminded Natalie of their nakedness—and swapped bodies. She did her best not to fidget as Ana's shoulder pressed into hers.

Natalie wasn't used to being the shy one. The thing was, Natalie didn't even know whether Ana was being confident or clueless. It was honestly one of the reasons Natalie was so off-foot. She couldn't read her.

Plus, there was the elephant in the room. Or rather, the cock in the room. Ana's cock. Which would probably be used on Natalie. Because why else would the body swap have happened? Natalie was simultaneously coming to terms with that, and doing her best to ignore it.

Natalie cleared her throat, tied the bag up, and took a step sideways to get some space between them. She hoped her blush didn't show.

"Even if that's it," Natalie said, "it's a good haul. But I bet there's more."

Ana made a noise of agreement.

Natalie set the bag aside, along with the health potion. She closed the chest and opened it, peeking inside to see if the dungeon had anything else in store.

A vial of sparkling pink liquid sat at the bottom. Natalie nearly winced. The color pink rarely boded something good. Or, at least, boded something normal, and Natalie could use some normal right about now.


Potion of Permanent Minor Furor


Lv. 2



- Permanently raises furor by a small amount.



A potion imbued with the essence of a waking goddess.


Natalie read the effect in stunned silence. Even Ana's eyes widened in surprise.

"That's … interesting," Ana said. "The essence of a sleeping goddess? That might be the only concrete evidence for the Reverie that I've ever seen." She hesitated. "Though nothing says the dungeon needs to tell the truth. The description could mean nothing."

Natalie had nearly forgotten about 'the Reverie', the possible rising of a goddess of lust, and the implications behind her class and its bestowal. She was just trying to survive her first year at Tenet, and the complicated dynamics arising—both personal and professional. The 'big picture' stuff seemed oddly unimportant in the face of all that. But being slapped with a reminder was—well, startling.

"Is the dungeon trying to tell us something?" Natalie asked, sending a concerned glance to Ana.

"Who knows? Even if it isn't, it's still fascinating."

"I should probably look more into all of that. My class. The Reverie."

"Yes," Ana said. "You should. Given such a blatant piece of evidence, I certainly will be."

The two of them stared at the potion for a bit longer, digesting the surprising description. Finally, Natalie shook her head. The Reverie, and her class, didn't matter right now. They were still down in the dungeon inside a challenge room.

"The potion, though," Natalie said. "Its effect. A permanent minor boost? Have you heard of something like that?"

"No. I wouldn't be surprised if potions like it existed at higher levels, but level two?" Ana shook her head. "More unprecedented behavior tied to your class, undoubtedly." She gave Natalie a curious look. "I would love to know what is going on with you."

"That makes two of us." Natalie certainly wasn't hiding anything—she had no answers to give. Besides maybe the Bestower's odd comments, but that wasn't something Natalie should go blabbing about to anyone.

Ana nodded. "I don't think either of us should drink it. We'll need to discuss with the team. I can't imagine what a potion like that would sell for. Or whether selling it would even be smart."

Right. Because the appearance of such an item on Tenet's marketplace would draw attention Natalie might not want. It was fortunate that Ana was being considerate of that.

Natalie wrinkled her nose at the vial of sparkling pink liquid. Why did the appearance of such a blessing give her a headache, rather than excite her?

She plucked out the item, then closed the chest and reopened it. An empty bottom met them; the loot had been expended. Natalie had expected more—but then again, for such an easy first encounter, maybe that had been too hopeful.

"So," Ana said. "Forge forward?"

"With rewards like that? There's no reason not to."

"I agree."

Ana seemed more excited to continue than Natalie herself, if admittedly in her typical subdued way. Was that because of the profit to be made, the interesting and unnerving reminder of the Reverie, or … even something else?

Because Ana seemed remarkably unbothered by the potential of a lewd encounter. She wasn't literally emotionless—and had admitted she preferred girls. So Natalie could only assume she didn't have pure apathy for the possibility of something happening between the two of them. Maybe she was excited, and masking it behind her typical passive composure.

There was another reason Natalie suspected that. Natalie was doing her best to not look directly at Ana, since she was naked—even if it was her own body—but she could hardly avoid it entirely. And she'd seen in her peripheral some physical proof that Ana wasn't unaffected by their circumstances. Proof between her legs—something sticking up and at attention. Natalie had politely not commented, thus far, when it happened. What would she say? And considering their nakedness, it was only fair.

"Okay," Natalie said. "Moving forward." She picked up their earnings. The potions went into the coin bag—easier to carry around that way. Then she headed for the exit door.

Through it, they found another hallway like the one they'd come from. There was no second marble bin. A ladder led upward, though, with the same warning—that exiting the challenge would forfeit future rewards. But what they earned was theirs to keep.

A foreboding symbol hung above the next entrance. A heart made out of pink crystal, pulsing gently with light.

"I don't think the next challenge is going to be monsters," Ana said.

"Probably not," Natalie agreed, somewhat faintly. She swallowed, steeled her nerves, and pointedly didn't look back at Ana. "Let's go find out what."

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