Dungeons and Dalliances

4.36 – ❤ Swapped V

Inside the next challenge room was a bed, and a simple mural detailing their assigned task.

"I don't think I've ever seen dungeon imagery that's quite so … explicit," Ana commented.

Natalie stared, feeling faint, at the picture engraved above the exit door.

"And at least it provided a bed," Ana added.

"Really," Natalie said. "That's what you have to say? 'At least there's a bed'?"

"It is a nice gesture."

Natalie glared at Ana, who shrugged back.

Natalie's eyes returned to the mural. She fought away a surge of dizziness. So. This was really happening, then?

Above the door, engraved in simple imagery without much detail, was a crude scene: one woman on her knees, her mouth wrapped around the cock of another woman. As Ana had said, it was quite explicit—making it clear what their task was.

Or, more accurately, Natalie's task. Because she wasn't the one with the cock, anymore. Ana was.

"You realize that's my cock," Natalie said. "You expect me to do that?"

"You could think of it as mine, if you prefer," Ana said. "If that makes you more comfortable." She shrugged. "Or yours. Whichever feels better. Both are true, in a sense."

Natalie stared at her, and Ana cleared her throat.

"Of course, I expect nothing," Ana said. "We can leave at any time. But I would be remiss if I didn't point out just how incredible the potential rewards are. Is sucking your own cock that offputting?" Ana tilted her head. "Or sucking my cock. Like I said, whatever you feel more comfortable with."

Gods, but this woman was really still unaffected. She'd taken the mural, and their task, completely in stride. There might actually be nothing that phased her.

Well. She wasn't completely unaffected. Ana was unashamedly sprouting an eight-inch erection. Natalie's eyes flicked to it. Her cock. Her cock. And she was supposed to suck it?

Off-putting, Ana had said. No, unfortunately, that wasn't what Natalie felt, right now. She was as embarrassed by the situation she was in—and Ana's matter-of-factness—as she was by just how much the idea excited her. Sucking her own cock shouldn't have her stomach squirming like it did. It was an obscenely lewd act.

So, she wouldn't be sucking her own. She would be sucking Ana's. That was the easier of the two options.

Ana's cock.

Oh, gods. Was it, though? The idea set her on fire just as much as the alternative—sucking her own. And her brain knew that she was doing both; her delusions could only comfort her so much.

"Can't you have the grace to at least blush," Natalie groaned. "I'm about to suck your cock, and you're telling me how it's the practical decision?"

"I don't blush easily," Ana said. "But if it makes you feel better, I can assure you I'm looking forward to it for less practical reasons, too." She tilted her head. "Would you prefer for this to be more intimate? I assumed you would want to keep things professional."

Natalie buried her face in her hands. She couldn't do this. Ana was way too clueless.

Well, yes, she could, and would, but Ana wasn't making it easy.

"Okay," Natalie said. "Whatever. Let's just get through this." Squashing down her nervousness—the squirming in her stomach—she walked to Ana, then got down onto her knees.

Putting her face level with Ana's erect cock.

Her own erect cock.

It twitched in excitement.

"We do have a bed, you know," Ana said. "It'd be more comfortable."

Natalie ignored her. She stayed frozen, staring wide-eyed at the pulsing, veiny member sprouting from between Ana's legs. She shivered as the scent hit her. Musky and sweaty, a thick, heady smell from a day's worth of adventuring. Her stomach clenched in need.

What would it taste like?

But it was her cock. She couldn't just … take it into her mouth. It was so obscene.

Natalie stayed that way, frozen, for a long moment.

Apparently, Ana took that as an indicator to act. "Now, don't be shy. Need some help? Let me get you started."

Ana grabbed the base of her cock, took a half-step forward, and slapped it down on Natalie's face. It hit with a meaty slap. Ana let it sit there, laid out across her face, pulsing heat into her cheek and onto her closed eyelid.

The action was as shocking as it was arousing. Natalie's lips parted as she started to pant loudly, a shiver thrilling through her. She looked up at Ana with wide eyes, the initiative the girl had shown taking her completely off guard.

"You're nervous," Ana explained. "That's understandable. And it sounds like you want this to be intimate, not professional. That's also understandable. So, I'll help."

Ana pulled her hips back, then slid her cock down Natalie's face. She stopped when her tip reached Natalie's lips. She let it rest there—precum lubricating her lips as Ana wiggled it side to side, rubbing her cocktip across Natalie's mouth.

"Come on, then," Ana murmured. "Open up. You want to see what it tastes like. I can tell. You're hungry for my cock. Or is it your cock?"

Natalie's body thrummed with heat. Her heart slammed so fast she could hear it in her ears.

Where had this Ana come from? Was she putting on a show for Natalie's sake? Or was she actually into this?

It almost didn't matter. Her entire body pulsed with need.

But she wasn't going to do this, was she?

Suck her own cock?

She couldn't. Her own sweaty, smelly, throbbing cock. It was too perverted.

Ana pushed forward.

"Open," she ordered.

Natalie's lips parted, an action that wasn't entirely deliberate—half her subconscious need, and half how Ana forced her way in.

Natalie relented. She opened.

Ana's cock, her own cock, slid into her mouth.

Natalie groaned, desire blossoming in her stomach with such intensity that she nearly started shaking. Her hand went up to grab the base of Ana's cock. She opened her mouth fully, letting Ana's cock head push into her mouth. The salty tang of sweat and the musky aroma of arousal filled Natalie. Her tongue swirled around, licking up pre-cum and coating Ana's cock head with saliva.

The release—giving in—was nearly orgasmic. Natalie felt like she was on fire.

"There you go," Ana murmured. "Good girl. How do you like it? The taste? Is it everything you expected?"

Natalie opened her eyes and met Ana's gaze. Seeing her own face looking down at her—while her own cock was in her mouth—was something else. Natalie went dizzy, and not just from disorientation, but sheer arousal. Why was this so erotic?

And though subdued, difficult to parse, she could read Ana's expressions. Her stoicism had melted. Having her cock in another girl's mouth was apparently enough to do the job. This might be partially an act—Ana's attempt to help Natalie enjoy their circumstances—but it definitely wasn't entirely one. The satisfaction on Ana's face was plain enough.

And as much from pleasure, Natalie could tell it stemmed from Ana's dominant position. How easily Natalie was responding to her orders. How quickly she'd let Ana claim her mouth.

Ana liked that? Having Natalie on her knees? And why was Natalie being so submissive to her? Was it as simple as Ana's sheer disregard for the situation throwing her off-balance? Ana's strange brand of confidence?

At the moment, she couldn't really care why the usual dynamic had swapped—and why she liked it so much.

Because she had a cock to suck.

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