Dungeons and Dalliances

4.37 – ❤ Swapped VI

Natalie felt like she was on fire, and there was more than one reason why.

First, there was the obvious. She had her own cock in her mouth. It didn't matter that Ana was the one piloting her body. It was still her cock bulging her cheek outward, its sweaty scent filling her nostrils.

Adding to that, making the situation even more overwhelming, was that this was her first time being intimate with Ana. The dark-haired mage had always been a bit of an enigma, and not someone Natalie had grown especially close to—though maybe that unfamiliarity only made this more exciting. Because she would hardly deny attraction to the woman, for all that they didn't know each other well.

Finally, adding to the sludge of arousal, was that this was Natalie's first cock. As in, from the receiving end. She'd always preferred girls, and while she had been magically granted a weapon, she'd never played around with one besides her own. Much less another girl's—which was, of course, even better.

Her first experience with girlcock. It was more than she could have hoped for. And maybe this was egotistical, but it was a thick, veiny, amazing girl cock on top of that. Having it pulse heat and twitch inside her mouth as she ran her tongue across it was mind-melting. The way it so easily filled her mouth, stuffing her cheek outward.

"For how reserved you were a second ago, you're really getting into it," Ana murmured, a smirk teasing the edges of her lips. She slipped a hand onto the back of Natalie's head, into her hair, then pressed down, working Natalie deeper. "Who would've thought you'd be such a slut for your own cock?"

And there was that, too. The last factor turning Natalie into a puddle of hot arousal: Ana's suddenly confident demeanor. How easily she had fallen into a dominant role. Why did that do so much for her? Usually, Natalie preferred the opposite.

"Or is it my cock you're a slut for?" Ana asked. "I'd want an answer, but your mouth is full, and I don't want to distract my toy." She worked a second hand into Natalie's hair, then pushed harder, working her cock toward the back of Natalie's throat. "For that matter, I'm sure you can do better than this. Let's see how much you can take."

Timidity wouldn't have made much sense on Ana, Natalie was slowly realizing—though any kind of complex thought was difficult. Seeing Ana reciprocate in any capacity was strange after so many weeks of stoicism from her. Strange, but more erotic for the fact. Getting to see Ana's walls finally come down. Even if maybe Ana was doing it intentionally, making a show of dominating Natalie for Natalie's own sake. Ana had all but said she wanted to make it better for her.

Intentional or not, honest reactions or not, it was working. And Natalie could tell Ana was being honest in some regard. The noises of pleasure made that much obvious. She liked the feeling of her cock in Natalie's mouth.

And by how she was pushing Natalie, she wanted to go farther. To claim her throat and make it bulge outward.

Natalie could do that for her. Relenting to Ana's pressure, she loosened her throat, relaxing as Ana urged her forward. The other girl's thick cock brushed against the back of her throat, and Natalie fought the reflex to gag. Her arousal made it easier than she'd have expected, despite her lack of experience. She wanted Ana's cock in her throat—her own cock in her throat—so badly that overriding other instincts wasn't much of a struggle.

Her throat strained as Ana's cock pushed into it. Ana was slow, but not gentle: she urged Natalie down with a firm pressure, pressing her hips forward to shove her cock in. When it finally slid down, popping into that restrictive tunnel, Natalie's entire body flashed with heat. In her throat. Ana was inside her throat.

It was a lot, both literally and figuratively. Natalie's cock was huge, and having it bend her throat outward was an intense experience. But the insane pressure, the way she gagged and struggled to make space, drove her wild with excitement. Her entire body pulsed with heat, her stomach squirming with so much arousal she felt like she might pass out.

Ana didn't stop there, and neither did Natalie. The two of them worked together to have Ana's cock sliding further and further, with Natalie wiggling her head and relaxing her throat muscles to make as much space as possible. Finally, Natalie buried her nose into Ana's soft pubic skin, kissing Ana around the base of her cock.

Ana sighed in satisfaction, both hands on the back of Natalie's head. Natalie looked up with watering eyes—then gagged, unable to help it. She had a lot of cock in her throat.

"Impressive," Ana murmured. "You really are a natural. But I'm not done, so be a good girl and keep it up. You don't need air that badly, right?"

Ana pulled her hips back, sliding thick eight inches from Natalie's throat, then slapped back forward, violently shoving Natalie down. The sensation of cock emptying then stuffing her in such quick succession renewed the fire burning across her skin—and also made her gag, which Ana ignored.

The other girl worked into a rhythm, rocking her hips back and forth, bulging Natalie's throat outward with each stroke. Natalie savored the sweaty taste of Ana's cock—her own cock—and the way it made her bulge wherever it traveled, even as she choked and struggled to accommodate Ana's eager motions. With a sort of ecstatic awe, Natalie placed one hand on her throat, feeling it distend with each thrust.

The feeling of having her throat used as a cocksleeve finally broke Natalie's resolve. Her other hand went between her legs, and she started rubbing at herself, needing her own physical relief. The pressure had grown too much to resist.

Ana smirked down at her, and Natalie's face burned with embarrassment at how blatantly she was enjoying this, but she ultimately didn't care. She wanted to feel good. Ana's violent use of her throat had broken down all of her barriers.

Natalie bobbed up and down on Ana's cock, Ana aiding her with a firm hold on the back of her head. The sight from down below was amazing—getting to look up at Ana's flushed face, the ecstasy that was so plain there, and her hips slapping into her face with each thrust.

Natalie approached climax with shameful speed. The cocktail of burning arousal, aided by her hand rubbing desperately between her legs, took her apart faster than she thought possible. Nearly no time passed before her climax started to wash through her, and the jolt of embarrassment didn't help fend off the imminent orgasm, but instead only drove her higher.

Ana, seeing Natalie start to fall apart, raised her eyebrows. "You're cumming before me?" she asked incredulously. "This is my first time with this thing, and I'm the one getting my cock sucked." She tutted even as she kept throat-fucking Natalie, seeming way too composed even now—if, at least, red-faced and panting. "That's pretty embarrassing, Natalie. You like the taste of your cock that much? So much that you're cumming just from being throat-fucked?"

The words pulsed through her, the taunting only taking her further apart, which was probably Ana's intention. Heat coursed through her veins as Natalie eagerly choked on Ana's cock, thrusting herself up and down, using her throat to massage the thick, pulsing member. Because she wanted Ana to finish. For Ana to stuff her stomach with cum. It was the only thing that would make this better—getting to feel her stomach fill up.

"You want it, don't you?" Ana asked in realization. "Me to finish inside?"

Natalie's begging eyes answered for her. For being clueless, Ana was apparently an empathetic partner. Who would have guessed?

Natalie nodded rapidly, just to make it clear. She didn't care how shameful it was to give an affirmative. She was beyond embarrassment.

Ana gripped either side of Natalie's head, then started slapping her hips forward with renewed vigor.

"Since you've been a good girl," Ana said, "I'll indulge the request." Her mouth fell open as she started to pant in pleasure, face twisting as she approached ecstasy—clearly giving in to her desires, no longer holding off as she used Natalie's throat.

But, Natalie wondered, why had she been holding off? Taking it slow? Wasn't she all about practicality? Finishing as fast as possible?

The thought only brushed her mind. She was too consumed with the twitching waves of pleasure washing through her, the scorching heat of orgasm, and the promise of Ana's climax. The way her cock twitched and swelled inside her throat, making it an even tighter fit.

Give it to me, Natalie begged. Fill me up. I want it. She couldn't speak the words, but she made it clear with her movements. Her vision started to blacken on the edges.

Ana groaned, then shoved Natalie's face down in one last violent smack, burying Natalie's nose into soft pelvic skin. Natalie closed her eyes as Ana's climax finally arrived.

Hot, sticky strings spurted into Natalie's throat, Ana's cock convulsing down her tight tunnel. Her legs shook as she kept Natalie's face squished into her, cock buried all the way in. Natalie's head swam as she ran out of air, but she didn't ask to pull off. She basked in the sensation of sticky ropes ejecting straight into her stomach. Her own cum. Ana was filling her stomach with her own cum.

A second peak crashed into Natalie, her orgasm renewing, reaching even more scorching heights. She fell apart as Ana quaked in front of her, spilling her seed into Natalie's stomach, as she'd so desperately begged for. She felt herself filling with rope after rope of the hot liquid, to the point it started sloshing around inside her. She didn't know how long it took for Ana to empty herself, but it felt like forever—and also not nearly long enough.

Natalie's vision went nearly entirely black before Ana finally slid out of Natalie's throat. Natalie fell backward, coughing and sputtering for air, her lower half still twitching from the aftershocks of her mind-erasing climax. The first breath of air was nearly as orgasmic as what she'd just been through. She'd been a hair's edge from passing out.

Laying on the ground, Natalie panted, coughed, and sputtered, coming down from her explosive high.

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