Dungeons and Dalliances

4.38 – Swapped VII

Intoxicating as the indulgence had been in the moment, coming down left Natalie in a bit of a situation. Pushing up and into a sitting position, she met eyes with Ana.

What was she supposed to say after something like that?

She could swear she felt Ana's enormous load sitting in her stomach, warm and sticky, filling her up from the sheer amount she had eagerly squeezed out into her. The taste of Ana's cock—her own cock—lingered in Natalie's mouth. Her throat was sore.

She did, at least, have a new appreciation for Jordan. Deepthroating an eight-inch cock wasn't an easy task, and that woman handled it like a champion.

For a moment, she and Ana simply looked at each other. Natalie, still on her knees, red-faced and panting, and Ana, with a softening cock that glistened with Natalie's saliva. Natalie could at least take solace that the stoic girl was panting too. Having her first cock-orgasm milked out had left the stoic girl wobbly-legged and unsteady. Natalie took some pride in that.

The dungeon saved them from having to say anything. As had happened with the first challenge room, a loud clicking made them both jump, followed by a cacophonous clattering of a chest onto the tile floor. They both spun in the direction, the noise startling them out of their post-deepthroat awkwardness.

They stared at the chest, until finally, Natalie shakily stood. She wiped the stray saliva and cum from her lips, the result of Ana's sloppy throat-fucking. Cum sloshed around in her stomach as she stood. Just how much had Ana poured into her? She rested a hand on her stomach by instinct, almost expecting to feel it bulging. Of course, Ana hadn't cum that much, but it felt like she had.

"So. Let's see if all that was worth it," Natalie joked, getting her wobbly legs moving toward the loot chest.

The words felt ridiculous—how obviously she was brushing past the event. And emphasizing that she'd done it 'for a reward', instead of because she had desperately wanted to. But that delusion was the only way she could stop herself from melting into a puddle of embarrassment. By convincing Ana that she'd been eagerly stuffing her throat full as a matter of professionalism. And who knew? Maybe the socially clueless girl would believe her. Natalie didn't find that likely, since the noises Natalie had been making, and the desperation she'd been slapping her face into Ana's pelvis, made it rather clear. But for the sake of her shame, she would latch to the idea. It was her lifeline.

"I wonder if the rewards get progressively better," Ana commented. "Or if they'll be roughly the same as the ones before."

At the composure in her voice, Natalie spared a moment to internally curse Ana. Where Natalie's own voice had a tremble to it, and her entire body burned from the event that had just unfolded, Ana sounded actually neutral—and not like she was masking anything. To her, they'd taken care of a lewd challenge, and while she'd enjoyed it, she wasn't overly ruffled. Had her pleasure in the moment been a mask too? The dirty talk and dominant position she'd taken?

Honestly, Natalie was a bit miffed by the idea. Natalie had just used her throat to drain Ana like she was some kind of succubus, so didn't that merit some discomposure? Beyond what she had shown in the event itself?

Well, whatever.

"Guess we'll find out," Natalie said, unlatching the chest. 

Some apprehension swirled around inside her as she braced for what they would find. Amazing items were obviously welcome, but at the same time, her head was still spinning from what she'd done with Ana. To Ana. And to herself, for a meaning of the phrase.

Was this descent into depravity her future? And for that matter, would whatever loot reward was up next speed that up? Incite more lewd adventures with Ana? Which, while it had been amazing, Natalie wasn't sure she could handle. This whole event was all a bit much. She and Ana weren't even close, and while Natalie was down for some casual fun with strangers, it felt different with Ana. They were teammates. And clearly not a 'casual hookup' anyway.

The chest cracked open, and Natalie took in their reward.

Sitting at the bottom of the chest were ten vials of clear liquid, the potions looped together with a strap of leather. They seemed to be identical, all filled with the same liquid.

Her last potion reward had been for reducing fertility. What would these be? Or were they normal dungeoneering potions? Natalie doubted that.

With some trepidation, she picked up the bundle, glass vials clinking together. She inspected one.


Replenishing Vials of Cleansing Solution



A clear, durable, slippery liquid. When applied, will eliminate dirt, grime, and other filth. As long as the vial is not emptied, the solution will slowly refill. Serves as an excellent lubricant.


The clear liquid had the faintest of a sparkle to it, giving it a 'pristine' feeling. Cleansing solution. That was convenient, if less lewd than she'd imagined, considering all the hijinks they got up to in the dungeon. A way to freshen up would help with the dirtier realities of the dungeon. And since it replenished itself, it was basically infinite.

"Not really a show-stopper, but nice for utility," Natalie said. She tugged one of the vials out and handed it to Ana, who took it, then popped the top open. Natalie did the same.

After a brief test, they discovered the potion did as it promised. The liquid was thick and slippery, doubling as a lubricant. There was one downside—the solution lingered. It stuck around on their skin like a glistening oil, only the filth of what it touched disappearing.

To Natalie's dismay, Ana apparently wanted to get clean. Pouring more liquid out, she spread the solution all over her body. Natalie couldn't look away as Ana effectively put on a show, oiling up her body, hands running across her curves as she rubbed the material in.

Eventually, Ana was left standing with a nice coating of the liquid. Oiled from head to toe.

"I wonder how long the residue lasts," Ana said, poking at her arm and inspecting her finger. "I could see the slipperiness being inconvenient when it comes to keeping a grip on your weapon."

For a second, Natalie thought Ana meant weapon in the euphemistic sense. But no, she was talking practical dungeoneering. Natalie shouldn't be surprised. She didn't think the girl even realized she'd just oiled herself up—or how much that miniature show had done for Natalie. Again, Natalie was grateful that she didn't have a cock to give herself away.

Though, Ana did.

And Natalie wasn't entirely sure why, but she wanted to draw a reaction out of her. It wasn't fair how little she was responding to their lewd circumstances. Natalie would feel—she didn't know, exactly, but maybe vindicated if she could force an erection onto the girl.

"Still nice to be clean," Natalie said with deliberate neutralness. "And we can wipe our hands off, so it's not that big of a deal."

That said, she poured out a glob of her own cleaning liquid, then started working it into her body. She ran her hands up and down her breasts, stomach, hips, and thighs, working it in like Ana had. Though maybe with a bit more indulgence than the other girl. She oiled herself up until she was gleaming, making sure to squeeze her breasts, really working the liquid in.

And, to Natalie's delight—and subsequent embarrassment—Ana's cock did spring back up to its angry eight-inch mast. Natalie's eyes flicked to it, with Ana surely noticing, and the other girl shifted in place. She didn't seem know what to say. Which made two of them, except Natalie's cheeks—and her entire body—started to burn at what she'd just done.

She turned away. Once again, she had come out the more embarrassed between them, despite being the one to try to mess with Ana. Though at least Ana had seemed at a brief loss of words, not knowing what to say about her unfortunate erection. Or maybe how blatantly Natalie had just played with herself.

A small victory? Natalie couldn't tell.

"Let's see what else we got," Natalie said, snapping the chest closed, then popping it back open. "Hopefully it's something more exciting."

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