Dungeons and Dalliances

7.06 – Mentorship IV

Natalie put on her uniform.

She stood from her seat and hesitantly began unbuttoning her Tenet top. The experienced combat lead didn't so much as glance up from the paperwork she'd started on. That both emboldened and discouraged her. The tight-fitting combat-ready blouse came off, and still Robin didn't look up.

To her delight and terror, though—a very excited sort of terror—when Natalie stripped her bra off, there was a glance upward of blue eyes, which paused however briefly on her exposed chest. They flicked down quick enough that Natalie couldn't say she knew Instructor Robin was interested, but it gave her some confidence.

Confidence she quelled in short order.  The most logical explanation for Robin's behavior here was that she was seeing if Natalie could be baited into acting inappropriately. Though was there any such thing as her acting inappropriately, given the situation? When she'd been ordered by a superior officer to strip naked and put on a slutty maid uniform?

Then again, considering the particular situation that had led to Natalie being disciplined in the first place, maybe Robin's choice of trial was reasonable.

Either way, it was an awful mess she was in.

Instructor Robin's studious focus didn't falter as Natalie stripped, not even when she had bared her lower half to the air. She liked to imagine Instructor Robin had to fight particularly hard to not steal a glance, but maybe Natalie was deluding herself.

Panties, bra, socks, and skirt followed, and then she donned the new outfit. She slipped on the maid's tight blouse last.

She had to admit Instructor Robin had been right. She had an eye for picking the right size. The uniform fit snugly, just tight enough for her to be all but spilling out of the frilly black and white lace, yet with the clothing still fitting. Not that any normal person would walk in and think, oh, that's a normal maid uniform, but hey, her nipples weren't showing, and neither was anything else sensitive. So in a way, she was ready for service.

Besides the erection she was sporting.

Instructor Robin looked up from her paperwork, and her gaze didn't so much as hesitate at the ten throbbing inches of girlcock that were proudly bulging up the skirt she'd given Natalie. She briefly wondered whether she was going crazy, the lack of reaction Instructor Robin gave.

"Supplies are in the cabinet, as I mentioned," Robin said.

Blushing furiously, she went and retrieved said supplies. There was a disinfectant spray—or so she assumed, since it was an unmarked bottle—and a thick sponge, along with a duster. When she'd finished pulling them out, Instructor Robin had set a light-blue crystal on the front of her desk. She caught the way Natalie's eyes widened at it.

"You know what this is?" Robin asked.

"A recording crystal, isn't it?"


Recording crystals were absurdly expensive, because the magical artifacts required complex and precise magical workings to make function. Even more importantly, they were a relatively new invention and thus in low supply. It hardly surprised Natalie that Instructor Robin had one, though. She was a high-ranker. She could afford much more expensive toys, if she so desired.

"You're … going to record me?"

"For review later, yes," Instructor Robin confirmed. "As I will with most of our sessions." She tilted her head. "Does that make you uncomfortable? I can assure you of my discretion."

Natalie swallowed. Uncomfortable? Definitely. But not in a bad way. Rather, in that same manner that had her skin already hot and her cheeks flushed.

There was, like usual, a veneer of practical explanation for why Instructor Robin would be recording their sessions for review—to go over what she'd done or said in more detail and adjust her approach for the next session.

In reality, it had to be because Instructor Robin wanted to be able to summon an illusionary image of Natalie crammed into the inappropriate maid outfit whenever she desired. What would Robin really be doing with the recording?

Slowly, Natalie shook her head. Instructor Robin could record her if she wanted. The idea had her feeling all sorts of ways, but that had never stopped Natalie before.

Instructor Robin nodded, then, without further comment, returned to her paperwork, gesturing for Natalie to begin with her own task.

She was excruciatingly aware as she went through the nooks and crannies of Instructor Robin's office of just how much the uniform exposed. Especially when she needed to bend over to reach a deep space—or, honestly, even somewhat shallow spaces. The tiny skirt barely kept her modesty even when she was standing up straight, and not at all when she got too excited and her erection started to push the fabric up. Even without that extra factor, bending over the slightest bit had the skirt lifting up past the curve of her ass. Facing away from Instructor Robin, she had no idea whether the older woman was admiring what was exposed.

The most maddening part was that Natalie didn't know if she was being ogled. She could have handled either, quite frankly. If she was or wasn't. It was the ambiguity of the situation that drove her insane.

And not in the anxious way, or at least not that alone. Excitement, as much as anything else. Even if she managed to keep her erection down, the slamming in her heart didn't slow as she went about cleaning her Mistress's—Instructor Robin's office.

Somewhat amusedly, Natalie sent off a prayer of thanks that she knew well enough how to clean. That wasn't a skill many Tenet students had, considering the sheer wealth they were born into. Likely the first time they'd ever done manual labor was for Tenet itself. That was part of the reason Tenet used cleaning details as their default punishment in the first place. Being forced into mundane labor like scrubbing floors was meant to humble the typical student, who came from high stations of birth. Natalie didn't find it remotely humbling, of course. It was just cleaning.

Though in this situation, it was cleaning with her ass on display for Instructor Robin. So. It had some effect on 'humbling' her—just not in the usual way.

A half-hour later, she'd dusted down and cleaned any obvious spots that needed it, which had been almost nothing. Instructor Robin's office had already been spotless. Robin obviously just wanted her to put on a performance, wandering around and bending over.

And Natalie had gone and done it without protest. In fact, with maybe more indulgence than necessary, sticking out her ass and wiggling around left and right to really dust away at Instructor Robin's furniture.

Because it was her duty. That was all. Not because her skin tingled whenever she imagined her instructor stealing looks. Though even if Robin wasn't doing so in the moment, she had a recording crystal to reference later, whenever she wanted. That idea had Natalie feeling nearly faint.

Twenty minutes later, Instructor Robin tapped her papers on her desk to draw Natalie's attention. She jolted and turned, trying not to flush at the particularly compromising position she'd been in. Instructor Robin met her eyes evenly, not seeming the slightest bit flustered.

"I'm finished," the Instructor said, standing from her chair. "Please accompany me."

She headed for the door, and with some dread, Natalie realized that meant they were heading out into the manor. While Instructor Robin only needed a few staff members to care for a house of this size, that still meant other people that would potentially see her in the revealing outfit.

She swallowed, though, and as usual, didn't protest, simply following her instructor out the door.

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