Dungeons and Dalliances

7.07 – Mentorship V

When she and Robin passed another maid—who was in a regular, expecting cleaning outfit—and the woman didn't bat an eye, Natalie suddenly had an idea of what she was in for.

Because what kind of staff member could see her employer walking through the hallway with a furiously blushing young woman dressed in a slutty outfit without reacting in the slightest? That meant it wasn't an unusual sight, or at least one they'd been warned or trained to expect.

Instructor Robin had preferences, apparently.

"My staff is discreet," Instructor Robin said. "Not a word of what happens in this house will be spoken of to anyone."

Whatever words Natalie tried to strangle out in reply came unfortunately close to a squeak.

The Instructor led her down the stairs and into a luxurious bathing area with a natural rock floor and a basin that could fit half a dozen people inside, practically a miniature hot springs. Even with how flustered Natalie was, she couldn't help but admire the space. Personally, she would never want a house as large as Instructor Robin's, that required staff to tend to it, but she wouldn't mind pouring money into a project like this.

The water inside the basin was hot enough to have turned the air steamy, and Natalie eyed it in appreciation.

It was a mark of how thoroughly her head had been muddled that she didn't grasp the implication of why Robin had brought her down here until the woman's hands went to the first of her uniform's buttons.

Natalie froze as, without ceremony, her combat instructor began stripping. Like all Tenet clothing, the design of the instructor's uniform was tight-fitting and flexible, meant to be suitable in a fight, and was styled in primary colors of blue and gold, with bits of white and black.

She held the coat out, and Natalie mutely took it like the loyal maid she was. Robin didn't stop there—her fingers went to the buttons of her blouse and began popping them open one by one. With that same outrageous calm, she slipped her top off and handed it to Natalie.

Her teacher was getting naked right in front of her.

More and more of that pale, smooth Theliosian skin was revealed until Instructor Robin stood in the steamy room bare, without an ounce of shame, a small pile of clothing in her student's arms—topped by lacy black panties and a bra.

Instructor Robin was, of course, stunning. It wasn't like Natalie hadn't noticed that before. She was tall, fit, and blessed with generous curves. Her thighs were shapely, with full, well-proportioned breasts that bounced ever so slightly as she swayed her hips over to the bath. Her ass was presented for a brief glimpse before she lowered herself into the water with a sigh.

Natalie held perfectly still. It felt like a dream. She held her breath, unable to do anything but stare like an idiot at her naked instructor as she settled down into the deep inlaid basin. The water didn't come up all the way, leaving her breasts exposed, nipples cresting above the water line.

Robin glanced at her, one eyebrow cocked expectantly. "You may set those aside," she said with a nod to the clothing in Natalie's hands.

Natalie jolted, then fumbled to place the folded stack of clothing onto the nearby shelf. Her heart beat madly in her chest.

Would she be asking Natalie to join her? Was that where this was leading? It spoke volumes that she had no clue; the woman was too unpredictable. She returned to standing in front of Robin, keeping her eyes firmly on the other woman's, which took no small amount of effort.

Robin didn't order her to strip and join her, which was both a tragedy and a relief.

"So," the Instructor said. "Let us return to the topic at hand. Let me apologize for the interruption to your schedule these sessions impose, as well as the morning duties I know you've been assigned to. I'm aware losing crucial time for dungeoneering and combat practice is no small punishment. However, matters other than your combat readiness have been—Natalie."


"Please stop staring at my breasts. I'm trying to have a serious conversation."

Blushing furiously, she tore her eyes up—she hadn't even realized her control had slipped. Her teacher had some amazing tits. Hidden away into her combat uniform, Natalie hadn't realized just how much she'd been missing out on.

"Sorry," she stammered.

"Mm. As I was saying, other flaws have been deemed more important to correct, and must be addressed," Robin said, sounding slightly amused. "Judgment and self-control prominent among them. I hope my time with you will serve as effective training."

Training. For what, exactly? Self control? Was that confirmation all of this was a test?

Maybe if Natalie had a moment to sit down and think not in the presence of her naked teacher, she would have a better shot at making an accurate evaluation.

"I would like to better understand you first," Instructor Robin said. "Our talks on the ride over saw to some of that, but not the truly relevant material. I wish to inquire about more intimate information, since that is, of course, the subject at hand." She tilted her head. "How many partners have you had, Natalie? How experienced would you consider yourself?"

Natalie stalled. That wasn't a question she'd been expecting from her instructor, but then again, she hadn't been expecting any of this. If there was anything Robin was skilled at, it was catching her off-foot.

Though that might be more because of how outlandish this 'mentorship' was than any natural ability to be disarming. Any of her instructors could have tied Natalie's tongue if they'd taken her back to their house and gotten naked in front of her.

"Pretty experienced, I guess?" she answered slowly. "It's all relative."

Though even compared to most people's experienced, Natalie had gotten up to some strange things. Her adventures down into the dungeon, for example, most people would never have the possibility of experiencing. Like when she'd had her mind thrown into the body of a teammate … and then thoroughly learned what that teammate's body, and her own, felt like from the other end.

"That's to be taken for granted, I suppose," Instructor Robin said. "With how quickly you've been working through the student base."

That was a fair accusation, even if Natalie had to clamp down on a protest. She hadn't fucked that many girls at Tenet—just flirted a lot. Her teammates and the dungeon took up too much of her time for her to really be 'working through the student base.'

Though that even Instructor Robin knew of her reputation said some things about how obvious she was.

"Your answers should be well-formed, then," her teacher continued. "So tell me: what are your preferences?"


"I presume you only pursue women," Robin said. "That much is obvious from observation."

"I didn't realize you were watching me so closely."

The Instructor raised an eyebrow. "Why wouldn't I? You're one of the top students in your class. Among other reasons for you to have caught my eye."

Her heart jumped. The words were the closest Robin had come to outright sexual innuendo, today. Her teacher's calm, measured stare as she waited for a response made Natalie feel slightly lightheaded. That, and the sight of those round, perfect breasts cresting out of the waterline. It was rather distracting.

"Ah," Natalie said, with none of her usual adroitness in this type of situation. Because, damn it, she still didn't know whether it was a test. Whether her being able to keep herself in check was the entire point of this exercise.

Should she just ask? She doubted she'd get an answer if she did.

"But other preferences, beyond gender, too," Robin said, pulling back one arm to rest on the lip of the pool. "Tell me, Natalie. What do you look for in a woman?"

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