DxD: Matsuda!

1 vs 15, Sorry girls, Kuroka wins!

     HellboyMC, thanks for the review!



      After we got past the Kuroka nonsense I moved on to explain to everyone about the members of the Vali team and our opponent Loki!

     Kiba then asked,"So then Arthur is the wielder of one of the Excalibur swords and he can control portals and the like? And he is a descendant like the Hero faction?"

     I say,"And his sister Le-fay is a magician as well, but she from what I know is a kind person.....And I think she may be one of Issei's Grabbing Dragon fans!"

     Issei uselessly pipes in,"Is she hot?!" I visually sigh and nod my head........Issei does a fist into the air. Oh and a side note Issei's wife is half Japanese with medium length  black hair and blue eyes, and I have transferred her to the local Gremory hotel in Kuoh.

     I continue,"The reason that everyone wants to punch Vali is he is secretly a chunni, and if anyone lets him find out you know I will not protect you!" The look of [that makes sense now] is on everyone's face!

     "Bikou is actually a nice guy that is just into having fun and causing mischief, his family is full of chaotic individuals to their very bones!" I sigh because I actually like his family!

     Then I talk about,"And finally the black cat Kuroka.....sigh....She is a troublemaker and will drive a lot of you crazy....But her back ground is very very painful...I won't reveal it, but if any of you think you have had it tough in the past, then her background is in the top three worst here, I hope you all get what I am saying!"

     Koneko in my lap is crying now so I hold her, and everyone can just imagine she must have had a rough one! Rias and Sona seem to understand from my vague words why I am willing to take her in. While I hug and pet my cat I continue......

     As for the God Loki, he is not the real threat, it is his Fenrir and the two children of Fenrir! Their teeth and claws can kill a God! Loki will also summon copies of the Norse dragon-king! But I can kill his dragons with my dragon slaying powers. The group looks worried of course as they should.

     Kala asks,"Will Loki attack earlier than what he declared?"

     I shake my head no and say,"No he is confident and wants to rub it in Odin's face....."

     Irina asks,"Will everyone be participating or just a select group?"

     I tell them,"Any members not confident with their ability will be in charge of supporting an array barrier to protect the support group, Loki has a nasty area of effect attack that can potentially wipe our group out if we don't shield against it with the support crew......"

     Tomoe who is holding Gasper in her lap asks,"Why are the other factions relying on us to fight a God, why don't they help?" On a side note, she and Gasper have finally crossed that last line and are no longer virgins....I honestly can't even imagine them together!

     I smile and explain,"The reason we are on our own is...All factions are struggling with the Hero faction....hero faction is planning for big world shaking moves and Loki is just not important enough for outside groups to bother, they are trying to stop the dumpster-fires in their own yards thanks to Cao Cao!"

     Saji asks,"So what plan do you have for us while we wait?" Fuck is Saji getting smarter and I smile at him.

     "I want all Knights, Rooks, and Irina to form teams to deal with the Wolves in combinations of two and one, save training for three at once for last. Grayfia and Bishops will be the barrier and support team. Saji you will not be doing the wolf group so you can train as if you were one of the wolves to let the wolf hunters get used to a fast target of positioning, Issei you will also be playing the part of a wolf!" I put on an evil smile and follow up with....

     "To simulate the lethal attacks of the wolves and to know if you are dead, I am lifting the ban on Dress Break for Issei just this once so girls if you want to keep your clothing on, then don't die! Yes it is a shameful perv move, but I am doing this because I want none of you to leave me! And Issei if you step out of line with it....Koneko will change your stage name like she said before got it?"

     Issei says,"No! I feel you my brother...No perv, just serious training! I will look away if it goes boom!"

     Kiba says,"What about me, my clothing can't be busted?" he stupidly smiles....

     I look at him stupidly and say,"Kiba, your job is to take those perv dress breaks for the girls if they can't dodge! As long as you are barely alive I or Asia can heal you back so take one for the girls!"

     The nervous girls feel a bit more confident now.....They see I am harder on the guys. "Gasper my man your job is to pinpoint stop a bite on the girls! This is your most important fight, little man! Your Tomoe is counting on those saves!" The two of them just blush being pointed out!

     Then I give the final overall order..."Team leaders for command will be....Grayfia, Coriana, Rias, Sona, and Ravel!"

     Ravel points to herself and asks,"You want me to be a team leader?"

     I look her in the eyes and say,"I may have given you crap for being a spectator, but you have a sharp mind and can make fast tactics at a moment's notice, that is a power that can save a life!" She then blushes, not expecting me to recognize her strengths.

     Kalawarna says to me,"Your not planning on leaving me at home are you dear, because I won't let you go alone!"

     In front of everyone I just roll my eyes at her and smile knowing she always makes life hard for me! "Love muffin your job is the most important....No not cheering for me...but you will be rescuing any injured teammates and flying them to the healers, and you will be in-charge of at least one phoenix tear! So in practice rescue any dress break victims while not being one yourself!" She is glowing...I think I had her at [Love Muffin]

     Xuelan of all people asked me,"Mat what will you be doing?" Ah she is a keeper!

     I put on my punch-able face and say,"Killing evil dragons and punching Loki in the nuts for cutting my honeymoon short!" Sona was red as fuck and all the others finally laughed and the mood got better!

     So for the rest of the night many of the girls watched the video show of when Sona and I were on the floating Island and all the sights we went too....She even showed them me puking in the toilet-bowl! Fuck that was Sona's fault! While I was gone Rias had increased the maid number to twenty due to all the VIP's coming and going!

     Issei seems to be talking with three girls looking serious....well I see his eyes drop now and then but he is chatting with...Ravel, Irina, and Kris! Wow, does Issei have game in this life? I bet it is his dragon aura!

     Oh it also looks like Ruruko and Koneko have become friends but my gear is telling me it is so they can cut off Ravel's attempts to talk to me...Well keep doing a great job girls!

     While I was playing pool with Kiba, two girls came to my side to watch. It was an unlikely pair?! Xuelan and Ingvild!

     Looks like the two came to bring me and Kiba drinks and snacks...awe so cute!

     Without saying anything Ingvild gives me a tight hug and says,"I don't want to lose you my king!" I smile and pet her head.

     "I have prepared for this fight for over a year my sweet angel, so please just trust in me alright?" She just nods her head in my chest.

     Xuelan hands me my whisky and pulls her hair behind her ears and asks,"Before we fight Loki...would you be willing to go on a date with me?" And if you're thinking my gear is telling me there is a side quest here then you my friend know my unearthly luck with the lady's!

     She panicked and then Ingvild asked Xuelan,"Sister Xuelan if it is not too much trouble may I join you?" Xuelan being able to see Ingvild's innocence and cuteness just smiles and nods yes, plus she figures I will be more likely to say yes.....And she is absolutely fucking right!

     I smile at the two devils and say,"Then I will plan dinner and a movie for the three of us! How can I resist your combined charms?"

     Then Xuelan pulls Ingvild away for a strategy meeting about clothing and the like....I just laugh at their interactions, well they have been in class together!

     Kiba just smiles and says,"I struggle with one girl buddy, So I don't know how you do it?!"

     I win the game and say to him,"Kiba, don't make a harem! It is both awesome and painful!" he just laughs at my face for saying that!

     So the night did not end for me as the girls seem to have a sex chart for the night!! Every hour two new girls would tag out with my other harem members for the whole night...ten solid hours of casting [Restoration] on myself! So this is what the girls put me through!

     Rias+Akeno / Murayama+Aika / Sona+Tsubaki / Ruruko+Koneko!!!! / Reya+Kyouko / Xenovia+Asia / Kala+Benemue came home and left work for just an hour! / I was sent to Coriana's room! / Then finally I just slept in Grayfia's arms for a bit! Grace was an angel and did not make me suffer but she watched for most of the night getting me sports drinks!

     Fuck harems are scary if you had to do this everyday!!! Actually I think the girls just wanted to get it all out of their system all at one time so they can focus on Loki's battle! Rias told me I need to do this marathon once a month so I can understand what my responsibility is! She is a devil!

     So the next day finally came and I got up from my Grayfia charging!

      Everyone gathered at the spacious hall located at the basement of the Gremory residence.

     We, the Gremory group, Sitri group, Irina, Azazel, Baraqiel, and…..lastly the Vali team which turned it into a place with awkward tension. It feels weird to have Vali and Bikou present at my house. The others were anxious about them coming to my house, but after hearing Azazel, Sirzechs, and My opinions, they agreed to it.

     Azazel had covered a lot of what I already told my teams but added extra,"Fenrir has power surpassing that of its father. Its power is on par with the Two Heavenly Dragons before they were sealed, and even I and old man Tannin can’t beat it one on one."

     Then Azazel asks,“First of all, Vali. What is your reason for cooperating with us?”

     Vali makes a smirk and then answers,“I just want to fight Loki and Fenrir. Bikou and the others have already agreed to it. Does this reason not satisfy you?”

     “Yeah, I’m not satisfied. But it’s true that we want you as our manpower. Each faction can’t send their manpower to us because of the Hero faction. There might be a connection between your team and the Hero faction, but…. Due to your personality there is no way for you to cooperate with Cao Cao.”

     “Yeah, we try not to get involved with each other as much as possible. I’m still planning to fight Loki and Fenrir even if we aren’t able to get your help. Though if you don’t cooperate with us, then we will still battle them while dragging all of you into it.”

     “It seemed like Sirzechs was also thinking hard about this, but he said he won’t be able to turn down the offer of you who is the sole survivor of the descendants of Old Satan. He sure is a naïve Devil King, but I also think that it would be better to have you cooperate with us rather than letting you roam free.”

     “Lets table this about Vali for now. Now, lets move on to the countermeasure against Loki. I’m planning to ask about Loki and Fenrir from a certain someone.”

     Rias asks,“You are going to ask about Loki and Fenrir?” And my wife's hot clueless head tilt!

     Azazel answers her,“Yeah, there is this guy who knows very well about those guys. So I will have him give information to us.”

     “Who is this person?” Issei asks while putting his hand up.

     Azazel responds to him,“One of the Five Dragon Kings, ‘Sleeping Dragon’ Midgardsormr. We will open the dragon-gate with the Two Heavenly Dragons, the power of the Dragon King Fafnir, Vritra, and Tannin. We will just summon Midgardsormrs consciousness over there. His actual body is sleeping in the depths of the ocean in North Europe.” Wow I did not know this, it pays to stay awake!

     Saji asked,"You want me to come too?!" Bro don't look like a girl here ha-ha!

     “Well, I will have you come as one of the factors needed. Leave the majority of it to me and the Two Heavenly Dragons. Hold on until I get in contact with Tannin. I will go and talk to Shemhaza about the countermeasure for this. You guys stay on stand-by until I come back. Baraqiel, follow me.” Azazel asked if I would bring Tiamat and I said FUCK NO not unless there thing fails, he agreed with me there!

     The ORC members, and the student council are left behind. And also the members of the Vali's team.

     “Nyahaha, you will get a bargain if it’s now. How about we have sex until I get pregnant -nya?” Thanks to my talk with everyone last night no one even bothered with her trying to start fights with the other girls, but my gear just told me something interesting.....All my girls that sucked me dry last night have victorious looks in their eyes!

     I look at Kuroka that leaped into my lap and say with the phantom lower back pains,"I can't today due to some training injuries I got last night!"

     Kuroka smiles and grinds in my lap leaning in and whispers,"Nyahaha, I will use Bouchujutsu on you -nya! Plus don't think I don't smell you in all those girls -nya!" Wow she just made little brother move ever so slightly!,"Nye-ow take me to my room so I can play with my joystick -nya!" Sorry girls, Kuroka wins!


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