DxD: Matsuda!

Kuroka please be a good Kitty!



     I am currently on my honeymoon with Sona in the Underworld! We are at that cool ass city from season four! Agreas the large city that is located in the Agares territory which is being maintained by the servants of the current Beelzebub. It has a distinctive feature in which it appears to be a large floating island suspended in the sky. A popular tourist resort, it is also the place that controls the flow of the air in the Underworld.

     The Sitri family wanted a smaller and less complicated wedding than what Rias and I had, and thankfully I was very happy about this development!

     Sona however being the smart woman she is had us vanish before her sister could get a hold of the two of us! Since Tsubaki was going to have her own mini wedding in the future, Sona did not let her Queen tag along on our honeymoon. For safety however Grayfia insisted she be our body guard as well as one of Tannin's sons.

     Unfortunately one of my three days of honeymoon was spent in the bathroom thanks to my excited wife wanting to make me love cookies!!! This genius was not able to notice the poison she made me was her fault. I was so ill I could not even cast [Restoration]!!!

     However, the last two days with her were amazing, she threw away her overly strict demeanor and was acting like a 13 year old girl in love. We just played in the private pool and made lots of games of twister!

     Azazel had another drinking fest with me but I kept it under control, he made fun of me and gave me a high five for dragging another woman into my wedding night.....And sadly I can't deny his bragging to everyone else! Rias is pissed at him though for bringing it up to everyone! Just thank God he did not know I had Venelana in with me too!

     All of my other women now have a gold ring with a ruby engraved with the Gremory seal on it, but for Sona I made one with a sapphire with her house seal. And finally we reluctantly returned early thanks to an attack from Loki on Odin's caravan of fun! Fortunately none of our family were hurt but we cut our honeymoon to just three days.....Loki, I will take out my anger on you!!!! Cute Sona is hard to come by.....

     So when we returned to my home we found out some rather interesting events had taken place! The events seem familiar but this is not the anime anymore!!!! Why do you ask? Because we just got news that team Vali will be coming to assist us in the attack that Loki declared he will invoke for Ragnarok when Odin makes peace.

      When I got home it took me like a half hour to calm all my girls down. They are happy I am home and worried about the Vali team coming. So I had Sona call her peerage over so I could talk with everyone.

      In the meantime I am in my fourth floor VIP game room and Grace is handing me a cocktail while I call a certain naughty kitty.

     [Nyahaha, this is early for our phone-sex time is it not -nya?]

     I sigh in my mind and say,"Kuroka, it is never too early to call you right? Actually, why did you not tell me your team was coming tomorrow?"

     [Poops, who spoiled my surprise -nya?]

      Wow she has black hair and is an airhead? So I responded,"If this is not a trick question than Vali did?!"

     [I told him to not let you know! I wanted to see how excited you would look if I pounced on you -nya?!]

     "Oh I am definitely surprised! So what I want to ask while I am alone is, what is your real aim in helping?"

     Kuroka did not say anything for a moment thinking if she should be honest with me or hide their plan.............She is torn I can tell.

     [Sigh, it is a secret so don't say anything...but Vali wants to catch Loki's puppy -nya....]

     Although I know why Vali wanted Fenrir I don't know when he will get it so I figured I would see if she would choose me or Vali....Knowing this could ruin Vali's plan so her telling me this is a big deal. So I say to Kuroka,"Yes!"

     [Nya? Yes to what Matsuda -nya?]

     I smiled at her confusion,"I happen to be looking for a black kitty to be my mate, well unless you got a better offer since that night in the park......."

     [REALLY?! You will make baby's with me -nya?] She is definitely shocked, she almost lost her nya there!

     "Only if you're mating for life! But yes, if you want this Gremory devil as your life partner, I will be very happy with the lazy kitty!" I smile knowing she is a slob.

     [Hey, you already knew what we were planning! And you tested me!!! That is sneaky -nya!]

     I fuck with her a bit,"Wow being rejected hurts more than I thought....sigh."

     [NO -nya I am not rejecting, I want your baby's -nya!]

     "Well I guess I will have to get you all the latest game systems so you can be a slob that I have to pamper!" I laugh at her pouting I can hear over the call.

     [It is not fair -nya! You know so much about me and I know only what my sister tells me -nya! Will you hate me for being a lazy kitty -nya?]

     "Youkai cat girls get a pass for being hot! So no, I am accepting you knowing you will be a pain in my ass. I promised my father to take care of you...So if you play games all day and make a mess, I will just clean up after my lazy cats! But ignoring our kids will be a deal breaker!" She really will be a fire-starter and piss off everyone!

     [Kuro said he wants tuna! And I want racing and fighting games! Oh and I want my own room...Oh and I want lots of kimono -nya!]

     I laugh thinking I bought a hot catwoman for cheap! I tell her,"Kuroka, my group is arriving and I need to relax them about your arrival, So I will take care of those requests and see you tomorrow Bye -nya!" I threw in the cat sounds and hung up before she could protest me picking on her!

     Grace had the maids bring folding chairs for all the members and everyone is filing in for this fast meeting...Rias and Sona sit at my sides on the two person couch! Grayfia and the two other Queens are behind us.

     Rias asks,"Who was that?"

     I just smile and say,"My inside man of the Vali team that is coming tomorrow, I was confirming what I know!"

     Sona asks,"Really who is that?"

     I sigh and say,"Koneko's sister Kuroka! She and I have been in communication for a while now!"

     Rias went into freak mode,"That terrorist woman you almost killed?! Why are you talking to her? She is a terrorist from the Khaos brigade!"

     Damn I knew she would be like this....."Rias calm down, And all of you listen up! The Vali team is full of cocky bastards, but they are not our enemy...in fact they are just good guys in the dark side of the world. Yes they are selfish and a pain in my ass, but I promise all of you they will help us fight Loki....Don't trust them just trust me!"

     Koneko walks up to me and pinches my thigh...."Fuck that hurt, Koneko why would you pinch me?"

     Koneko says in a flat voice,"She said......Thats for hanging up on me -nya!" I just do a sweat-drop at the two sisters working together! Then she leaps in my lap like she did not just betray me!

     Rias squints her eyes at me,"So you are moonlighting with the enemy for benefits huh?" Oh fuck everyone is glaring at me.......

     "Even your brother is working with them! So I have done nothing wrong!!!! I am innocent!" I don't even believe me!

     Koneko says,"My sister says he is taking in a stray to give a good home! He is the worst! But thank you Mat........"

     Rias and Sona speak with their eyes to one another and then Rias sighs at me,"Fine, but she better not betray you or we will all destroy her!" Sona and the three Queens behind me all nod at her comment! Oh fuck Kuroka please be a good Kitty!!!!!


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