DxD: Matsuda!

A wild Loli has appeared!


     It is currently 7:00 am, and Rias and I have not slept AT ALL! Lazy girl is in her favorite Doggy-style, while I am working hard from behind! And now I have just filled the baby chamber for, the fuck if I remember-teenth time......Why am I in a marathon with my redheaded princess? It is because I told her this might be the last good night we will have before things get rocky. She said she just wanted a good memory to override her anxiety. Well then I earned a gold star right?!

     I then collapse and hold her in my arms and say...."Try not to worry dear,I will do everything in my power to give you what you want for the smallest cost. I am just stressing because I don't like the unknown factors......The only thing I can't stop, is the Infinity Dragon." She just holds me tighter and then starts to talk.

     "Mat, what you said yesterday really made me happy, and I do not want to live in a world without my Mat! So just remember....If anything happens to you I will follow you!" she is shaking a bit so I just hold her harder.

     "Rias, I am honored by your words but do not do something stupid, I WILL regret later.....If you think I have or did die....DO NOT end your life! Only think me dead if you have not heard from me in one year! There are events to come that will make me seem dead I think...but it will not be true....Do you understand? And if I returned and found out you passed on because of a broken heart..How do you think I would feel?" I just look sad at her fearful face.

     "Can you tell me what they are? I never want to go through that Mat, my heart will shatter!" Rias looks hurt......

     I just kiss her and say,"Silly, I have already changed many of my visions for the better and we don't need to worry about what if's! Hell you have already made changes to my life that I could not predict......I am not a God and can't predict everything remember? The only thing we can do is enjoy these peaceful little moments when we can....so less fighting and more loving....Now can you let me sleep for ten minutes!?" And I face-plant into my redhead princess puffy pillows.......Then Rias just strokes my snoring head, with a smile and says to the unconscious me,"Silly boy, I will make you happy....I hate seeing your sadness.......You're my light silly!"

     An hour later, our group steps out to travel to school........................

     Aika Kiryuu is waiting for us at my gate....remember she lives across the next block. "I hope it is OK to walk with you guys from now on?", she is giving a slight bow to my girls because she definitely is not asking for my permission!

     Rias just smiles at this timid human girl then declares,"As long as you love my Matsuda, you're very welcome to be with us. Welcome to his harem!" Smart Rias knows how to establish the 'Pecking Order'.

     Asia gives Aika a hug and says,"I am so happy, now we can be real sisters!"

     Xenovia also greets her,"I was very surprised that Matsuda just claimed you to be his girlfriend in class like that, but then I heard the whole story and am glad you finally can be happy with us, please take care of me....Did I say that right?"

     After Aika hugged the two girls she put on a sneaky smile and came to my side and said,"I wore dark-blue silk undergarments....Master!" She is so fucking with me!

     I put my arm around Aika and tell her..."Aika don't talk like that, I just did that in class for shock value...I want you to be treated like any of the girls I love. I don't have a fetish to be called master..just Mat, or Matsuda....or dear, and or husband!" I then give her a kiss for good morning.....she looks super happy at that.

     She then looked at my crotch and said,"But, MASTER, it twitches every-time I call you that!....So this is my fetish....I call you master, because it makes ME happy! Got it Master!" Damn her lewd eyes make my defeated little brother come back to life even after it was destroyed last night!

     "T-t-then I will call you master too!" Asia is so cute but, missed the whole conversation! I say,"Asia no! Only the perverted girl next to me can do that! If you do it it makes me sad....just call me husband and I will be happier..OK my lovely wife!" She seems to understand and nods yes...good girl.

     "That's right Asia, it is a term of endearment for each of us, I call him Lord instead and this makes me feel closer to Mat as well. For Aika this is her excitement!" See sometimes Xenovia is super smart! "Although he refuses to call me cum-dumpster like I asked." And she is back to her dumb self again...She needs to stop reading my dads porno's! Fuck did Aika's eyes just light up......damn these girls are weird....and Rias is just smirking at my befuddled face......

     When we get to school the two kings and Queens go off together to settle Summit matters, and Issei comes up to me looking at Aika latched to me and gives me the what the fuck eyes...I say nothing and hand him my phone text with Motohama and Issei after scanning it just looks dumbfounded at his stupidity...But then it happened......

     We look over and see two freshman girls consoling Motohama, and giving me and Aika dirty looks...and he is now hugging them!...Holy fuck is the Green Hat affective?!

     Issei ignores him after that and says,"Brother I have good news and bad news for my life.......The good news is I convinced Momo to cure me of my boy's love ways...And I finally lost my V-Card......Then Yura did the same too! but the bad news is.....Ruruko broke up with me seeing through my scheme...sigh I never got to do anything with her.....Meh it is all good!"

     "Issei I declare right now as the future husband of Sona.....If you dump or hurt those two girls, I shall break ties with you my brother...GOT IT!" Issei just shakes his head then gives me a salute!

      "Yes sir, no pump and dump for this solder!" Issei looks like he gets me.....I just follow with,"Congratulations on becoming a man....Now your path will be super hard......." I hold back my tears of lower back pains. Issei is confused because he just started his harem and mine has been on full blast for a while...poor clueless bastard!

     In the meantime while Issei and I were talking Aika grabbed Murayama and the church duo, and went to class to probably plan my demise.

     I walked to Saji and said,"Hey Saji if you want to unlock a secret of your gear, meet me after school behind the old school building to help train our new Bishop!" he said "Hell yes!", and I just ignored him.

     As I was going to enter the school a short figure got  in my way.....It was a girl with brown twin-tails and green eyes glaring at me with her arms crossed, she has a gangster-thug look on her cute loli face...no she is not cute!...Damn Loli-con mind!

     Ruruko, Issei's now ex-girlfriend angrily says,"Come with me!" Damn does this stupid yip-yip dog girl know what she just said?!

      "Sorry I have enough rumors about me, and I need to go to class! So I wont be COMING with you...later...." As I turn to leave.....

     Ruruko softly whispers,"Please........" FUCK, my stupid honor wont let me bounce on her......Cant make her cry or Sona will be pissed....So I reluctantly turned back and said,"You got five!" I then follow her into one of the secluded locker areas.

     "Did Issei tell you what happened? I am broken hearted you know......My first love is ruined over your stupid advice!!!!" she is on the edge of crying...damn it.

     I just give her an honest 90º bow then say,"Your right, I fucked up there...I did not think, and I hurt you....Saying sorry is not enough but I do not know how to make it right." I was kinda kidding with Issei, but I did not think he would take it so far.....No I just hurt this little girl and I can't reverse time. I don't run or give her an excuse...I don't have one.

     "Why did you choose me?" She schools herself and asks me a random as hell topic.......

     I just look confused and say,"Sorry I do not follow....I do not remember choosing you for anything???"

     "When Sona recruited me she said you gave her my name and said I was important, and she wanted me in her peerage....So I ask again, why did you choose me?" Ruruko looks more determined to know than upset about Issei.

     But at least this is a question I can answer her,"You're going to be a splendid Knight...one of the fastest devils in history....I wanted Sona to find you for sure....Time and fate have changed from the timeline I know of....So I did not want you to miss it because I altered destiny......This was your dream to become a devil just like me. So I would not let you live the mediocre life you could have been stuck with."

     "In the visions you saw, what was I supposed to be in Sona's group.....?" Damn she is sharp to catch this.....

     I grit my teeth and tell her the truth....."When you found Sona and found out about the supernatural world, you begged Sona to make her a devil and joined the student council.....Sona at the time turned you into a one piece Pawn. That was your planned destiny. Knowing your future a bit...I told Sona to make you her Knight even with no sword....because I wanted to let you be faster! So you could make your dreams real."

     "Was I meant to date Issei?" Damn it is hard to say but fuck it..."No, Issei was supposed to be in my spot and you were supposed to crush on Saji but then you gave up on him because he is and idiot jerk.......You from what I can tell.....ended up alone with never having a boyfriend. Sorry, but as you see you did have one although it was short." My face feels awkward as hell.

     "Why is it because I am small and not pretty....is that why I was alone?" Oh fuck crying face is back.......

     "Not at all, you are super pretty...especially to certain kinds of perverts!" I am not talking about myself.....I am a one Loli kind of man....and as fate would have it.....

     Koneko came out of nowhere and stood in front of me protecting me from another potential Loli and said in her flat tone,"Back up sister, and find your own Loli-con...His candy is mine!" I-I am sure she is talking about the candy I bake for her right? And possessive Koneko is hot as fuck! Can I pull her into a dark corner now?!

     Ruruko looks at Koneko from her same year, then looks at my blushing face, then puts on a surprised smile and says,"Holy shit the two of you! Damn I did not believe you when you said some type of perverts like little girls........So you really are a Loli-con!" OK now my complex is back, I want to die in shame.

     "That's right and he is my sugar daddy....and I am his little sister....So we are leaving. Let's go big brother!" As Koneko drags me off like a helpless girl, I  pray I never see Ruruko again!


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