DxD: Matsuda!

Using a Trap as a Trap!

     At the end of school, I was walking with Xenovia and holding Asia's hand. We happened to pass by a familiar face. "Hey Saji, what's up?"

     Saji saw me walking over to him and he noticed the two girls with me so he toned back his jealousy a bit,"Whats up Matsuda? I hear your stealing girlfriends now?!" You know what, I can't even get mad at him for that one, so I just say,"Yup I got bored in class! Anyway I wanted to tell you about our second bishop that is going to be rejoining Rias! She is called Gasper and I am not allowed to put my hands on her by Rias orders, So I just wanted you to know I wont be competing with you with our new blond Bishop.....Oh yeah, our Bishop's name is Gasper....I think it is European. Anyway I will see you later!" I think this will make us even right?

     Asia said to me when we walked to the ORC building,"Mat, I thought our new Bishop was a boy? I do not understand." I just give her a small kiss and say,"Yes my pure angel, you are correct! But our new Bishop looks like a girl, and I want him to despair a bit for crushing my balls in Dodge-ball!"

     Xenovia pipes in,"That is odd, I did not think it was crushed?" Asia to the rescue,"Sister Xenovia, it was bad! I had to use my healing to fix it....We were all sad, but Koneko and I fixed him as good as new!" Damn straight Koneko fixed me!

     So we got to the room and Rias and Akeno were talking about events to plan for in the next few days. Kiba was sitting on his right side couch as normal, just having a drink of coffee. We give all of our normal greetings and have a seat. Koneko brushes off the girls by me and sits me down then plops her ass in my lap with junk food.

     Rias just puts a smile on her face watching all of us settle in. "So I hear Kiba and Mat have been busy with the girls in class lately?!" Kiba just coughs on his drink and I point at Akeno and exclaim,"It is ALL Akeno's fault! She keeps using contracts to get me girls!!!! Rias you got to put a stop to her!! I can't punish her because she loves it!.....I am going to die here!" Rias holds back her smile and Akeno covers her mouth, squints her eyes and giggles.

     "You're not in trouble dear, but try turning down the charm, OK?" Rias is smiling at me, and I retort,"Damn Rias, look at me what charm am I radiating...hell I piss off everyone, so I don't get it!?"

     "Kiba, so you have taken on a lover named Katase Sakura? How did that happen, I was sure you did not like relationships?" As soon as Kiba's eyes looked at me for a second, Rias sighed and said,"I see it is Matsuda the matchmaker right? That explains it then! Do you like her at least?"

     Kiba just smiles and replies,"She is a surprisingly nice girl, she likes to cook for me and she loves to practice her swordsmanship....I was very surprised I ended up liking her....This is a new feeling for me. Thanks Matsuda for having me date her...I am happy right now!" OK my guilt level dropped a bit.

     "Is everyone ready to meet Gasper again? Akeno lets, unlock the seal." As we all go down to Gasper's room, I open a storage closet to get a box I put away months ago. Everyone looks at me in surprise, so I say,"Remember I already know Gasper! I just prepared something to help with his rehabilitation......" Everyone almost forgot about my foresight. Rias and Akeno begin to lift the seal. The door finally opens and we walk into a dark girls room with a black coffin for a bed.

     Rias opens the lid, smiles and says,"Hello Gasper, it is time to come out...." Of course Gasper just goes on and on about the world being a scary place and his normal shut in crap.

     I decide to throw chaos in the event and say,"Hello Gasper, this is Xenovia Quarta our Knight, and this is Asia Argento our Bishop like you...and finally I am Matsuda Tanaka, The Pawn that broke the will of Hot-wings, I am sure you saw the massacre. I also want you to know I know a lot about your awesomeness and a bit of your future, about how you become a real man and save Rias!" Gasper is just surprised by the way I speak to him., and seems to listen to my words...so I continue,"Your an awesome-ass half vampire with the best of both-worlds, this also makes you an incredibly strong devil....I like, you have an eye based sacred gear. And all three of the Gremory men have some of the world strongest gears. I know you have a lot of fear to work through...and the world can be a scary place sometimes. But a world without Rias is a world I do not want to be in...Do you get it?" I slowly extend my fist in front of Gasper in hopes he will make this small step.

     Gasper listened to my words looked at the smiling faces of his family then looked at me..."You say you know my future...and I will become a real man?" I just nod.

     "You will be well-known and respected even in girls clothing...in fact you will even have a fan club for your bravery!" he then slowly extends his fist to gently touch my extended fist.

     "I also brought you a welcome gift, We Japanese are fond of this tradition! It is a magical helmet that boost the wears confidence by 200%, and strengthens a vampires threat level to enemy's by a lot!" I then hand him the box and encourage him to open it. Gasper quickly opens it and everyone but me and Gasps are stunned at what it is. What he pulls from the box is a teddy-bear mascot head of a light brown color with a stitched scar across its right eye for intimidation, and it has a shark smile...It combines cute and sinister!

He quickly puts it on and his eye sockets glow red...damn the anime did it justice, even I am slightly put off! "THIS IS COOL! I feel braver! How do I look President?" Gasper is currently doing the Frankenstein walk in circles and it is comical....Everyone is backing away but me, I just give him a thumbs up! As a side note, I outsmarted Gasper and we started getting blood from Issei about two weeks ago to replenish his supply with only his blood...This will make training Gasper so much easier!

     Rias just looks at him and me and says,"Gasper, it truly makes you more impressive!" Nice save Rias....you did not really tell him much, but it sounded hot, coming from you...damn I am simp-ing again! To be fair it is totally worth it though when you get to go all in that hot mess!

     Rias looks at me and asks,"Can you-" I cut her off and finish,"I will train him and bring him around, while you Akeno and Kiba go to meet your brother....Yup I got it dear! Can I get a nice kiss before you go?!?!?!" I just put on my lecherous smile. Rias just blushes and kisses me....Gasper just exclaims,"Oh my goodness! President kissed you!!!!" I just wink at my half-pint comrade! He is radiating worship for me right now I think...I like Gasper now!

     "Mat, do not forget to empty your scheduled bedtime for me! I want you to myself! Or Precious will have company!" Rias just blushes and storms off with lots of laughing behind her!

     The rest of the evening went really smooth, I used a changing screen to hide behind so I could not get frozen and gently tossed balls over it towards Gasper to not hurt him and because he could not see me he did not freeze me. This gave him more confidence and by the end of the night he could stop eight out of ten balls....I am happy with this and so was he. I avoided the Xenovia and Koneko torment session, due to it being counter productive....I already got plenty of laughs in the show, so no need to live it! After that I told Gasper tomorrow would be boys day with him me and Kiba!

     Then the girls and I went home for some church time if you know what I mean..Asia demanded it because she had to let Rias have me tonight....So Rias ended up with a tired man! I think its about three more day still the big fight....It will be on Saturday.......I hope it goes well.......I miss Kalawarna....I have to kick Vali hard and fast so I can hold her again!

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