DxD: Matsuda!

Crushed, Crush Kiryuu!

      This story has the [Alternate World] TAG because, it is a blend of the anime and light novel! For example in this story Grayfia's eyes are red unlike the anime. Also Gasper's sealing was done by the 4 Great Devil Clans and they unsealed him for her and not her brother! You do not have to have read the light novel to enjoy the story line, just be aware if things are different from the anime, it is because of the light novel! Another example is the pool episode...Kiba was not there in the light novel! Thanks for reading!

     I woke up to a pair of red eyes staring at me, I just smiled and kissed the angel in front of me,"Good morning! And good morning to everyone!" All the girls Asia, Xenovia, and Rias were waking up to get ready for school. Grayfia stealthily removed me from her happy place and got up herself...oops fell asleep after we were done!

     All the girls demanded their kisses so I made an assembly line to make it faster....Never thought this would happen to me! We all went down for cleanup and breakfast with Rias's brother and parents. Last night Sirzechs told Rias to unseal her Bishop today, due to the four great devil family's deeming her worthy to handle him. Fortunately I am ready for Gasper! Unlike all those trash fan-fictions...You could not have early access to Gasper due to his sealing by the four great devil houses. The anime is not fully trustworthy.

     Unfortunately due to the Leaders conference, Grayfia is back in maid mode to help Sirzechs. On the bright side she has already begun training her replacement Queen for Sirzechs so when I get my High-class status I can trade my Queen piece to him so Grayfia can be by my side and for rating games. Normally Grayfia could not be traded because of the promise Sirzechs made to Grayfia's father in the past. But because I am a part of the Gremory house this promise is not broken, This must be what Big G was referring too...If I would have been under Sona..Grayfia could not be my Queen. Now I need to get promoted as soon as possible! Thanks to the devil sleep disease I should be able to rack up combat credit fast, and become High-class this year! It is considered combat because it is the pure blood they want for repopulation, and every one out is a hit in the future. At least this is what Sirzechs told me....I would begin in the summer break when we go for training in the underworld.

     Everyone split off to their own objectives and the girls and I got to go to school. Rias whispered to me and threatened,"I know what you were doing last night....And if I do not get your full attention tonight, you sleep with Precious!" I just do a busted sweat drop in my head and respond,"Your loyal servant will pleasure his King with full excitement, my wonderful wife!" Rias looks pleased now, damn she was awake!

     Most of the normal morning shenanigans took place, and I finally made it to class. Gasper won't be unsealed after school so nothing major should happen today. Looks like Kat is gushing to Xenovia, Asia, Aika, and Murayama about her new sex-life with Kiba...Darn I owe you one Kiba...I hope he has a boy so he can name it Trunks...but if they have a girl....I don't know what to say! Fortunately it is like a one in two-hundred chance for a devil to get a human girl pregnant.

Aika and Murayama come over to my seat and greet me. I get a hug from the innocent Murayama and then I get a questioning look from Aika? I then tap my bag and      say "I will look during class." She then looked anxious like she was glad I still had it, but she looked nervous too. Both girls then sat down because class started.

     Well I forgot to burn it! I am currently holding her envelope in my hands.....I am in the back row now so no one will see whats in it, fuck it lets just look!....What is the worst it can do?! I look in and see a letter and a stack of pictures.....I read the letter first. I also see a nervous looking Aika watching me from time to time....


     Dear Matsuda,

     If you are reading this letter, then you do not hate me! Back when we were still in middle school, you were a very popular sports star for the school. I went to everyone, of your games to cheer for you. I know you did not notice me because I was not very pretty. You, Matsuda, and Issei were the best of friends. I would see you being influenced by your friend's obsession for the girls body, and over time you became a pervert that would peep on girls changing and read those porno magazines in class and talk about all of those sexy girls in Adult Videotapes.

     I tried to talk to you many times but you would see me and then make fun of me.....It hurt a lot, but I did not give up on you. I thought you just did not want to be bullied for being with the nerd girl. So I decided to do research on the things you liked, even if it was bizarre! Those things the women did in those videos were amazing in a bad way...but after a while I could see some of the interesting things in the make believe of it. Even though the women in the material were fake, it had entertainment in it...So I thought if I acted like those girls you would notice me and love me for the things I would do for you.

     One day I heard you were not feeling well, so I wore a nurse outfit I bought and wanted to come and cheer you up! your mother was very happy to have me over to see you and sent me to your room. I was so happy, I was going to show you my new sexiness and confess to you and be happy! When I entered you were watching a show and looked at me with surprise, but then you just laughed at me and called me ugly........I just ran in sadness. I hated you after that...That's why they call it a crush...Because you get devastated.

     From then on I just avoided you and your idiot friends, I secretly bad mouthed you to all the girls so you would not get a girlfriend....But I just hated it, because I still had those bad feelings for you! So I just tried to stay away from you and forget you....It worked! I finally forgot you. Then it was time for High-school and a new start. On my way home from getting my clothes and class assignments, I saw you again. I was just going to be invisible like all the other times.......

      But you just stopped me and apologized out of nowhere.....You said you were sorry, you said I was not ugly, and you said my hobby was cool and I would look good in my nurse outfit....I thought you hated it and me. I thought I was in another world....All that time I was wrong about you and you did see me....I was so happy that day, as I watched you walk off.

     When I found out we were in the same class together I was happy once again, but you had changed so much...you were brilliant, cocky, and so cool! Girls started hanging around you and everyone would talk about you. I felt like middle school again and got sad. Then one day you asked me to hang out with you and your friends in a group activity. It seemed you wanted me to like your friend Motohama, of course I hate that jerk....he is just a male me! But I talked to him about you and he spilled everything......When you apologized that day, you gave up your perverted ways and wanted a new start. I could not believe it..so I talked to your mom and she told me it was true!

     So Motohama and I came up with a plan that would let me hang out with you. He would pretend to date me and I would help him get girls personal information...like their sizes and who they dated. It was easy for me to find all that out....And I would fondle the girls to get the cup size for him ha-ha it was funny watching those girls squirm!

     The two of us decided to bring our plan to fruition, and do a group Karaoke date so I could confess to you! The plan was to let you steal me and Motohama would be the green hat victim and girls would swoop in to comfort his heart....he was super excited about it, but it all went wrong. He got outed for boys' love, and the punch Murayama gave me made you drunk and you just seduced the wrong girl!....I wanted to be her, I was devastated! So later when I interrogated her she told me about a flyer and gave me one.....I will not write in the letter about it in case someone else reads this but what I learned shattered my view of things and you!

     When you look at the pictures, you will understand what I know, and what I want! Just know I know and in the future want to call you my master....my King!

     Love your most loyal and loving chess piece, Aika Kiryuu

     PS, I WILL do things your other lovers won't!.....(insert lipstick mark here!)


     SHIT! This was deep! Before I break down the letter, I look at the photos to help get context! Holy shit, these are some racey cosplay shots! I think Issei would have to be taken to the hospital for blood-loss if he saw a few of these.....Who is taking these pictures? Is it Motohama?....Oh fuck no its her! Damn Akeno you're good!

     Apparently Akeno is doing a photo shoot with Aika. So she summoned her? She had too and found out the same shit Murayama did? That explains the letter. Damn Akeno are you trying to get EVERY girl to fall for me?........No Aika clearly fell for the younger jackass me, and she fell for the new improved me too.......She wants to be a devil to be my servant? What kind of emotions did I put her through? I see now why in the show, Aika hated the trio...especially the anime me.

     I just feel like rubbing my lower-back at this anime trope crap....This is not a show but my new life and world.......Oh I see her looking here nervously. If I turn her away, what is the difference between me and the old me? But how can I keep getting more lovers....Harems are a drug....you can't stop once it starts......If I was my anime self i would have no one....That is even more sad than having harem problems! The question is will I love her.......I won't lie...the devoted eyes she is giving me feels good. From a devils perspective.....I will need a peerage. Does Motohama want a fake green hat that bad? I know how I can make up my mind!

    I pull out my phone and text Motohama...

     Me: [Brother is it true? Do you want me to steal Aika from you! I don't want to break our bro code man? This seems sleaze!]

     Green Hat: [Really Mat! You will actually date that nasty girl for me?!]

     What the fuck is he saying, nasty girl? Oh that's right  the trio hated her!

     Me: [Only if you want to be seen as a green hat! ha-ha, But why not? I can just pump and dump right?]

     Nope, I will never do that but my friends are just like that......

     Green Hat : [Thank you Mat! I can win a bet I have with Issei!]

     Me [A bet? What bet?]

     Green Hat : [If Aika ends up seducing you he has to clean my room for a month! Even my dirty underwear...haha]

     Me: [Sure when do you want me to do it?]

     Green Hat : [Hot damn OK do  it when the teacher leaves, and then I will run out crying when it happens....I will take the rest of the day off ha-ha! Then tomorrow I can get my heart healed...I will have to give you sad looks for a few days though, OK?!]

     Wow my friends are idiots!

     Me: [OK just remember you owe me one for dating such a rotten girl!]

     Actually bro you're an idiot for not trying to hook up with her! Well according to the letter she loves me anyway so that would have failed. Oops class is ending, time to get my acting skills going!

     The bell rang and as the teacher leaves I get up, and Motohama has already packed his bag to bail, ha-ha! I look down at the surprised looking Aika and most of the class is watching me......"Hey Aika, Motohama is not enough of a man for you!...I have decided I want you to be mine! So from now on I want you to just call me boyfriend or master, your choice!" I then pick up her chin and kiss her like a porn star! Damn girl those happy tears of yours are going to be seen as me forcing you!

     Motohama stands and points at Aika and dramatically says,"Y-you gave him your first k-kiss! I can't date you anymore...we are over...you broke my heart!!!!" He then halls ass but my devil hearing hears him laughing his ass off! The rest of the class just looks humbly at this soap opera.....Then Aika kills me with her following words,"Master will you take me right here on my desk? Or would you want me on the teachers desk?"

     I just walk out of the class and don't look back but I clearly hear her laughing at my retreating back!


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