DxD: Matsuda!

Alright let’s finish this!

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    Last night was definitely one I will remember for a long time.....

     I was lucky enough to wake up with two beauty's and have some fantasy's fulfilled. Thank goodness for healing magic or Asia would not be able to even move properly for school today or our rating game tonight versus team Phenex.

     I made a ring for Asia like I did for Tsubaki. It is enchanted with runes that hide its presence to those not able to see the supernatural world. Normal's can't see it like the invisibility I used on the bus, only creatures like devils and angels will see it normally...

     She cried over the ring so much I was feeling uncomfortable. She told Grayfia and me that she always wanted to be part of a family, so she was very happy, damn I forgot she had been abandoned.

     After breakfast with the family, Grayfia left to do all the preparations for tonight's rating game and she told me to be heavy handed. She is fierce!

     Asia and I walked to school and she just had the dopiest smile all day, as if there was nothing going on tonight....

     Thinking back on last night, I just smiled at my new wife's antics. She is very traditional and did not try new positions or the like. She was very still just closing her eyes and entrusting everything to me, but I liked it, so cute. I know why men want harems now, it is the variety of love one can feel. With Asia I get the feeling I am making love to a childhood friend that I grew up with, very pure. Asia is easy to love!

     It was nice to see everyone at school after ten days out. We of course had the school reconcile the ORC conference in France ha-ha!

     Arriving at school I said hi to the President,"Hi Sona and Tsubaki. Looking forward to having you watch my first rating game." I was waiting for them to be surprised. I knew they were chosen as game announcers but the two just looked at me like they knew I would know!

     Sona just smiles at my look and states,"Of course the two of us know you can foresee everything! So we are no longer surprised. So will you win?" She just gives a knowing smile at my confidence........

     Little did I know that drunk letter made me seem like I came from the future. So do not drink guys, it will fuck your life without knowing how. But I won't know about this for a while.....

     "I wanted to blitz their base and level the entire field but Rias said no! She wants the rest of the group to get experience or some fart like that. Personally I would just one shot them. So I will just be heavy handed and leave each of them with an inch of life left!"

     My displeasure of Rias's plan is super evident. Asia behind me feels bad I can't just cut loose, and Sona looks surprised I said that. She had never known me to make up things like that.

     Tsubaki just has excited love stars in her eyes, at my manly declaration of brutality. I forgot she is a bit of a battle junkie on the inside, it is well hidden though.

     I did call Tsubaki everyday and kept her up to date with everything and even told her about Asia, she just smiled and knew before me again! Damn she is like Grayfia just younger.

     The rest of the day flew by. I just slept due to lack of sleep last night. It seems I was talking in my sleep murmuring some rather embarrassing things. I apparently kept mumbling things like 'mofu mofu white kitty', damn sleeping in class might have to stop soon!

     I ended up cooking for everyone at suppertime and we just had casual banter about what to do....

     Looks like I will be sent as an assassin this run, because Rias's win is that important, I have decided to reveal my illusion magic and mess up the enemy like an online rogue sneak attacking. However  my real goal is to kill, well retire there Queen, she is Riser's biggest ace. My [Second Stage] will be saved for one of two events. A large area of effect to demolish their numbers or to defeat Riser himself.

     As a bonus I will retire that little sister of Riser, because I hated that she treated the battlefield like a day in the park. It would be like a boxer calling a timeout and saying he is just watching. THEN FUCKING watch from the screen like your fucking family! Sorry but cuteness only will save you so much, sigh.

     Kiba told me he would not refuse the challenge from Karlamine.

     I just say,"That's why I can't understand Knights, while they do one on one their teammates struggle!" I just facepalm. Well that is Kiba I guess.....

     And my biggest headache. Rias says she will fight on the rooftop with Riser and wait for her hero to save the day......

     I just looked at Rias and wanted to tell her I also said 'she was dumb as a box of rocks' when I made my wish. But looking at her eyes anticipating for me to save her, just shut me up, what I wont do to make a girl happy. I just hope her dumb plan does not cause her to lose!

     At 11:30 I just realized something that happened in the show so I asked Rias,"By the way my beautiful and intelligent King. Did you by chance lock away my Pawn pieces power? And did you forget to give me my power boost?" I just look at her like when I pointed out the promotion bit........

     Fuck is she blushing in shame, did she really forget?!

     "Of course not. I just wanted to do it privately and surprise you......." Holy fuck she forgot! I have been fighting on one fucking Pawns worth of demonic power!

     She takes my hand and pulls me to her back room so she wont feel ashamed,"Put your head in my lap. I had sealed your Pawn strength, not sure if your body could handle all of the power. I will now unseal your strength one at a time till it feels right...."

     I can't really be mad at her, I was avoiding her a lot and she may have not realized she forgot due to the strength I was showing.

     While she unsealed me she just quietly told me,"Sorry about making it harder on you in the game. I just want my family to see how wonderful you are. Devils respect power first and foremost. If you just blow up their base it will be debated how you did it, but if you can crush Riser lopsidedly then NO ONE will dispute my choosing you as my man! So do your best and rescue your Princess!" She then kissed me for a while till I was unlocked.

     She said,"I can't believe it, you are able to safely use all 8 Pawn pieces. This should not be right?!"

     I feel the power flow through my body and it is like I am a new devil! I have easily stepped into early High-class strength like a Pure-blood devil! So if I am using my Balance Breaker then I would be at peak High-class strength. With a promotion to Queen I would step into lower Ultimate class strength! I just give Rias blaming eyes, and she looks sorry.

     "Unless you are defeated or concede with the strength I just received. I can solo his bitches! So I am going to blow the socks off your parents! I want unlimited lap-pillows!"

     Rias just smiles and says,"Of course it will be your lap after all!" She just grabbed my grumpy head and kissed me......

     We are all resting on the couches waiting for Grayfia and our announcers to show up....

     When Sona and Tsubaki came in, the others were surprised to see them. Naturally this is not vital information so I let it be a surprise. Sona had to give her friend the pep talk of rooting for her but she was going to be impartial. Hmm, Tsubaki looks like she is blushing a little, she must want to see me in action? Yup she is, I see her rubbing her ring gently. They then left to do their duty of introduction of both teams.

     A few minutes before the start, Grayfia in maid mode came and began discussing the terms and rules, and of course about the spectating family's. Grayfia asked us to step on the summon circle and wished us luck......

     Then after the light faded. It gave us the illusion that we did not move at all. The freaky sky however proves we are not in Kansas anymore, and we can destroy and wreak havoc on the battlefield.

     We insert the earpieces for communication and I say to everyone while summoning Roshi,"Recap of the plan. Roshi protects Asia and Rias. Koneko and Kiba do not separate and are a two man team, taking out those incoming Pawns as soon as possible. Akeno watch-out for Bomb Queen, when you lure her out, call me to finish her! I will put up both a strong barrier and a grand Illusion formation to keep them from promoting. I will go ahead and begin reaping their sorry game lives. May good fortune smile upon us!"

     At this point Grayfia had finished her speech and the Midnight bell rang to alert us it was go time.

     After activating Satan Gold I eject my pair of gold metallic bat wings along with my black bat wings under them, looking like I have two pairs.

     My voice is slightly altered with my helmet sounding a bit more manly and I say goodbye to my team, turn invisible and fly out the window at great speed....

     After placing the field around our base I then ignore the gym and stalk the track field. No need to blow up those four girls, they are sacrificial.

     There are no animals in this battlefield to use but the plants seem to be real. Well real enough for my powers to work. I move fast and quietly looking for their two three member squads.

     I see the group of devils I am looking for and they have not split up yet.! Hot fucking damn I am lucky!

     In front of me are some girls that look unafraid of an ambush, to be fair I would not expect one as well. They are.....

     Karlamine, Isabela, Siris, Ravel Phenex, Mihae, Ni and Li! 'Yes I hit the group one shot jackpot'! Well I won't be able to use my big move on Riser or Bomb Queen, but this vulnerable group of girls is just asking to be retired hah-aha!

     As I stand in the middle of the gossiping and gloating girls, I suddenly become visible as I activate [Second Stage] and, Oh the voice of my Sacred Gear is Fathers voice as Morgan Freeman! Nice touch Big G!


     I just hit peak High-class magic strength and cast [Holy Lightning Strikes], six large magic circles form about a hundred feet up in the air in a hexagonal formation and begin to light up.....


     At this point all the girls are alarmed and do not know if they should look at this freak in black and gold Ranger gear or the soul shaking holy energy in the sky. Yup devils do not like this feeling.....

     "I am Satan Gold girls and I wish you a safe trip!".Just outside their escape path a square wall of thick earth fifty feet high, encloses the whole strike zone.....



     Screams are heard from all of Riser's girls as the Holy Lightning hits the earth passing harmlessly over me.

     [Riser's two Knights, two Pawns, and one Bishop have retired!], Grayfia's voice is heard.


     Looks like the Rook chick avoided a direct hit and is barely hanging in there! And Ravel used her Tears to recover from that holy damage!

     So I cast [Sun Burst], blinding the two, no vision for the girls as they cry from the blindness!


     Ravel uses her flames to lash out in all directions as protection because she can't see......

     I just stood over Risers Rook, Isabela and punched her on her back to send her to the first aid bed....

     [Riser's Rook retired!]


     "Hey Ravel, stay off the battlefield unless you are prepared to be hurt! This is no picnic."


     I then send a holy lightning spear into her upper leg. I try not to hit the heart or head, because holy damage is already terrifying for devils! And I do not think she has the same light tempering her older brother has.


     Even the Phenex clan will suffer under holy Lightning, although they do better than most devils....

     Ravel, overwhelmed, tries to ask,"Ahh why are you doing this?" Damn she is crying in pain.....

     I do not like this feeling but Rias is more important to me.


     "My King wants her freedom and you are in HER way. Simple right? Now concede or die!" Damn this sucks, being a bad guy feels awful!


     In a huge amount of pain Ravel yells,"I-I RETIRE!"


     [Riser's second Bishop is retired!]

     I just stood there in the smoke and looked at the fake sky and hardened my heart to continue,"Sorry Kiba, the Knights were together and I used my finisher, they were just all bunched up like fish in a barrel!"

     [Damn man you just let out the can of ass whooping! So you only used one volley of holy lightning?] Kiba asked.

     "Ya bro and it was too much for them. Rias did not give me enough time to gauge my new strength so it went overkill Now Riser is probably shitting bricks now!"

     [Talk later I have three pawns here!] he then stops talking....

     [Sorry Matsuda, but you did good. Thanks!] Rias says sheepishly.

     "On my way to the gym to blow it up........" I say.

     [Wait Matsuda I am kiting the bomb Queen to you first!], Akeno says happily......

     Alright let's finish this!

King and Queen

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