DxD: Matsuda!

An easy win! An unthinkable ending!



     "You could not even capture a devil nun! You are pathetic! Now all of our plans are ruined." Diodora Astaroth was unceremoniously dropped to the ground. I looked at the direction it came from, an unfamiliar man was floating in the sky. He's wearing light armor that had a cape on it.

     “It's my first time meeting you, sister of the annoying fake Devil King. My name is Shalba Beelzebub. The true successor of the Great True Devil King Beelzebub. I'm different from the relative of the fake one you see here. Diodora Astaroth, I lent you my power and look at the situation you are in. In the match against Agares, you used Ophis's snake without my authorization and had the enemy predict our plan. You are very foolish indeed.”

     Then Diodora Astaroth begs Shalba Beelzebub,“Shalba! Please help me! If it is with you, we can kill them! If the Old Devil King and Current Devil King were to join forces…..” *Slits* A strike of light which was shot from Shalba's open-hand shot through Diodora's chest.

     “Weak, I even told you how to handle that girl's Sacred Gear and yet you couldn't do anything. That explains how useless you are.” Shalba said it while laughing.

     Diodora turned into dust and perished. The power of light? An ability which is similar to that of angels and fallen angels? Or does the Khaos brigade have research on how devils can use the angels and fallen angels' power? I then saw an unfamiliar device on Shalba's arm, that is the source which created the light!

     “Now, sister of Sirzechs, I will have you die here! The reason is simple, to destroy every blood relative of the current Devil King!” Shalba says it with a cold voice. His eyes are also filled with hatred.

     Rias coldly asks,“So you mean to kill Glasya-Labolas, Astaroth, and us, the Gremory?”

     Shalba narrows his eyes with Rias's words,“That is correct. It is simply displeasing. We, the true successors, to be called the [Old] by you people, the relatives of the current Devil Kings, and it is something very hard to endure.”

     Shalba made a sigh,“Our plan ends with this. It is our defeat. I never thought that we would not even capture this nun to use with Dimension Lost, a high-tier Longinus. I can only say that this was something we didn't anticipate. Well, we got results for future terrorism, so I have to be satisfied with it. Cruzerey died but at the very least he killed your father while trying to kill your brother! As long as I'm active, we can still progress even without Vali. The True Beelzebub is great. Now, as my souvenir while returning Sirzechs sister, I will have you join your dead father.......”

     I say,"Impossible! I had them avoid coming so you are lying!" But my gut is feeling wrong about this......

     Akeno yells,“You don't challenge the current Devil Kings directly, but kill their relatives, what cowardice!”

     “Lie, why do I need to lie ha-ha? I will kill the family of the current Devil Kings first. It won't mean a thing if we don't have them taste despair.”

     Rias just starts crying and says,"No, my father can't be dead, my brother would stop that, and Mat is right, he told them to stay home!" My heart hurts seeing her cry....She must also feel he is telling the truth, but that seems impossible......UNFORGIVABLE!


     [I, who have fallen from Heaven]

     [I, who sheds God's light to cover the Firmament]

     The enraged Shalba who descended to the ground releases an attack of light with his hand! I simply put my hand up and caught it and shattered the attack.

     [When love and hope is stolen]

     Kiba and Akeno pull Rias back away from my transformation, she is currently in shock. Asia no Tiamat puts up a protective barrier to insure the groups safety. Tiamat was planning on making her move, but protecting the group is what I would prefer her to do, she can feel it in our link.

     [Sorrow and Regrets shall cover the lands]

     Shalba's expression finally turns into that of surprise. His eyes are clouded with terror, and looks at Matsuda as someone he should fear.

     [And I shall sunder-everything down with me!]

     [Underworld Dreadnought!]

     “Damn! I can't die in a place like this!” Shalba quickly throws up a multilayered shield for what is to come while he makes his escape circle.

     The six holy blades on my back quickly merge to form the rifle to fire my ultimate attack! I lock-on to Shalba and the six magic circles counter rotate, and I have no intention of holding back...I put in almost everything I can into this one shot....I will fall out of my form after but I have Tiamat behind me!

     My [Orbital-laser] has reached a terrifying ten feet in width and is firing upon Shalba and is constantly blasting for the full ten seconds, this strike is twice as strong as what our monkey pal received! Just after two seconds his shields broke and holy light was tearing him apart........Shalba tried to draw a magic circle with his leg, But Akeno had Gasper use his power to interrupt him, and that leg was “Frozen”.

     After the attack, my Underworld Dreadnought broke-away from my body and I was heaving deep breaths exhausted, I see a long trench into the distance but no Shalba?! My demonic power is almost empty and I feel like I need a nap badly. I got up and walked to the group and all of my suppressed emotions came back hard when I saw Rias crying....My heart hurts seeing her cry.

     Rias came charging into my arms and I just held her, I don't know what I can say.......

     The barrier locking in the field was lifted and everyone was receiving circles at once. I just ignore them. I just hold her.

     Tiamat now in her normal humanoid form tells me with our link that someone saved him....The Longinus user must have pulled him away at the last second then fled the battlefield.

     Most everyone looked up into the sky and saw the legendary Great Red open a portal through the battle field and fly through, its massive eyes scanning the landscape. I notice that the dragon looked into my crying eyes then it departed, ripping a new tear to leave back into its open Dimensional Gap space.

     I wanted to awe at its appearance but the broken hearted woman in my arms was the only thing I care about right now.

     Tannin, Azazel, and Sirzechs soon arrived at our location......And the look of loss on his face just made Rias break into more tears and she ran into her brother's arms......How does the Devil King Sirzechs handle this? How come Zeoticus Gremory came to the Rating Game?!

     Am I the cause of all this?.....Rias's father was never supposed to die, at least not in the four seasons.....Is my very existence here causing all of this? We had an easy victory right? Things are supposed to go smoothly for the guy with future knowledge.....No one dies and everyone lives happily ever after?!

     I seem to be falling asleep while others try to talk to me.....I think sleep is good, I will let future me deal with pain.........this is too much regret....

     After darkness took me...........................................

     I open my eyes and I am standing in the white-room I talked with Big G before my amazing life started. Shit...............

     I notice two men sitting at a white table having drinks, there is an open third seat with a Diet-Coke there. The two men are Big G and the last person I expected....Zeoticus Gremory! The two men holding their own different drinks just smile at my stupid face.

     "Fuck I died again!" I just sit down and have my drink...nothing I can do about it now!

     Big G just smiled and said,"No you are still very much alive but sleeping deeply, your body is in good shape and nothing like life loss or the like! You are just emotionally drained, and your overthinking has caused your mind to go into a small coma to recover. We knew you needed some support so we are here to help!"

     Zeoticus sadly smiles and tells me,"Mat my son, I am very sorry for the problems my poor choices has caused to all of my family! My friend Lord Phenex came over at the last minute and convinced me to go to the game with him and his daughter Ravel....I did not even tell my wife I left, thinking everything would be fine...." He shows his innocent smile he shows when he is caught doing something bad.

     I look at big G and ask hopefully,"Can I save him with my magic then?" I really hope I can!

     Big G says sadly,"No devils of your world die and turn to dust when their time is up just like fallen angels and angels leave no body...Their body is their soul. Unfortunately your father-in-law has met his end. This is not an anime world where the power of friendship overpowers all, everyone is living and breathing with their own thoughts and decisions. Your sacred gear responded to your wishes to keep your family safe and you gave them a warning they otherwise would not have had. So when your new father here made the decision to go, your gear could not help to stop him! The only reason Zeoticus is here right now is to tell you a few words and say goodbye to his daughter...This is all that can be done at this point. And don't give me those, but your God eyes, you have tried that many times already!"

     So I ask,"How will he tell Rias anything?"

     Big G,"Oh that is because she and two other of your wives are currently in your dream world looking for you, and they will be here soon."

     Zeoticus said,"With Sirzechs running the Underworld as the Devil King, you are the new man of the house! I want you to take my place and love my family as your own...sadly i will have many kids with no father....So love everyone for me....I know it is unfair, but this old man is irresponsible....My wife is strong but she is emotionally weak. So just do your best for the Gremory's! I will leave you one last gift to help you with my wife and the family."

     Zeoticus takes my right hand and transfers a Gremory magic seal to the back of my right hand that was on his. "There now show that to my wife and she will know what to do with it....This will allow access to the family vault that only the blood family can enter! Now the family won't have to worry about resources!"

     I am stupefied,"Then why give this to me and not Rias?"

     He smiles and says,"Because politics in the devil world is tough and my family could be forced to make bad choices, but now it is impossible to get rid of you, since you are the family backbone now! If Rias had it, she might be forced by politics to take another husband due to my passing, but now they get nothing by shunning you!" He just gives me a winning smile!

     I just look at this nice devil and promise,"Count on me...I am not the strongest, but I love Rias and will love the whole Gremory clan as my own!"

     Both men looked over my shoulder to a new door that suddenly appeared out of nowhere. I turn to see three women I know all too well..Coriana, Grayfia, and a crying Rias!

     Zeoticus, seeing Rias, just walked over to her and hugged her, while my other wives came to me.......

     Coriana says unsure,"I can't control anything here, is this your doing honey?" She is looking at Morgan Freeman just sipping tea.

     Grayfia says,"It is nice to see you again, is Mat OK?" Grayfia did meet him before like I had thought!

     "I am leaving soon and Mat is just fine now that you came for him, he is just being emotional again, so just smack him around when he gets emotional like this...What kinda lug keeps his wives waiting for a whole day to pout! ha-ha!" Then he stood up and said,"Zeoticus and I need to go, so just keep doing your best! Just do what will make you and the ones you love happy! And Coriana, it was wonderful to meet you! Don't worry about Rias, I sped up the time for the two to talk and they spoke for about two hours!"

     He then walked over to father and daughter, said a few words and put his hand on Zeoticus' shoulder, the two waved and then faded away!

     Rias ran to me and hugged me tight,"We were so worried about you...You just would not wake up, and I need you! Coriana and Grayfia said we could find you! I am so happy...I could talk with my father one last time......." her words stopped so we all held on to her and Coriana began to wake us all up..............

     This was one of the harder chapters as the author to write because I really liked Zeoticus Gremory as a character! But to keep the script I had planned out from a while back......I did it! So a moment of silence for a really good devil! Zeoticus Gremory you will be missed!

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