DxD: Matsuda!

The day of the Match!



     The day of the match! Our team gathered at the ORC room late at night. I had almost forgotten to tell Sona about having her family avoid the match. So I told her and she had her parents cancel, although they were confused why I did not want them there to support me, they trusted me fully and listened! Sona is a no trouble wife, she just listens to her man...that is why I love her!

     Asia is in nun's clothing, and Xenovia is in erotic battle wear. And the rest of us are in our stupid school uniforms. Akeno asks but all the girls are wondering the same thing,"Why are we wearing these awful panties?"

     I smile with a wicked look,"Because I am expecting a pervert to get a look at my girls! So I want to blind his one good eye! hah-aha!" Aika is snickering because she helped make the underwear for the girls!

     Yes, I need to take care of Diodora. I will definitely not let him off, I am a devil and we will get our pound of flesh..literally!. No matter what kind of demonic-power he would use against me, I will protect Asia! Then the magic-circle glows, and we are about to get teleported…..

     "Did we arrive?” Gasper asks this as we look at the surroundings.

     When our eyes recovered from the lights made from the teleportation, we opened our eyes….. The place we arrived at was a spacious place. The place is lined up with thick pillars. The ground is made from…..rocks. We look around, and we see a big entrance to a shrine far away! Huge. It looks like those shrines that appear in Greek mythology. At first glance there are no broken parts, and it seems like it was just built. The sky is filled with barrier lights like always. So this is our base huh.

     Magic lights appear! The group takes their stances! But there isn’t just one magic circle! Many lights have appeared on the other side of the shrine! Diodora must be coming, and they are surrounding us!

     “It isn’t the symbol of Astaroth!” Kiba says that while making a stance with his sword.

     Akeno then says it while having her hand covered in holy lightning,“None of the magic circles are similar. Except they are all devils. But if my memory is correct…. Judging from their magic circles, they are affiliated with the Old Satan faction of Khaos Brigade.”

     One, two, three….. No, there are between several hundreds to a thousand of them, and we are surrounded by an insane number of enemy's! The whole area is covered with devils that have just appeared.

     Asia frowns and says,"So you will destroy the sanctity of the game?"

     “Are you stupid? This isn’t a game, but your trap! All of you will die to the might of the agents of Khaos brigade! No matter how powerful all of you are, you won’t be able to take on this many High-class devils and Mid-class devil's right? Hahahaha, so die. Perish trash.”

     A few small explosions happened around us and Asia was heard yelling for help! Above us The fucker is holding Asia by her ankle and looking at her light blue silk panties with lust filled eyes. He has the look of a winner while Asia is struggling in his grip.

     “If I were to stay with the Old Satan faction, then it seemed like I could do whatever I want whenever I want. Stay, and struggle as much as you want. I will become one with Asia while you are busy with them then. You know what I mean? Matsuda Tanaka, I will make Asia mine, and I will show her how a real man feels! If you are able to follow me, then come to the depth of the shrine. You would be able to see something magnificent. You can also see how Asia will call for you with tears in her eyes, ha-ha!”

     I just smile at this dumb-ass,"Diarrhea Ass-to-mouth, I wish you luck on these dreams of yours, but even I don't have the balls to hold Asia like that...If I was you I would quickly let her go and run!"

     I then transform into Satan Gold and say,"Promotion Queen!" Rias and I both throw up large multilayered shields to protect the group. At this time all of us and the opponents see and hear a gruesome scene!

     "AHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Diodora is clutching onto the stump of his left arm sealing it from blood loss as he sees Asia leap down to the ground and toss the arm that is dissolving to dust to the ground and looks up at him.

     "How dare a filthy devil think he can touch my masters property!....What shows me a real man?! You're just a worthless piece of shit bringing a bunch of looters to your Longinus party....FUCK OFF!" Then Asia just strolls to us like shit did not just get real! Diodora just faded away with his special movement to flee.

     I heard a scream, “AHH!” Akeno’s voice! When I looked, a single-eyed shitty old man wearing a robe was lifting up Akeno’s skirt and looking at her panties.

     “Hmmm, nice ass. More than that, You knew I would look and had a dick put on it that says [Suck It!], I give you props for surprising me boy, hah-aha.”Odin gave me a thumbs up!

     Rias asked in surprise,“Odin! Why are you here?”

     while stroking his long white beard,“Hmm. Long story short, this game is done and has been taken over by the Khaos brigade.”

     “The game committee and those from different factions are cooperating to take them out. Well, we know Diodora Astaroth was allied with the Old Satan faction in the shadows. He must have received the [snake] from Ophis which resulted in his sudden power increase. Then it will be dangerous for you guys right? So you needed some help. However this game field is covered by a strong barrier. So it would be hard for normal people to break or go through the barrier. Especially destroying it would be hard. We can’t do anything unless we stop the one who turned the barrier on from the inside. My left eye has allowed me to understand and bypass many types of magic, ha-ha that is how I got in here!”

     A stupid brainless nobody yells,“The enemy is the Chief God of the North! Our name will rise if we take his head!'' Then they shot at Odin with all their might.

     The attacks coming at us get reflected away and perish! With only one stomp of his walking stick! Odin just laughs, “Hohohoho”, while stroking his beard.

     “Normally, I can break the barrier with my power but I could only enter here….. Hmm, so this is the power of that Longinus you told him about huh? I was told by that brat, Azazel, to give this to you. To be making an old man work this much, should I make him take me to titty bars afterwards…..?” He then gave us ear pieces due to communications being jammed! In the anime they used circles.

     “Gungnir!” Then the legendary spear is pulled out of the swirling space to his hands...He releases a single blow with it towards the devils! Then…Enormous amount of aura is released from the spear, and a sound which pierces through the sky echoes throughout the area!


     “You know, Geezers need to work out sometimes too! Now then, terrorist devils. Come at me with all your might. This Geezer here is stronger than you can imagine.”

     Odin then put yellow magic barriers over us and told us to go seek shelter at the Shrine, Asia just squinted her eyes at Odin as we left.

     Halfway there I grab Rias's hand and tell everyone to stop! Asia crossed her arms and asked,"Oh my master, why are we stopping and not flushing out the rats?"

     I embrace Rias from behind with my right hand over her heart (boob!) and my other at her lower belly and say,"Because, why should we run into a rat trap when we can just kill most of them in one go to flush out the bosses?! Rias, prepare for the Big Bang Cannon!!!!" Rias just gets a wonderful smile as the two of us charge up our demonic power together! "Rias my love, bigger is always better!"

     Rias extends her arms forward to begin the creation of the biggest orb of destruction to date! I channel in the right amount of power of creation to charge her attack. Then a thirty foot large sphere starts to shrink down to a five foot diameter orb of pure blackness with a ping-pong-ball sized bright core in the middle of her sphere!

     As the love juices run down her inner-thigh, she pushes outward to throw the blast to the center of the massive temple! Upon its release, I catch and hold Rias's limp body as she pants with a huge smile on her face.....

     Asia asks,"And what will that little black hole sucking up rocks do to that massive temple? Other than making your King happy?"

     Two seconds after Asia asked this question, the orb entered the structure without obstruction....then...the black aura engulfed the large portion of the shrine making it vanish, then suddenly the dark energy that expanded contracted to the center followed by an explosion like a nuclear bomb going off! Rocks and pebbles flew from the massive explosion repelled by the shield Odin put on us! When the blast faded the whole region saw a mushroom cloud one mile high!

     Asia looked at me in surprise,"OK that looked cool, now let's see if anyone survived that?" So we observed while Kiba just started laughing at the absurdity of the attack.

     A few minutes later two people came crawling out of the rubble! We were unaware that Freed was at the heart of the explosion and sadly he died like my cultivator past life! I actually forgot he was there eating those girls!

     Shalba Beelzebub was carrying a one armed Diodora Astaroth in his left hand and Shalba has definitely seen better days!

     From our ear pieces we hear Azazel and he says. [Hey are you guys OK? Odin said he gave you the ear pieces but you did not use them...There was a massive explosion, are you guys alright?]

     "The explosion was my plan and we flushed out the final boss so don't bother us right now...I already know everything you would say from my visions so let us defeat this guy Shelby-cakes! Just kill them on your end and wait for the good news!"


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