DxD: Matsuda!

Damn, its the Anti-Lolicon Defense System!

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Chapter 230!

     Everyone is equipping their weapons and preparing for battle, both Issei and I have our basic Sacred Gears on and ready for anything. I also wear my Neo-style black combat gear, while the church girls wear the hot battle suits. Kris is looking nervous and is holding Issei's arm for comfort. Asia is standing next to me looking for emotional comfort like Kris. She is definitely stronger and more confident than her anime self, but her kind heart is the one thing that keeps her from becoming a true devil. I hope she always remains kind. She makes me want to protect her forever. So I kiss her forehead and make her turn red in embarrassment.

     Azazel pulls out some papers and puts them on the table,“Here is a map I sketched in secret, take a look at it. There is a huge spacious area that is located really deep down in the castle. The basement is deep, but there are four main floors. The Tepes faction performs their main ritual that is related to the vampires on the lowest floor. Since that magic circle is activated with this castle as the center, I have no doubt that they are performing the ritual to extract the Holy Grail on the lowest floor of this castle.”

     We then feel the castle shake with magical explosions and we hear the sounds of screaming and vampires getting killed outside the castle. It seems the assault from the female faction has begun.

     Akeno says while licking her lips,"Looks like that is our signal to move and attack!" She looks excited to finally get to zap shit!

     Kiba tells our group,“I got a fair grasp of the range that the soldiers patrol at during the past two days in this castle. I think I can take us on a route to go down to the basement without encountering that many soldiers.”

     Rias tells him,"Alright then lead the way Kiba." So our group met little difficulty, and our Knights all dispatched the occasional vampire guard with no resistance.

     When our group came into the first basement floor, we saw a large dark area like half a football field wide. Naturally with our devil vision we can see the whole place.

      There are so many Vampire soldiers clad in armor that they can easily fill half of this floor. Every one of them has a weapon in their hands and their red eyes are glowing so intensely that it looks dangerous. There are more than a hundred of them.

     Azazel says dryly,"Looks like we will have to waste our precious time dispatching these weak vampires. This is annoying in video games."

     Two members step forward to do battle and the small one says, [Since you have a job to do once we reach the Holy Grail, we will be troubled if we have you waste your energy here, Azazel. Just take Boss Satan Gold with you and leave the trash to us!] It’s Rugal and Bennia!

     Bennia pulls out a vial of blood with magic on it to preserve it, and hands it to me, [Boss Satan Gold, unfortunately I can't let you get it fresh~ But take this for later! Just remember to show them how amazing a reaper-vampire is~ giggle!]

     She then pulled out her reaper scythe and began to one shot vampires in a blur of movement most of the group can't see. She is moving so fast in the midst of vampires that it seems like there are about 20 Bennia's! The vampires die with no visible wounds, as it's their souls that are cut in half!

     Rugal takes off his shirt and then erupts into a massive grey-furred werewolf with magic runes on his forearms. His flames erupt from his hands and he then leaps into the horde of mosquitoes, and he is killing twice as fast as the reaper!

     Then from behind us, we can hear footsteps from the stairs we came down from. The others also realize that it's most likely enemy reinforcements!

     Rugal yells to us, [Just go down, and let Bennia and I handle the reinforcements! This is easy for the Sitri peerage. Just save the girl!]

     Bennia giggling like she is having fun says, [Boss go and show them the power of Satan Gold Vampire! I-If you could, can you name a move for me?!]

     What?! Why are my girls looking at me funny? I just pull everyone along and yell back,"I will do my best, good luck you two, and no dying!"

     As we moved down the stairwell to the second basement floor, we heard pathetic whaling as fiery explosions and a wolf's howl echoed across the castle! Damn, who would have thought the Queen piece would be perfect for that guy?! His fire magic is boosted by the Bishop trait of Queen promotion! I think he used three Pawn pieces? Maybe I can steal him from Sona to fill my group. Sure he is a dude but he is super strong! Ah crap, I have Bova also? Future me can think about it.

     When we get to the next floor we see about a dozen noble looking vampires wearing feminine looking outfits from the past. Gasper would even wear those girly-man clothing!

     Noble vampire 1 says,“They are here. Just like the King said.” He picks his ear uninterested.

     Noble vampire 2 mocks,“Yeah, the rumored Gremory group.” He rubs his forehead annoyed.

     Noble vampire 3 adds,“They would be good opponents for us that have been strengthened.” He picks his nose and flicks it on vampire number 4.

     Noble vampire 4 announces,"I am High Lord Nydre Krowsnutz! Matsuda Gremory, I have heard all about you from our bosses, and I find you contemptible!" This is the leader of the group of two dozen elite modified vampires. He scratches his balls, probably from wearing tight pants.

     The Vampires are clearly displaying an arrogant atmosphere. Instead of the soldier’s armor, they are only wearing noble's clothing, but the pressure coming out from their body isn’t comparable to the other soldiers at all.

     The duo of Xenovia and Irina attack first and it seems they did not like that noble retards words!

     Xenovia cutting a few with Ex-Durandal says,"They are almost not affected by holy weapons, this is annoying and it will take too long to deal with them...."

     Irina blasting them with lasers and light swords agrees with her,"Yes my holy light is not very effective!"

     The one waiting for us downstairs is most likely Crom Cruach or Lilith who is the other half of Ophis that is always besides Rizevim. So we can not exhaust ourselves fighting this garbage. Why does this feel like a role-playing game? I cant use my dragon form here due to the fact I would melt the castle with my fire breath weapon, and I need to keep all the demonic power I can for the many boss level opponents. As I am about to pull out Mjölnir...

     Koneko steps forward,“Leave this to me.” Her Touki erupts in bright white light and her body fully develops. When the light fades a bit, we see the older Koneko with a Kuroka body.... I love her Shirone Mode! (A/N picture in the Scribble-hub glossary tab in my novels front page.) Xenovia and Irina retreat back to us.

     Azazel rubs his chin in thought,“Kasha is a youkai that lures the dead to the other world and is called the other form of nekomata. For them who woke up from the dead and turned into vampires, that flame would become the critical strike due to the technique’s trait. The problem is if it would work on them that have lost their weaknesses?”

     Koneko makes many Kasha fire-wheels appear in the air and she makes them go flying towards the vampire nobles that are standing in front of her! The vampires turn into ashes while screaming in agony! One hit kill! Nice so I think I can do the same with my Power of Creation then....

     Nydre Krowsnutz pathetically reviews the fight,“W-Why? Why did she burn them? We were supposed to have gained a body where fire won’t work on us! You are also contemptible!” He then looks speechlessly at the destruction caused by Koneko.

     Koneko flatly tells the stupid vampire,"It’s useless, that fire will not disappear until it burns out the dead spirit. I changed the natural Ki it took inside to a [Power of Purification] by using my senjutsu. It’s not about weaknesses,  you did not change the 'reason and the principle' of your existence, the fire will keep on burning all of you."

     Azazel says,“It’s basically the opposite of Saji’s cursed flame. His flames curse you for eternity with the negative power, while hers purify and make you disappear with the positive power.”

     One vampire managed to grab her arm, but he immediately erupted with white flames and turned him to ash!!!!

     Koneko no, Shirone tells the vampires,"Right now I am the [Power of Purification] itself. You know you will disappear simply by touching me?!" Damn, it's the Anti-Lolicon Defense System!

     Azazel warns me,“Even the 'evil-devil you', shouldn’t touch her in that state, you know? You’ll get purified. That works effectively on those who have evil intentions as well. It will probably work on Evil Dragons too. Obviously the effectiveness will reflect on how well Koneko can use it, but it seems like against these enhanced vampires, they can’t even do anything against her.” I have holy and light immunity, but that is not holy power so it would burn me too.

     Shirone throws her last Kasha fire into the LOWER-belly of the last mini-boss vampire and flatly says,"Vampires can suck it! Insult my Big Brother and burn..." I love her expressionless insults!

     Nydre Krowsnutz pathetically screams,“Daaaaaaaaaaamit!” The last vampire turns into ashes and disappears. Maybe in his next life he will be less of an asshole.... Nah I doubt it.

     Shirone reverts to her Loli mode and leaps into my arms with an expectant smile. So like any good Big Brother would do, I kiss her deeply for upholding justice, cough!


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